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mt  roger

Can someone possibly explain this to me?

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its the ghillie dupe

easiest and most common dupe method atm.

it creates a copy of yourself that has all your loot on it. sometimes you can kill it sometimes you cant.

either way he did the ghillie dupe method

edit: my cousin duped himself at our base before, if someone found our base they would see the dupes and shoot at them; alerting us that there are people assaulting our camp :P

edit2: if you cant kill the copy all you can do is open its bag and take the gear out of that. if you can kill the copy then you can take the bag and his inventory.

Edited by Buffjesus
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standing corpse. I've seen it twice already, once it was a guy who got shot by my friend, alt+f4ed and then tryied to reconnect apparently - after he reappeared he was there standing, and died liek that.

another one was a guy in a ghillie with an as50 in the middle of the nw airfield. still dead but standing.

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Thanks Buffjesus, that pretty much explains the no name player in the server too.

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its the ghillie dupe

easiest and most common dupe method atm.

it creates a copy of yourself that has all your loot on it. sometimes you can kill it sometimes you cant.

either way he did the ghillie dupe method

edit: my cousin duped himself at our base before, if someone found our base they would see the dupes and shoot at them; alerting us that there are people assaulting our camp :P

didn't know this! but the first time i saw a "standing corpse" it wasn't wearing a ghillie...

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didn't know this! but the first time i saw a "standing corpse" it wasn't wearing a ghillie...

if they put civillian clothing back on before logging out the copy will be in civ clothing.

Edited by Buffjesus

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i've seen this happen before a while ago. must have something to do with server lag or desyncing

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I've seen a standing corpse in an Elektro firestation. It was sitting on the first floor of the tower, as if waiting for someone to come up the stairs.

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