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TriKz (DayZ)

Day in DayZ

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Well it started off like this.

My friend and I just got the game recently, so we started up on a server. After dealing with a couple of graphical glitches (unresolved, until restart), we had to try to find each other. Of course, being new in this game, we were completely clueless. I told him to go east and I went west. We didn't find each other till about an hour later (real time), due to the fact that we did not know how big the map was. However, once we did find each other, we set off. My friend, not knowing the hazards of climbing up and down a crane, broke his legs climbing down. I sighed, knowing that morphine would be the only answer. I gave him a Lee Enfield rifle, a Makarov backup, and a couple cans of beans and sodas, along with a set of binoculars, telling him to keep sight of any zombies heading my way.

Off I went, into the industrial complex known as Elektro. After aggroing about half a dozen zombies, I finally managed to scurry into another building, finding a Lee Enfield and a M1911. Happily, I shot down the remaining chasers that had entered the building (red building, one floor only), and scurried out the door. I then approached a church, which I looted. I received only meager medical supplies and no weapons, par another Makarov on the floor. I then proceeded to the hospital, aggroing another 2 zombies, which I proceeded to clean off with my M1911. I then retrieved 2 morphine injectors and 2 blood packs, and ran to my friend on the crane (he had climbed the ladder), with him covering me by picking off the chasing zombies. He soon ran out of ammo however, and I quickly climbed up the ladder. I gave him a morphine injector, more magazines for his Enfield, and looked below. Around 10 zombies waited.

I sighed, and told my friend on Skype that we'd be dead meat if we dropped off, so I figured, why not throw a smoke grenade to distract? It was a great idea, and it worked too, as I was ready to run as soon as I got off the ladder. However, my friend managed to become stuck on the ladder, and fell, knocking himself out. I nearly screamed in frustration, but I managed to gun down the zombies eating my friend, patched him up, and ran for the hills. With no Enfield ammo, a whole mess of zombies, and 1 M1911 magazine, we sped to the church. However, as I made it to the church, my friend was not so lucky. He was then gunned down by what sounded like a AKM from the firehouse, and I sighed, aiming my 1911 at the church doors for what seemed like an eternity. However, gradually, I gave ease, and told my friend to meet up at the church once again. He then was gunned down again and then the server disconnected.

We rejoined another server, and made off to the firehouse. Hoping there was no one there, I stealthily climbed each floor of the firehouse, while my friend was shouting obscenities at the zombies as he spawned and ran to meet me. I managed to find a M1014 as well as MP5SD, along with plenty of shotgun shells. Just as I was looting another pile of ammo, another survivor approached behind me, planting a Makarov round in my back. I turned around, and loaded 3 shotgun shells into his body. Before he could die, he Alt + F4ed. Sadly, I did not have Murder: 1. My friend then finally came, and I gave him the MP5, keeping the 1014 for myself. We then scavenged the school, obtaining 2 ghillie suits in the process, along with plenty of ammo, food, and drink. We then set off for the forest, approaching a nearing castle, as we logged off for the day, with a 200 kill zombie count.

Overall, my first impression was like any other: harsh. But once I kept playing, it was much more fun, and even more so with an actual friend who wouldn't stab me in the back.

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Great story. I remember my first kill. Mine was like yours: it didn't count, except zombies killed him. The reason I wasn't able to kill him? I wasted to mags on him with an AKM and hit him twice because I was so nervous.

Edited by colekern

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