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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

What to do when you've got all the gear besides killing people like an asshole

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i have 19.4k posts on d2jsp, 300+ hours on d3

like 150+ hours of pvp on dark souls xbox (already preordered PC version waiting anxiously for it to be released on PC)

minecraft is the most retarded failure game ever made. its made for people who play games for "fun"

i don't even like minecraft. why don't you go vent your killing thoughts on the other games, then?

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If you find someone without a weapon, they can't be a douchebag. What's the worst they can do? Throw cans at you? (yes, the hatchet is a weapon.)

if someone doesn't have a weapon, then they are forced to communicate. Or alt+f4 if they're retarded.

ah yes, well if you refer to the topic of this thread and what omgwtfbbq has said they would most likely turn on you if you helped them get a weapon.

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Go to the coast, and find someone without a weapon (the ones with weapons will instantly kill you for your stuff, so at least if they don't have a weapon you can contact them safely). Then, offer help.

Then, get shot in the back by the fellow u just gave ur weapons.

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Actually, I agree with this. You should help people. That way, it will be all the more crushing to their psyche when you eventually murder them.

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I'm taking back Cherno. Any help welcome. I'm gonna live in an apartment block, its time to rebuild.

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Friendly: No. Due to broken game mechanics I kill on sight.

Murders: 31 Bandit kills: 7

Days alive: 8

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Friendly: No. Due to broken game mechanics I kill on sight.

Murders: 31 Bandit kills: 7

Days alive: 8

Thats fine,just dont walk into my house. Unit 6, No 8 Zombie Walk, Cherno

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You talk about fresh spawners on the coast like they don't know what they're doing.

If you come down to the coast and protect me whilst I find an Enfield inside 5 minutes and headshot you then more fool you - you protect what is yours - your loot, your people. Fresh spawners on the coast are not your people.

I agree that makes for a boring endgame but that is what it is, I have no doubt what-so-ever Rocket will make it more dynamic at some stage in the future.

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You know, the other day a friend of mine and I were in Cherno searching for a few guillie suits and him being the thrill seeker he is decided to head towards someone firing off a .50 cal like they were sitting in the middle of a zombie horde. So reluctantly I back him up. We go investigate and when we finish we've killed 3 people and found me a new M4 SD and my heart was pumping like I've never felt before from a game. In DayZ I've probably killed under 10 people, and most were spur of the moment kill on sight because I learned my lesson the hard way. This fight was different. I've played more FPS than the OP has probably ever heard of, started with Wolfenstein 3D back when it came out. NEVER, has a game given me the rush this one has doing basically the same thing you do in all FPS, try to outwit and outshoot your opponent(s).

I can't say I'm a huge fan of people sitting in Cherno sniping people that have just spawned, BUT, would Cherno/Electro be intimidating if it wasn't for those people? Currently running around gun-ho is not even remotely dangerous if zombies are the only thing you need to worry about. Run around, go in a building, kill 1-3 zombies at the door, loot, leave and find new building and repeat the process. If zombies are made to run indoors this will obviously be a completely different ball game, but currently that isn't the case.

Killing someone in this game doesn't mean you are an asshole. Asshole of course being completely subjective. You apparently believe anyone that shoots another player is an asshole, I on the other hand have a different opinion. Killing brand new spawns, IMO asshole, killing someone that has helped you ESPECIALLY by giving you a weapon, IMO asshole, using hacks to kill someone, IMO asshole. Other than that I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I qualify as being an asshole move. BUT one of these days you'll learn (I imagine you aren't up there in the age department) that the world is full of assholes, take time to defend you and yours and don't try and spread your carebear attitude, it doesn't go over well in most circles. Except maybe a Green Peace rally, lol.

Quit attempting to impose your will on the whole of this game, people will decide for themselves what they want to do in this game once they've gotten "end-game gear" They don't need to read forum posts to do it. I decided after that firefight in Cherno that I'm joining a clan that will allow me to indulge the adrenaline rush that is a firefight in this game. Not a single post on this forum (cept maybe a few youtube videos) peaked my interest to this method of play enough to get me to search out a fight (thus my friend had to virtually force me into hunting the sniper down). There are a group of people that run around helping people on this forum, find them and help them. Don't try and convince the rest of the 100k + players to do what you want them to do because you don't like them being "assholes." Kill the assholes if you must, that'll help the non-assholes, right? Or does that then make you an asshole? hmmmm paradox you say?

Edited by kayakinack
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To be honest, I don't know what to do anymore. Here's a timeline of my play styles in DayZ, and how they progressed:

1. Fresh start. No idea what to do. Derp around towns, pick up tin cans because why not? End up dying via falling off barn, being eaten, shot, etc.

2. Start learning how to survive by picking up tools and a primary weapon or two. Stay mostly south near the big cities, assuming this is the best way to find items. Eventually die.

3. Edge towards north. Form a group. Begin to loot strategically, hitting deer stands, supermarkets, and the occasional heli crash.

4. Start a camp. Find epic lewtz. Storm the NWAF like nobody's business, and death has little consequence when the camp is full of ARs.

5. Boredom begins to set in. Repetitive cycle of looting with the rare firefight tossed in. Until one day...

6. Fuck it, let's die! Start over, this time for the lulz. Couldn't care less about the big guns and ghillie suits, now is the time to just screw around and have fun. Murderous rampages, suicide missions, and general silliness is expected.

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To be honest, I don't know what to do anymore. Here's a timeline of my play styles in DayZ, and how they progressed:

1. Fresh start. No idea what to do. Derp around towns, pick up tin cans because why not? End up dying via falling off barn, being eaten, shot, etc.

2. Start learning how to survive by picking up tools and a primary weapon or two. Stay mostly south near the big cities, assuming this is the best way to find items. Eventually die.

3. Edge towards north. Form a group. Begin to loot strategically, hitting deer stands, supermarkets, and the occasional heli crash.

4. Start a camp. Find epic lewtz. Storm the NWAF like nobody's business, and death has little consequence when the camp is full of ARs.

5. Boredom begins to set in. Repetitive cycle of looting with the rare firefight tossed in. Until one day...

6. Fuck it, let's die! Start over, this time for the lulz. Couldn't care less about the big guns and ghillie suits, now is the time to just screw around and have fun. Murderous rampages, suicide missions, and general silliness is expected.

was at 4/5

now helicopters are in


Edited by Buffjesus
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Because OP started this thread I'm going to hunt down more and more survivors without weapons.

Can't stand these "OMG YOU KILLED ME ITS NOT FAIR" players.

I got killed plenty of times, guess what. I didn't QQ about it on the forums and try to turn everyone into faggot ass carebears.

I don't mind people helping. Start your own groups and help each other, but don't expect us bandits to do the same.

Edited by ssp0929

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Read my latest post in noob section about this

Link plz. I'm lazy.

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how is camping the barracks self defense? what are you self-defending?

Nazi Germany once self-defended themselves into most of Europe. :ph34r: True story!

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People saying they have nothing to do when they got it all shouldn't play this game. This is a sandbox game where you as player make up the content.

Last night we scouted all towns with the chopper when we saw players we droped 2 players of to "extract" the target. Was fun heehe =DWe tried the tactic with not shoot directly. Didn't go well. We suronded the guy tolled him to lower his gun which he did then logged. He was dead a few minutes later.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

Edited by Alucardi

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You know, the other day a friend of mine and I were in Cherno searching for a few guillie suits and him being the thrill seeker he is decided to head towards someone firing off a .50 cal like they were sitting in the middle of a zombie horde. So reluctantly I back him up. We go investigate and when we finish we've killed 3 people and found me a new M4 SD and my heart was pumping like I've never felt before from a game. In DayZ I've probably killed under 10 people, and most were spur of the moment kill on sight because I learned my lesson the hard way. This fight was different. I've played more FPS than the OP has probably ever heard of, started with Wolfenstein 3D back when it came out. NEVER, has a game given me the rush this one has doing basically the same thing you do in all FPS, try to outwit and outshoot your opponent(s).

I can't say I'm a huge fan of people sitting in Cherno sniping people that have just spawned, BUT, would Cherno/Electro be intimidating if it wasn't for those people? Currently running around gun-ho is not even remotely dangerous if zombies are the only thing you need to worry about. Run around, go in a building, kill 1-3 zombies at the door, loot, leave and find new building and repeat the process. If zombies are made to run indoors this will obviously be a completely different ball game, but currently that isn't the case.

Killing someone in this game doesn't mean you are an asshole. Asshole of course being completely subjective. You apparently believe anyone that shoots another player is an asshole, I on the other hand have a different opinion. Killing brand new spawns, IMO asshole, killing someone that has helped you ESPECIALLY by giving you a weapon, IMO asshole, using hacks to kill someone, IMO asshole. Other than that I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I qualify as being an asshole move. BUT one of these days you'll learn (I imagine you aren't up there in the age department) that the world is full of assholes, take time to defend you and yours and don't try and spread your carebear attitude, it doesn't go over well in most circles. Except maybe a Green Peace rally, lol.

Quit attempting to impose your will on the whole of this game, people will decide for themselves what they want to do in this game once they've gotten "end-game gear" They don't need to read forum posts to do it. I decided after that firefight in Cherno that I'm joining a clan that will allow me to indulge the adrenaline rush that is a firefight in this game. Not a single post on this forum (cept maybe a few youtube videos) peaked my interest to this method of play enough to get me to search out a fight (thus my friend had to virtually force me into hunting the sniper down). There are a group of people that run around helping people on this forum, find them and help them. Don't try and convince the rest of the 100k + players to do what you want them to do because you don't like them being "assholes." Kill the assholes if you must, that'll help the non-assholes, right? Or does that then make you an asshole? hmmmm paradox you say?

+ 2

Beans. Have some.

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You know, the other day a friend of mine and I were in Cherno searching for a few guillie suits and him being the thrill seeker he is decided to head towards someone firing off a .50 cal like they were sitting in the middle of a zombie horde. So reluctantly I back him up. We go investigate and when we finish we've killed 3 people and found me a new M4 SD and my heart was pumping like I've never felt before from a game. In DayZ I've probably killed under 10 people, and most were spur of the moment kill on sight because I learned my lesson the hard way. This fight was different. I've played more FPS than the OP has probably ever heard of, started with Wolfenstein 3D back when it came out. NEVER, has a game given me the rush this one has doing basically the same thing you do in all FPS, try to outwit and outshoot your opponent(s).

I can't say I'm a huge fan of people sitting in Cherno sniping people that have just spawned, BUT, would Cherno/Electro be intimidating if it wasn't for those people? Currently running around gun-ho is not even remotely dangerous if zombies are the only thing you need to worry about. Run around, go in a building, kill 1-3 zombies at the door, loot, leave and find new building and repeat the process. If zombies are made to run indoors this will obviously be a completely different ball game, but currently that isn't the case.

Killing someone in this game doesn't mean you are an asshole. Asshole of course being completely subjective. You apparently believe anyone that shoots another player is an asshole, I on the other hand have a different opinion. Killing brand new spawns, IMO asshole, killing someone that has helped you ESPECIALLY by giving you a weapon, IMO asshole, using hacks to kill someone, IMO asshole. Other than that I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I qualify as being an asshole move. BUT one of these days you'll learn (I imagine you aren't up there in the age department) that the world is full of assholes, take time to defend you and yours and don't try and spread your carebear attitude, it doesn't go over well in most circles. Except maybe a Green Peace rally, lol.

Quit attempting to impose your will on the whole of this game, people will decide for themselves what they want to do in this game once they've gotten "end-game gear" They don't need to read forum posts to do it. I decided after that firefight in Cherno that I'm joining a clan that will allow me to indulge the adrenaline rush that is a firefight in this game. Not a single post on this forum (cept maybe a few youtube videos) peaked my interest to this method of play enough to get me to search out a fight (thus my friend had to virtually force me into hunting the sniper down). There are a group of people that run around helping people on this forum, find them and help them. Don't try and convince the rest of the 100k + players to do what you want them to do because you don't like them being "assholes." Kill the assholes if you must, that'll help the non-assholes, right? Or does that then make you an asshole? hmmmm paradox you say?

i'm not demanding that everyone does this, or that this is the correct way to play this game. it is just a suggestion. something ELSE to do besides shooting.

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Then, get shot in the back by the fellow u just gave ur weapons.

don't give them your gun.

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Because OP started this thread I'm going to hunt down more and more survivors without weapons.

Can't stand these "OMG YOU KILLED ME ITS NOT FAIR" players.

I got killed plenty of times, guess what. I didn't QQ about it on the forums and try to turn everyone into faggot ass carebears.

I don't mind people helping. Start your own groups and help each other, but don't expect us bandits to do the same.

quit raging.

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Apparently, when you got all the gear you start creating dumb threads.

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I completely agree that bandits must exist, an it really does add to the tension of the game which is necessary. What I don't like is that, for all intents and purposes, literally everybody is a bandit, largely because everybody thinks everybody else is a bandit. Even one of my friends is inadvertently becoming one-he guns down everybody he sees more or less (unless I can convince him otherwise), convinced they're probably bandits. But as he does so he's also convinced he is definitely not a bandit. Only way to combat this is, if you dont consider yourself a bandit, don't shoot people. And somehow make all your friends do the same. Then the relatively few die hard bandits will still be a threat, but you don't have to be terrified of every person you see, whether they talk to you or not.

Also, there's literally tonnes of things to do at 'end game'. Unfortunately the permanency is still buggy at the moment (tents vehicles etc.) which means long term goals are a little difficult to realise. Once they get this stuff sorted, prepare for the rise of the Chernorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, the first state in the New Soviet Union.

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