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[QQ] My Thoughts On Hackers!

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If you want to bump my post by posting QQ NOOB STFU (or equivalent) then by all means please do. I will take the free bumps and simply not read your posts. Your trolls do not affect me.

My take on hacking in this game. First off, ARMA 2 has to be one of the easiest games to hack in. Due to the way the game was designed to work, any client can request the server do almost any action. This does not work well for DayZ however. The simple fact is that the game is at a point in which it is "if you cant beat them, join them". I feel as if more and more people are driven to hacking every day just to keep up with the people who are currently hacking. It is like a giant wave that only pushes away those who choose to not hack (nay, refuse to not hack). I have played this game since 1.6 and I see a great deal of potential. However, the devs seem to be focusing on the bugs (ammo duping, etc) rather than the core problem which is the hackers. The ammo dupe was one "legit" way for us to keep up with the hackers. I am not sad it is gone, I knew it had to go eventually but to see it go before the hackers do makes me sad. I understand that this game will not run on ARMA 2 engine forever and will move to a standalone using the ARMA 3 engine (I believe). I think we should have a dev announce that they are aware of the hackers and are taking every measure possible to prevent them in ARMA 3 rather than wasting time doing it in ARMA 2 then again in ARMA 3 shortly after. This makes sense to me, I understand this methodology. I just think we should hear something from Rocket about what his thoughts are.



Rocket should announce his thoughts on the hackers in ARMA 2 DayZ and his future plans for ARMA 3 DayZ (standalone?) in terms of hacking. What measures are being taken in the next engine to prevent this same thing? As it stands now hackers are simply pushing some people away from the games as more and more people jump on the hacking bandwagon to feel like they have a chance to survive.

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It's too early for us to comment to any inquires on the said Standalone.

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Calling them hackers gives them too much credit.

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Nice, I heard/read about Rockets interview and hes aware of the hacking. If there is standalone he will have more control over the game and the core code of the game?

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Yea, this'll be my third time to point this out, but I'll agree that Hackers, in every essence of their being, are evil monsters.

Sadly, Rocket at the moment cannot do anything. Like, literally, he has no power in that field to find a way on who's hacking and who's not. He needs access to the core of Arma2, which only Bohemian has, and unfortunately, he's not an employee. Now yes, it sucks that nothing can be done, and yes, I myself wish something could be done, but it's not realistic.

To be realistic is to all jump in joy the day the game will go Standalone (which I'm sure will not be part of Arma 3) and rejoice that now we have power over the hackers and their nefarious schemes.

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Hackers aren't preventable until the game becomes standalone. Period.

They cannot edit the source, and RV will always remain easy to hack as that is how it thrives, it allows the community to make mods just like this one. Until Rocket gets Bohemia to allow him to edit the source and engine of ArmA3's RV engine, than hackers will remain. He says its easy to block them out after that, but im sure cheaters will still always be around, just in less numbers.

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The major problems is the number of them and the control and effect they have on a server. They can simply connect, push a button, and kill everyone. In a matter of an hour one could kill 12 servers and 600 players

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If you don't like its current state, leave and come back for standalone. Alpha mod on a Beta engine that is known for being moddable will have its hackers, and bugs. Deal with them, and just continue testing, or wait for a playable game.

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Calling them hackers gives them too much credit.

Script kiddies is 1000% more accurate.

As to what Rocket is doing? So far, it seems he's been resorting to script blacklisting.

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