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Spectacularly stupid!

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Well... I have been playing the game for a little over a week now and have already done some pretty stupid stuff. Some of it so spectacularly stupid that I didn't think myself capable of it before I started DayZ.

Starting from Gorka I got lost in the Black Forest, only to arrive on the other side of Gorka half an hour later....

After spawning close to Rog castle, I went there straight away, found some good starting gear, only to fall off the stairs and break my leg...

Being badly hurt already, I literally run into my first helicopter crash, only to find that there are zeds spawning as well...

But my newest stupidity I just need to share with all of you survivors out there...

I had just completed my first grand tour of Chernarus. I had a lucky break with an l85ar aws drop in my second copter crash and I was able to see and loot all the major sites. I already had some run ins with bandits and survivors that probably did not see me as they walked or ran past me. A group of survivors had been running for their lives from some zeds and I even downed a couple of them (zeds, not survivors, of course). So I was feeling pretty heroic when I finally ended up roughly where I started in a deer hut somewhere off the coast.

After rummaging around in the gear that had dropped there, I look up to find that I was pointing at another player called "Animal" 190 meters away (I hadn't even realized that I was on a "recruit" server till then). I tensed because the other player wasn't coming any closer and had probably already spotted me. I also knew I couldn't send him or her a direct message over that distance. I looked through my thermal sights and couldn't spot him or her, I figured he or she was probably behind some bushes or trees. I didn't want to get shot in the gut while I was descending the ladder of the deer hut, so I decided to stay put. "Animal" had been moving around a bit, but not in such a way that I could get him or her in my sights, so I adjusted my zeroing and waited.

And waited... and waited...

A tense 5 minutes later I finally caught a glimpse of my nemesis. It was small, hopped around and had two big ears. The "player Animal" that had given me such a scare was a rabbit... I spared the critters life, lolled a bit and logged off. Too ashamed to play any further tonight..

Edited by AGlumSon
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Make paragraphs, that is just a clutter... no one will read that, Wall of text.

I Read it and it was hilarious.

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Hahaha, very funny story indeed... Though is what hard to read with no paragraphs.

I also read this.

Edited by Wolfcock

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Make paragraphs, that is just a clutter... no one will read that, Wall of text.

I read it just fine and it was pretty damn funny. Nice one OP

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I thought that a story of my stupidity should be accompanied by some stupid lay-outing... but for those of you that want it with paragraphs, I edited it. Now promise you will read it!

Edited by AGlumSon

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LMAO. Its the Boar you need to watch out for, scare me every time!

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haha this is brilliant! although i swear sometimes that the rabbits have it in for me... i never see them EXCEPT for when im crawling near other survivors, trying to get a fix on them, heart pounding, and then all of a sudden one of the little fuckers runs straight across my screen 6 inches away and scares the shit out of me

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Rumors have it there's a white rabbit with nasty, big, pointy teeth somewhere in the north. It is known to have killed many brave and battle-hardened men. They call it the Killer Rabbit of Chernarus. I've also heard you need some special explosives to finish it off.

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Rabbits give me the creeps, especially in open fields.

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