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My most heart-racing journey so far

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It all started this morning when I was trying to get a tent in a trade, I traveled all the way from Elektro to Kamenka to meet up with the other person. The guy I usually play with wasn't on tonight so I thought if I got a tent we could put stuff in it/save things for the next time. Along the way I noticed that my Alice pack had deleted one of the objects I was going to trade, a STANAG mag, so I thought about trying to have a quick stop at the tents north of Cherno. I got in without any trouble, but as I was checking one of the military tents I saw 2 guys run past the entrance to the medical tents both sporting shotguns. I immediately dropped to the floor and edged my way towards the door, looking left I saw one guy crouching checking his inventory and the other guy beside him looking around. I thought I would just wait it out, that they hadn't seen me. Or perhaps they were friendly. I quickly found out they weren't as I heard 2 blasts. I was out of sight and didn't hear any zombies so I didn't know what was going on.

One guy had basically blown off the other guys head. Bandit.

I was nervous now, I went to crouch and made sure my ak74 was set to full-auto. I saw him run into the military tent between my own and the medical tent, so I decided to run for it. I sprinted out the door and made for the hill, as I was coming out he was coming out too, I ran past him and looked back, I saw him reloading his double barrel even though I was running away so I knew he would kill me if he could so I just turned on the spot, heart pumping, and sprayed him down.

There was nothing in the military tents but I found an AKM mag on one of the guys that I was going to substitute into the trade instead. I made for the hills and was on my...merry way. I still had a long way to go to Kamenka. No other action happened until I got there, I avoided all towns but it took about 20 mins of running so It's not very enjoyable. I saved in the trees north of Kamenka and checked my conversation with the guy. Had had been killed. You can imagine my disappointment. That was his last tent, and I had never found one in-game. I decided to check all the houses in Kamenka for the bandit, I was nervous as I felt I had been very lucky so far and didn't want to push it. I went prone and checked every house without any Zed agro, in one of the houses I heard the flies but the body was hidden. That was definitely the place. Empty handed I left for the North, perhaps to salvage something from deer stands along the way.

I set a way-point and was off. I heard footsteps as I was just entering the trees and shots were fired and I heard the ping as they hit the ground beside me. I looked back and saw that he was aiming down the sight so I wouldn't be able to turn on him like the last guy, I just zig-zagged and ran away. He didn't follow. The first deer stand I got to I crawled up and found nothing, except the sound of flies. Not good. I made my way down and crouch-ran off. The second one I got to, as I was making my way up the ladder after avoiding the Z's I glitched off and knocked myself out, broke my leg and started bleeding furiously. The only good thing was that the zombies were not alerted and I was well equipped with medical supplies from Elektro, but nothing to replenish my 7500 blood.

I decided to check residential spots in Pavlovo perhaps there was a tent, but all I got was a trail of zombies but I lost them without any trouble. Deer stands along the way yielded just 1 usable mag for my ak74. After that there was only 1 more obvious place to go, Zelenogorsk. I don't know if any of you make a habit of going there, but if you do you may have noticed the fact that it is probably the worst city for Zombie hoards on the map. I got caught up there before and it took me 10 mins to shake them off as there were too many to shoot. I decided not to take any risks so my stomach hit the floor and I crawled. ALL the way down the hill through about 8 zombies in the first field alone. When I got closer to the shop I saw I was safe to crouch run, or so I thought. 3 guys immediately on my tail but the shop is a quite easy place to lose them in so I wasn't worried. I quickly scanned the loot as I ran into the back. It looked really good, but then I saw the holy grail I was looking for to bring my journey to conclusion, A TENT! I turned right as I went into the back and tried to grab it, I hadn't enough room in my inventory, so I pressed G and started shuffing things about. I had forgotten about the zombies, I heard them coming in through from the front, not only that but another 2 came in the door right across from me to the left. I was stuck in that little section off by itself.

The zombies decided to turn right upon entering, but I waited there for 2 minutes until they all left, all through the door the last two had come in, so they were painfully close. I knew if I shot my gun I could easily have 25 flooding in the doors, no joke, that city is lethal! I creeped into the front again and checked all the loot, and took the good stuff, which included matches, just what I needed. I checked the last spawn point over at the far side across from the door, behind the shelves and saw another set of matches, I once again was juggling around my inventory so I could give them to my friend when he would come on again. I felt it had been an extremely successful journey taking about an hour and a half. This was when the scariest thing in my experience of the game so far happened. I saw someone else. Running in the door. Sporting Camo clothing an AK of some kind...Followed by at least 20 zombies. I was seriously trapped.

Every possible option ran through my head, show myself:probably get shot as they guy is nervous and would definitely panic shoot. Press group chat and say friendly: Far too risky, the zombies were flooding in on both sides of the room, I had no escape if he turned on me...and that has happened far too many times. I could just see it, the second we get out of the situation he would shoot me. I've lost trust in situations like this. Shoot him?: probably had good gear, he was reversing over to me while aiming at the zombies and I had my gun on him. I would have definitely won. However I had everything I wanted and I knew if I shot the zombies would turn their attention to me and as I said before there was no way out. So I just waited...I waited and watched everything unfold in front of me. If he reversed enough he would see me and panic shoot, so I would be forced to shoot him first and then I would die to zombies. He kept coming, and coming, my heart was pounding so hard it drew my attention even in such a tense situation. I was getting ready to shoot him and try to spray my way through the hoard..

Then he ran for the back room. I heard each zombie's blow and as it landed, him forcing his way through. I didn't think he was going to make it, but he somehow wiggled out to the back room. However the zombies kept coming in, they came right up to where the guy had been seconds earlier before they went out back. Heart still pounding, I waited it out. I had gotten away with it?! I didn't care anymore, there was a path clear out the door so I took it. I was FREE!! I sprinted out the door and turned right for the trees. I had a zombie tail but I mean after what had just happened 6 zombies was nothing. I lost them when I weaved through the trees except for one which I gleefully shot between the eyes with my revolver. I made it deep into the forest, went prone and logged off. Nearly 2 hours long, getting exactly what I needed but not quite in the way I imagined, and getting out of 3 near-death situations. It was such a thrilling trip I had to share it! It might not be as thrilling to read as experience but I had to share it all the same haha, I love this game!!

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