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Ever had a dream related to DayZ?

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Last night, I had a dream I was playing DayZ and I was shooting at a player. I don't know if it was a bandit or a friendly(even though, I would ask if they're a friendly first instead of shooting first), but I guess it was a bandit. It was a rather short dream from what I remember. Anyone else had a dream about DayZ?

Edited by Luka25
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I had a dream that every hacker/exploiter was banned and a ghillied ninja cut their hands off in real life... but I can only dream I guess :/

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I had one but, I guess it was a "nightmare" because I was getting shot at and couldn't figure out where from. Then the dream ended with me dying.

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I had a dream about eating a wholesome can of beans, but I'm not sure if that counts towards Dayz. Probably does.

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I had a dream that at Zolonigorsk all these spotlights and shot's were going all over the city, then they all pointed at at my buddies and I, then I heard dogs barking, and they were getting closer, then I go to my tent and wake up.

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I've only played like a couple weeks and I already have. I was endlessly scavenging a house...I dunno it might have been a house I lived in before... looking through all kinds of garbage...and then this freaky dude was staring in the window.

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Yeh I did it was really weird, spent most of the dream hunting someone down with bolt action sniper rifle, finally nailed the guy in the head with a clean shot. successful dream!

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The other day I dreamed I was in concert, in some place I didn't know, I asked a girl about what was the name of this city and she didn't told me, then I opened my map and started looking there lol

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I've had several dreams about the world being engulfed in a zombie apocalypse, but none that take place in chernarus that I know of

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I have a dream that one day this community will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all survivors are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the green hills of Chernorus the sons of former carebearers and the sons of former bandits will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the city of Chernogorsk, a dangerous place, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a full fledged game where they will not be judged by the amount of their loot but by the content of their character.

Had to be done sowwy. :D

Edited by Ankhenaten
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Lol, nice :thumbsup:. I had to read that in a Martin Luther King Jr voice.

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