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Kenya East

Why is night so bright now?

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Night vision goggles are nearly useless on a lot of the softcore servers. Was this in the patch notes at all?

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Good god. You know... there is something... I don't know... some call it "moon". Heard of that phenomenon? It's not allways there, so its not always bright.

Use some commonsense before you go around using hightech stuff like NVGs.

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I've yet to find a server today that has been pitch black like it used to be. I'm not complaining about it not being pitch black because you should at least be able to see your hands, but I haven't been on a server yet that i haven't been able to see near perfectly.

Either the moon has been out in all the servers since the patch, even though it hasn't been like that in the past patches, or they changed something.

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I actually lol'd, I don't think you understand. Our friend here was quite harsh in his explanation though.

The moon is out currently on the servers and it makes then night brighter.

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The day/night cycle is an arma-thing. Same goes for the moon. Depends solely on the date the server is set to. So if they use the current date, that would explain why all servers behave more or less identicall in this matter.

Aside from that, your personal graphic settings ofc also make a huge difference.

Darkest nights are usually with no moon and no clouds.

Sorry for the harshness though, it wasnt really because of this topic.

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It's just that i've been playing for a few days and server hop often and i've never seen it this bright out. All my friends were saying the same thing. They've been playing 2 weeks. Just something that I noticed.

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Yeh like i said: If the servers are tied to our real word date, then the moon-cycle on the servers also depend on that. Got it ?

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Yeh like i said: If the servers are tied to our real word date' date=' then the moon-cycle on the servers also depend on that. Got it ?


Got it.

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I do think the environment is a bit whacked though. Earlier tonight moon was a sliver, still very bright, logged in now and its full.

That being said, some visibility due to moon is good, but I'm showing almost complete cloud cover and its still way too bright.

Needs work still is all.

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the dev mods aren't adjusting the moon - it is part of ARMA

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I reckon there is something a bit buggy with light levels. I always thought the difference between super dark and moonlight was time related but then I've had total dark and been playing next to guys who had bright moonlight at the same time on the same server and sometimes vice versa.

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I reckon there is something a bit buggy with light levels. I always thought the difference between super dark and moonlight was time related but then I've had total dark and been playing next to guys who had bright moonlight at the same time on the same server and sometimes vice versa.

Light is pretty buggy right now, that's what i'm trying to say. One of the biggest things is that when you're actually in game time goes at practically twice the speed with light. For example, stay on a server that's near dusk or dawn then wait until it's almost light out, then re-log into the same server. It will most likely be pitch black again.

I get that there are lunar levels and all of that, but I've never seen it get so bright in just one day. It wouldn't be the first time that a patch unintentionally broke something.

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A lot of people are posting smugly and ignoring the fact that the game's weather syncing system *isn't working properly*

I've had weather and night time lighting change drastically on me at various times throughout the past few days.

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It might have to do with the server restarts. I'm not sure what in-game date they're all supposed to be set to, but it may be changed/reverted every time the server starts up again.

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arma has a real moon cycle. However arma's HDR is well... intresting. Give it 25 days itl be super dark again.

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