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Sniper spawn chances screwed?

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as50's and m107's should be harder to find than a SVD or m24 right? Well to me it doesn't seem to be the case. Since i started playing i have had 6 as50 and 2 m107 and have only ever found 1 m24 from another players body and saw a SVD for the 1st time today before getting shot.

Does anyone else have such a hard time finding these "weaker" snipers? I prefer the m24/SVD to those 2 monsters but i can't seem to find them. Been countless times to the the NW barracks with no luck.

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I dont find sniper rifles, anywhere weak or strong

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put stuff in car/tent.

save car/tent.

take shit out and keep it on your character.

wait for server restart.

car/tent full of duped shit.

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Deer stands still hold the best chance of spawning Lower grade snipers. SVD's are extremely rare for some reason though.

I've found 1 m24 for myself and I'm holding onto it.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 7:34 PM, Gyroslove said:

put stuff in car/tent.

save car/tent.

take shit out and keep it on your character.

wait for server restart.

car/tent full of duped shit.

That is how rare items are in dayz at the moment.

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Thing is m107 and as 50 only spawn at crashed helis, even though the rate is very low there are not that many items that spawn at the heli, especially compared to the barracks.

Barracks on the other hand have a shit loads of gear that can be spawned. Meaning that a low percentage weapon would be even less likely as there are much much more gear with a higher percentage that can spawn.

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There shouldnt be .50 cals in the game to start with. Nor rangefinders and NVG's. They turn the game into a snipers wet dream at the expense of everyone else.

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once you have a vehicle on a 4-6 hour restart server crash sites are easy as hell to farm.

barracks imo is alot harder than driving around the upper map.

we have only ever had 2 SVD camos in our group, both we stole from camps we found.

and 2 M24s which were also taken from camps.

we have found so many m107s / as50s / DMRs that we just leave them at crash sites or put them on zombies and hide the bodies.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 7:34 PM, Gyroslove said:

put stuff in car/tent.

save car/tent.

take shit out and keep it on your character.

wait for server restart.

car/tent full of duped shit.


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Doesn't make much sense to me how it's so much easier to find those 2 monsters with 1 shot kill, yet the weaker snipers never spawn. So badly want a SVD but its so rare and apparently ammo for it is just as rare, only way to get a decent amount is from a ammo box? sigh.

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Only snipers I ever use are the m24, as50, and Dmr. Others I could care less about.

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It's most rare sniper rifle's in game chanse of spawn their so weak. You should hope your luck :D

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  On 7/30/2012 at 7:36 PM, Stridsbulten said:

There shouldnt be .50 cals in the game to start with. Nor rangefinders and NVG's. They turn the game into a snipers wet dream at the expense of everyone else.

After you get a sniper and a ghillie you pretty much get stuck in the question "What now?".

Direct result is running off to a nearby bush and shooting people. That's all there is to DayZ right now.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 7:36 PM, Stridsbulten said:

There shouldnt be .50 cals in the game to start with. Nor rangefinders and NVG's. They turn the game into a snipers wet dream at the expense of everyone else.

wahh wahh wahh wahh I died, it wasn't fair, wahh wah wahhh

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  On 7/30/2012 at 7:59 PM, WisdomSnork said:

wahh wahh wahh wahh I died, it wasn't fair, wahh wah wahhh

You add so much to this discussion! Please tell us where your uncle touched you as a child!

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  On 7/30/2012 at 7:59 PM, WisdomSnork said:

wahh wahh wahh wahh I died, it wasn't fair, wahh wah wahhh

Congratulations on completely missing the point. Problem with reading comprehension maybe? Or just plain stupid? Probably both?

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