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See who killed who in server log?

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There was a hacker recently on my server (US 1126) so I had to close down the server. I watched him kill 3 people with large explosives so I am trying to see it in the logs to ban them.

I see this in the script logs:

_id = player spawn spawn

31.07.2012 04:58:23: Akakiy Dnischev (XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX) b849b64dd4d4b7bf7ac6fbe7aaf8792d - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane")



_v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction";

31.07.2012 04:58:23: Akakiy Dnischev (XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX) b849b64dd4d4b7bf7ac6fbe7aaf8792d - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction";



if (_v iskindof "tank")




31.07.2012 04:58:57: Gino (XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX) bbb876907b5b7371715a5f74bb7b1880 - #27 awn player_alertZombies;

Edited by TheLaughingMan

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Hey you don't need to be a hacker to use explosives... I mean if he was carpet bombing entire towns then that's understandable, but if it is a guy with a few M203 HE's or a few grenades, then you kinda shut your server down for no reason and caused all that trouble for no reason, right?

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Sorry bro, I know what admins have to go through, but for some reason I think it was a waste of everyone's time for you shutting down your server, ok so he shot 10 explosives? I can easily do that, M203 takes like no time to reload, and they aren't exactly hard to find.

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But you sure as hell can kill 3 people pretty fast with 10 rounds, it would take maybe 25-30 seconds to shoot off all those rounds.

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Sassy have you played Dayz before? Is it really that hard to believe that it may have been a scripter? Come on, they are EVERYWHERE.

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lol i guess u are talking about me ? i had idd 15 HE for my gun, and and some c4's does that makes me a hacker wtf? and yes you can fire them almost instantly......

what a joke.

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