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Revive other places from death.

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Now before everyone comes in here yelling hear me out.

I already know you can use the pen to bring a player back when they are knocked out but I think there should be some defibulators in the game. They can take up 4 squares in a bag or backpack and are destroyed when used. Also they can only be used on a player for 30 seconds after death. I think this would really encourage people to stop lone wolfing it.

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While I think more ways to heal and revive would add depth, bringing players back from total death should never be possible in a survival game...

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Because when you get hit in the face with a .50 cal or get sprayed with an entire clip of bullets all you need is an electric shock and bam, right back up again, no problems. Right?

Edited by Xaiier

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i don't think those guys in game are trained to first aid or rehanimation...they barely can bandage themselves, and they are even too good at it i think

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May have have a place, but you've presented it badly.

Also even a mobile version would be too big and heavy to be carried. Although give players generators and that to build a 'med-centre' (player driven, stop asking for ready made set-ups) and why not? you'd need a chopper or a fast car to get them there though...

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Can you seriously goddamn stop? You aren't helping at all. Post reasons or anything. Even if you think the idea is the stupidest thing in the world, post in a collaborative way. Don't just post a goddamn video that says one single word. Edited by Yatagan

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a defib isnt going to help a man with 7 holes in his head.

A bandage isn't going to keep my leg on if its just been blown off by a .50 cal round either. A steak doesn't give me new blood. If i hit your head with i hatchet it isn't going to break your legs. Guns and ammo don't bubble up out of the ground.etc. ETC.

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NOBODY on this forum knows what a defib is for. They are to restore a regular heartbeat, not to start back up a stopped heart. Even if that was the purpose, a defib wouldn't fix a heart stopped by gunshot wounds, the heart would have almost no blood pressure even if it could be restored, and no blood would be able to be pumped if you look like Swiss cheese.

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i wouldnt be against it if it wasnt possible to do it to a player who was shot in the head AND the action taken would lock the player performing it from doing anything for ~5min AND it took the place of the backpack(like previously stated a defibrilator is of no use to someone whos heart has stopped due to blood loss from a gunshot wound so it would only be reasonable that the defibrilator is a part of a larger field trauma kit with most of the necessities you would need to treat someone in the field + bloodbags). forcing one into the role of a medic and to ensure you wont see 2man groups ninja reviving eachother like you can in battlefield. but i would propose that players shot in the body instead enters a near death state where a player has to use the defib/trauma kit on him within a reasonable ammount of time.

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Because when you get hit in the face with a .50 cal or get sprayed with an entire clip of bullets all you need is an electric shock and bam, right back up again, no problems. Right?


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Anyway... This idea would not work. Yes it would have some people group up rather than lone wolfing it. But, it would also remove the fear of death when playing in a group and make the game much less of a challenge.

DayZ is not a snap shooter and should not be treated as one.

Edited by Riordin

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I like how half of you are claiming you can't revive from a headshot but in this game you can fix broken limbs with morphine. Hmm...

Edited by Ace

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No. Permanent death is one of the best features in this game and adds so much to the atmosphere and how it's played.

Edited by Abruzzi

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