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Spit balling some ideas.

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DayZ is probably one of the best things to happen to PC gaming since Half Life, so there's nothing I want more then to see it progress and reach its maximum potential.

Thought I'd throw out a couple of ideas I would like to see implemented and introduced to the game to further the experience.

Its certainly common in game to discus with those I play with new ideas base on our experiences, so hopefully we will use this thread to throw in our own two cents.

1) Keys for vehicles you repair.

Nothing worse then spending time and effort collecting parts and fixing up a vehicle only to save, log off and even when you think you have parked it in the most remote location in the game, you log back in to find your tent raided and the vehicle gone in less then a 24hr period. (Especially if its a Huey and you come back to find it on fire, hugging a tree)

Though this would completely alienate vehicles from people, a way this could work is if you automatically receive a key when you fix up a vehicle and other then this keys do spawn in residential areas, but are incredibly rare. This way; either you put in the effort of fixing a vehicle to be able to use it, or blind luck allows you to take a vehicle show you stumble across it.

Alternatively, keeping with the idea that you receive a key when you fix up a vehicle, for anyone else the vehicle will require certain items to hot wire it, hopefully narrowing down the off chance of someone stumbling across a vehicle and instantly being able to ride off and crash it somewhere without putting in any effort. It will add a goal if you come across a working car you want to steal if you know you have to go find a tool box and some jump cables or something if you want to take it.

2) Underground storage/ Buried treasure.

Simply I would like the option to hide equipment I have found and not have to rely on a tent that seems to simply be found regardless of how well you think you have hidden it.

I like the camp me and my friends have constructed, 8 tents multiple fireplaces, good amount of barbed wire, but no real security. All it takes is one person to locate the camp and it become new looting spot for that one person, to raid on a daily basis, with caution. If there was some way that you could bury items, so that they are a little more concealed, but still accessible to those who manage to luck out and stumble across it (Can only be seen if stood directly on top of), then it would be a nice feature to have the option of potentially storing items of great value relatively securely and if someone finds it then kudos, buried treasure. Just try to remember where you buried it.

These are just a couple of thoughts discussed during a game last night, I'm sure I will add more suggestions, but I cannot wait to see this game has to offer in the future.

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Yes to #2!

Been thinking about the same. I'd love to find a shovel somewhere, dig a hole, and bury my single spare backpack into the ground with stuff in it.

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i like the bury Idea, the keys thing has potential like that you'd have to get other gear to jack it

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