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Droprates of stuff & values of buildings

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Throughout this thread I shall be making reference to this: http://dayzdb.com/map/

Okay, basically on this there are three types of value building for each type (low, medium, high) and I've seen it on other maps too.

What does value indicate? Does it indicate the number of loot spawns in there or the probability of rarer items is increased?

Then there is the droprates; on that map, if you click a building, it'll list it's loot types. Residential, industrial etc all share one loot table no matter what the value is. Listed for residential is Ghillie Suits; these have the same droprate as Camping Tents, Czech Packs, Camo Clothing, Winchester's & Crossbows in text, but in reality it seems very unlikely. After hours of searching the apartments in Cherno, I've probably seen around 7 Camo Clothing's, 8 Winchesters, 2 Crossbows and too many Czech Packs, with about 1 ghillie suit. Is it just bad luck or are ghillies actually more rare than the items listed above with the same droprate?

Just looking for some clarification.

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