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If good weapons were harder to get...

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...you'd have more cooperation in this game, while at the same time giving robbery / banditry back it's purpose

Sure, you'd still have the occasional asshole killing new players with a makarov / enfield "for the lulz", but if getting better guns actually required teamwork, there would be more teamwork

Maybe add a new kind of zombie type to spawnpoints that can spawn good / military gear - slower, but way more aggressive and huge hoards of them, so that a single player can't just lead them into a house and kill them one by one.

Right now a hatchet is all you need to survive all the pve aspects of this game. So once a player finds this awesome DMR / M24 / AKM / etc, what's he gonna do with it? Snipe zombies? Nah, he'll just kill players, since that's the only purpose of good weapons

oh and decrease the overall chance of military gear, i shouldn't be running around with an ak 10 minutes after i spawned

Again, I dont want banditry removed - i want cooperation to be encouraged (by making it way, WAY more difficult to get good stuff) and banditry should be given back it's purpose (which is being a bandit, not random DMing because you have nothing else to do)

Just an Idea I had, I'm sure there are drawbacks to it that I don't see yet, so i'm looking for input before creating a properly formatted post in the suggestion area

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I suspect that it will take more than just this to create random cooperation in DayZ, but I think your suggestion sounds like a reasonable experiment to take towards moving the game in this direction.

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Making weapons more rare encourages me personally to kill people for their rare gear. Now I have good gear and can kill people more easily since they're I'll equipped to handle me.

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I agree that military grade weapons should be even harder to acquire, and even more rare to find when you finally get to this hard earned position you had to fight through.

Even then, mags should be way harder to come by so you have to be wiser with your bullets.

I say make SOME buildings only enterable after two players work to restore electricity or something to access a building. One payer trying to do that alone should be possible, but much-much harder. Could be done with instances based areas maybe.

I say make most food and drink products much more rare too... But that might increase pvp..

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Making weapons more rare encourages me personally to kill people for their rare gear. Now I have good gear and can kill people more easily since they're I'll equipped to handle me.

I'm not just talking about making it rare, I'm thinking it should be nearly impossible for a single player to get good weapons / ammo

Maybe give military zombies weapons. They're infected right? They can swim and climb ladders. So why should they not be able to use their weapons. If you had to kill infected military zeds with snipers / assault rifles / pistols, i'm sure that would encourage cooperation.

Meh, I don't know, I'm no game designer, i just notice that the only point of good weapons is pvp and everybody gets good weapons way too easily.

So I think we need to have not just a pvp-reason for military weapons, but also a way you can (and have to) use them in pve together with other players while at the same time making it harder to get good weapons to begin with

Edited by Elo

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There is no way to make it impossible for solo players to get weapons. I could always loot one from a dead player.

The game is very young, if you stick with it you will see team play rewarded and more "end game" content as the game evolves and grows.

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There is no way to make it impossible for solo players to get weapons. I could always loot one from a dead player.

The game is very young, if you stick with it you will see team play rewarded and more "end game" content as the game evolves and grows.

Exactly, you kill a player with good gear for their ammo / weapons. That's the point, you don't just DM, you have a reason to kill them.

If you just killed new players on the coast all day, you'd quickly run out of ammo. Drastically limiting weapons / ammo (and making military zeds more difficult) discourages the killing of worthless targets while forcing you to cooperate with potentially dangerous players (imagine the paranoia) just to get some spare new mags

Edited by Elo

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Rare gear is not rare anymore, once it was pretty hard to find, it's all been hacked in or duped over and over.

The weapons list needs a revision, rare gear is a bad thing IMO.

Edited by Mutagen_7B4

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Dont think it would change much in the current state of the game. Reasons below.

Heres my problem...It all depends on the setting. If Cherno was American then this game doesn't have 1/20th the amount of guns it should have. That and you should find an AR in one out of three homes in game. I mean for example I have enough guns to arm all of the above posters and a couple more to come. Thats just my home I know alot more people like me....If this game were set in the UK where guns are gun are not the social norm. Then yes limit them...

Just like one poster said. He and I would spend our time PK'ing for gear rather than finding it. Im no bandit..but its dog eat dog in Dayz and I eat alot of dog.

Alot of the in INFLUX of weapons is from people who "dupe" double gear and "hackers" script kiddies and "ghosters" server hopers...Once the game goes standalone alot of the problems will be cleaned up and gear will once again be rare. Honestly once half of that is removed then guns would be twice as rare. Just my 2cents.

P.S. The easy fix is server side saved characters...But that entails alot.

PP.S. I know cherno is fictional but it should have an AK in every home. Also a couple RPG's.....

P.P.S.S. Setting also enteils time frame if this apocalypse was say 20 years after the fact then I could see less guns. But as of right now there are more guns on this planet than people....

Edited by RyBo

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I'm not saying I'm against it but making them harder to obtain does not have any relation to a person's KoS mentality. The same goes with making more zed spawns, more challenging zeds, as well as lower ammo spawn.

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...you'd have more cooperation in this game, while at the same time giving robbery / banditry back it's purpose

Sure, you'd still have the occasional asshole killing new players with a makarov / enfield "for the lulz", but if getting better guns actually required teamwork, there would be more teamwork

Maybe add a new kind of zombie type to spawnpoints that can spawn good / military gear - slower, but way more aggressive and huge hoards of them, so that a single player can't just lead them into a house and kill them one by one.

Right now a hatchet is all you need to survive all the pve aspects of this game. So once a player finds this awesome DMR / M24 / AKM / etc, what's he gonna do with it? Snipe zombies? Nah, he'll just kill players, since that's the only purpose of good weapons

oh and decrease the overall chance of military gear, i shouldn't be running around with an ak 10 minutes after i spawned

Again, I dont want banditry removed - i want cooperation to be encouraged (by making it way, WAY more difficult to get good stuff) and banditry should be given back it's purpose (which is being a bandit, not random DMing because you have nothing else to do)

Just an Idea I had, I'm sure there are drawbacks to it that I don't see yet, so i'm looking for input before creating a properly formatted post in the suggestion area

no. for the reason that not everyone has friends to play with.

infact probably alot of people like to play by themself.

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