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Kalle (DayZ) spawnbug still appears

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after the latest hotfix, the spawnbug still appears. after respawn , 1600 - 2000 blood ... cant fix myself , cant respawn from beach.

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Actually, I'm having a similar issue. I spawn in a random town with broken bones and bleeding out at 250- Blood. Can't do much, other than wait.

Was the update uploaded improperly, or what's going on?

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I manage to respawn after jumping between different servers.

But now im back in the spawnbugg again :/

I guess we just have to be patient

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Server owners have not all updated their HIVE files (hive updated).

They need to contact us if they have self-managed servers. We will be turning off the old HIVE shortly, so if you can't login to a server you know why.

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Server owners have not all updated their HIVE files (hive updated).

They need to contact us if they have self-managed servers. We will be turning off the old HIVE shortly' date=' so if you can't login to a server you know why.


So, despite the server having titled that they are currently updated to version, there's a chance that spawning will not work there either?

Well, guess patience is necessary in an Alpha game. Time to wait. :sleepy:

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