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Minutes for murders! Solving the "shoot on site".

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1min per -1k humanity. max 5-10min wait on respawn. So regardless if you had -1k or -100k, 5-10mins max.

If both players are positive humanity, one opens fire. Other defends and kills. You will not go to -1k off 1 survivor kill. Self defense or not.

Took me 2 kills to become a bandit.

Would force bandits to go for targets worth the time, such as one showcasing a spanky gun or backpack. For if you are already a bandit, you will get another -1k per kill easily.

Anybody that flat out disagrees with any type of system for this. Just plain out wants to play deathmatch and not survive anyway.

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You will not go to -1k off 1 survivor kill. Self defense or not.

Except this isn't always the case. Every now and then you lose a ridiculous amount of Humanity for a single kill. I've gotten from 3k to -6k a few times' date=' by simply shooting a survivor that could form a threat with his heavy weaponry aimed at me.

Anybody that flat out disagrees with any type of system for this. Just plain out wants to play deathmatch and not survive anyway.
Exactly, and this is what ruins the game for a lot of us. There is no proper reason to go on a random killing spree in a zombie apocalypse, there should be a better system so that avoiding murdering someone actually has benefits.

Respawn linked to humanity like this is a bad idea, though. You keep your humanity level across deaths, which would mean your 1-minute-old character can still have -8k humanity, which would mean a seriously long spawn time.

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I think this is a very bad idea. I oppose any respawn time based on murders or humanity.

If you can't handle bandits, move away from the coast. It's what I do.

Respawn timer based on death in the last x hours on the other hand, that I'd like. With that both PKers and non-PVPers get punished for dieing to often and they might start smartening up (i.e. not exploiting insta-respawn for free PVP-Makarov and ammo, not staying in the most dangerous zone on the whole map without a group, not dashing from loot location to loot location dieing repeatedly to Zs to find decent gear).

Yes, the current spawning system is exploitable (by both PVPers and non-PVPers), but minutes for murders neither repairs it nor is it fair.

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Cant we make alts?

If my respawn timer got too high I'd just delete the current profile and make another in about one minute.

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Anybody that flat out disagrees with any type of system for this. Just plain out wants to play deathmatch and not survive anyway.

So because I think its poo I want to deathmatch everyone in sight?

Well, I'm not very good then as I've currently got near 300 zombie kills and only one murder.

Please don't make such silly statements without basis in fact. People need to understand that PVP is a part of the game, it has always intended to be, and it has been stated its a core part of the gameplay.

You cant punish people for playing the game as it's designed to be played.

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Cant we make alts?

If my respawn timer got too high I'd just delete the current profile and make another in about one minute.

No that doesn't work, since your DayZ character is tied to your game ID, not your profile. You can't avoid a respawn timer except by buying a new copy each time.

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