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Accidental Duplication:

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OK community, my friend was on DayZ and after climbing over that bench in the NWA barracks he broke his leg, i was still some while away with the morphine so he aborted until i was closer to arriving.

When he logged back in he was unconscious and his ARMA2:OA stopped responding, so he had to close, and load again.

Upon loading back in he was taken to the character loading screen, it's hard to describe but not the Male or Female selection screen, but the one where you can see others in front of you.

So anyway i asked, "where is your body? I'll protect it for you."

After telling me it was in the first room of the barracks i ran there, and there was his body. I looted his sniper and M4A1 for him and then when he finally loaded into the game he was alive. He still had all of his gear and there was his body on the ground, duplicated.

So we looted all the spare ammo and i took myself his sniper and swapped out my M16 for his M4A1. There is still a fair bit of ammo, blood bags and morphine, along with all the tools and a coyote backpack on his body. It is the most southern barracks at NWA on US 737. First room after jumping the bench.

I know everyone will post stuff about it being a trap but im advising you to believe me. He felt pretty bad about the dupe despite it being accidental, therefore we are letting everyone know where it can be found and on what server (US 737). So yeah, if you take the chance you will be more than happy :)

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Eh, I've seen that happen a few times. I've watched friends log in in front of me to have them crater out of the sky and die, then appear on their corpse a few seconds later will everything still on them.

I wouldn't worry about it, it's an alpha so bugs happen and finding them is actually one of the main purposes.

If he logged off that server though, his body will have disappeared.

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I've logged out in a barn before, and logged back in to find out my character was still standing in the same position that I logged out in. I tried shooting myself in the face but nothing happened. It was a statue. I managed to dupe my FNFAL.

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I have respawned before after dying with all my equipment, best I can gather was the server wasn't synced to the hive properly. In the 15 seconds or so it took me to respawn, the server didn't sync my death with the hive so the hive sent my pre-death data back to the server.

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Heard gunshots at the nwa on an almost empty server and then silence, found the guy had died from a swarm and for that reason i looted his corpse but there were two of his bodies and two of us in the group, ghillies, guns, ammo, gps and nvg for all 2 \0/

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I know some of my friends log in dead, then re spawn with all their stuff at the coast. Then they go back to where they died, and their corpse is still there with all his stuff. My friend was still mad cuz it took me 30 mins just to get back to were he was.

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