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We setup our own private server and have been having a blast...

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I know...I know...it's against the rules and all that jazz, yadda yadda, but it's saved DayZ/Arma 2 from being just another game in my pile of games that I played for a few days and never went back to. For all I know, I might get in trouble just for even posting this, but I think the game can be played and enjoyed by some of us even though we don't particularly enjoy the current 'public server' state . Let me explain.

I originally picked up the game after I saw it on an episode of a podcast (Totally Rad Show) I watch. It looked right up my alley, so I got Arma 2/Operation Arrowhead, grabbed the updater and off I went. I didn't even try Arma 2, but the first night I went right into DayZ and had a blast! I picked an empty server to get a feel for the game, and while I died a few times, it was awesome. The atmosphere was perfect, creeping and crawling my way to some house with an open door, freezing and grimacing when I think I've been noticed and then that moment of panic when you've been spotted and have to jump up to run for your life. Just brilliant! The excitement I had when I found my first weapon, but still not feeling safe because I know the sound of a gunshot will bring more zombies than I can handle. DayZ is what I had always wished for when I played Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island, etc.

My first thought was, "I need to tell the guys about this." We have a group of 6 or 7 of us that live in various parts of the country, but like to get together online to game. Once or twice a week, whoever is around will send out a few texts/IM's, see who is around and then hop online, jump on voice chat and play some games together. Depending on what everyone is interested in we'll play games like Company of Heroes, Supreme Commander L4D/L4D2, Payday, etc. We generally like playing stuff co-op against the AI. We enjoy that, and after having played DayZ, I was sure most of the guys would love it.

The next day I jumped onto a more populated server and quickly began to realize that most players were killing everyone else on sight. This wasn't the 'survival' game I had thought I found on that empty server, this was CoD Black Ops Deathmatch with zombies thrown in. All with caveat of you'd waste two hours of crawling around and scrounging supplies only to take a sniper round in the face and have to start over. Now I'm not complaining, and I can understand why the players are doing killing others as soon as they spot them, but it suddenly turned this awesome game into something that I wasn't enjoying at all. I knew the other guys wouldn't be into playing on a populated public server and getting killed by zombies/other players ten times before we saw each other.

I assumed I could just set up a server on my own for us to play on, but once I found out that wasn't 'officially' possible, I was sad. The game had such potential for all of us to have a great time playing, but it wasn't going to work. I had read there were ways to setup 'private' servers and after a bit of experimenting we got one up and running. I wasn't doing it to take anything away from other gamers and it's nothing special, but it's handled 5 or 6 of us at a time without a problem. It's not connected to the hive in any way, and that's fine by us. We don't want to cheat in any way and get stuff on the server and bring it to the public servers, we just want to enjoy the glory and fun of of the game, playing co-op and such without having to worry about bandits mugging our camps, stealing our stuff, or killing us every time we go into a city. I know some people enjoy the pvp aspect of the game, and that's awesome for them, but it's just not our cup of tea.

I'm sure we're not the only ones out there that feel this way. Just about every MMO out there sets up pvp servers, and there's people that love that, but for every pvp server, there's probably 5-10 pve servers for people who'd rather play without pvp. I love the game and the potential of what it can become, but I don't enjoy playing on the public servers in their current state. Between all of us, we've spent about $200 on purchasing Arma 2, and while I know that doesn't help the DayZ folks at all, I do know all of us would buy a standalone version of DayZ if it catered to letting us setup small co-op servers for our own use. I think a lot more people would get into the game and buy/enjoy it if there was some single player and small/private server aspects built right into it. This way you can cater to both the pvp and pve crowd and everyone would enjoy the game.

Edited by MeatballCB
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Um you do know this game is NOT an MMO right?


and yay for boring private servers where you just horde all the vehicles and do NOTHING after you are finished grabbing everything and shoving it in tents

your server must be "fun"

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Um you do know this game is NOT an MMO right?


and yay for boring private servers where you just horde all the vehicles and do NOTHING after you are finished grabbing everything and shoving it in tents

your server must be "fun"


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Private servers: "We just want a pve experience! Now that we got all this awesome gear though, we may was well go check out a public server..."

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Hehe, nice responses, not like I expected any different. :) We do actually enjoy it. Does that really have any effect on you and ruin your gameplay at all? I'm just saying that not everyone wants to play in a pvp deathmatch.

I mean, I like Sushi, and I know some people that don't. I don't call them idiots for not liking sushi. Everyone has their own tastes.

Edited by MeatballCB
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Um you do know this game is NOT an MMO right?

Yeah, such a shame it isn't. It could have been so much better if it was.

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private servers are a great place too fool arround and learn not to get attached to your items. (you get PKed alot)

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I'm pretty sure I read something official somewhere that said at some stage the PVE server option will be more viable and separate from the PvP hive. So while I can see why those in favour of PvP (I myself quite enjoy the PvP element) may be dubious the PvE option should still be a possibility, there just needs to be restrictions on goodies (vehicles, weapons, supplies, kit etc) transferring.

Also I'd just like to add just because YOU don't like a particular method/mode of play doesnt mean it shouldn't be included or accommodated somewhere, this is a SANDBOX game after all.

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Um you do know this game is NOT an MMO right?


If it does go F2P, as has been heavily suggested by Dean Hall, it soon will be MMO!

Edited by Box

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I'm pretty sure I read something official somewhere that said at some stage the PVE server option will be more viable and separate from the PvP hive.

I would love for you to find that source because the one I have, the DayZ FAQ basically says "No. Get off the coast or go play another game."

As for the OP nobody is claiming you're ruining their experience, they're just a bit bemused that you can enjoy DayZ without its core component. Zombies, especially in their current state, are an absolute joke with more than one player.

So you and your friends are basically playing a game whose core mechanics are "pick stuff up" and "drive vehicles around in order to pick stuff up."

If that's honestly what you guys enjoy, and you can make it interesting long term, then more power to you. But you will forgive me if I think that says something about your appreciation of the finer points of game design.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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I'm pretty sure I read something official somewhere that said at some stage the PVE server option will be more viable and separate from the PvP hive. So while I can see why those in favour of PvP (I myself quite enjoy the PvP element) may be dubious the PvE option should still be a possibility, there just needs to be restrictions on goodies (vehicles, weapons, supplies, kit etc) transferring.

Also I'd just like to add just because YOU don't like a particular method/mode of play doesnt mean it shouldn't be included or accommodated somewhere, this is a SANDBOX game after all.

Agreed. I definitely don't think any type of 'private' server should be connected to the hive in any way at all. Way too much chance for someone to hack their way into crazy gear and such to go maul a public server. A private server should be self contained and not connected to the online server lists or hive at all.

And we might get bored on a private server, who knows. If that's the case, and we want some more excitement, well, we can jump on the public servers. But I know for a fact if the public server experience was the first experience with the game for most of our group, they'd not be interested in playing.

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I just started playing saturday but I absolutely see your point. I do miss a "sandbox" where I can get to know the system and introduce other new players without the fear of running into an unknown human. As for a private server, I agree. That was the first thing I tried, looking for a sandbox and I don't see why they shouldn't include this. I'm currently playing on low populated servers as I'm scared to death to meet another human. That is part of the fun for me though, but if you and your crew are having fun, I don't see where all the hate is coming from.

Edited by Rakrul

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I just started playing saturday but I absolutely see your point. I do miss a "sandbox" where I can get to know the system and introduce other new players without the fear of running into another human. As for a private server, I agree. That was the first thing I tried, looking for a sandbox and I don't see why they shouldn't include this. I'm currently playing on low populated servers as I'm scared to death to meet another human. That is part of the fun though but if you and your crew are having fun, I don't where all the hate is coming from.

Yeah, we're enjoying it. I'm not saying we'll enjoy it forever, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But I can't imagine that the dev's originally thought that every server would become trigger happy death fests either. I'm sure they were thinking, some people would turn bad and go bandit, others would band together, etc, but it's just to the point where it's easier to shoot someone and not worry about getting shot yourself.

I don't know where the hate is coming from either. Sorry we don't all like being running targets for you guys with sniper rifles :)

Edited by MeatballCB

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As for a private server, I agree. That was the first thing I tried, looking for a sandbox and I don't see why they shouldn't include this.

For the same reason they're not going to spend time setting up options for "no zombie" servers. DayZ's core threat mechanic is PvP. The balance of the game rests upon its presence. The game ceases to work as a whole experience If you remove it. Players playing the game without PvP are not experiencing it as the designers intended. It is no longer DayZ. And if you don't want to play DayZ, you should just not play it.

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I just started playing saturday but I absolutely see your point. I do miss a "sandbox" where I can get to know the system and introduce other new players without the fear of running into an unknown human. As for a private server, I agree. That was the first thing I tried, looking for a sandbox and I don't see why they shouldn't include this. I'm currently playing on low populated servers as I'm scared to death to meet another human. That is part of the fun for me though, but if you and your crew are having fun, I don't see where all the hate is coming from.

No hate here, its just pretty much a given that these clowns will play on their private server, get tons of good gear, get bored, and eventually go to a public server and harass people playing legitimate.

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Hehe, nice responses, not like I expected any different. :) We do actually enjoy it. Does that really have any effect on you and ruin your gameplay at all? I'm just saying that not everyone wants to play in a pvp deathmatch.

I mean, I like Sushi, and I know some people that don't. I don't call them idiots for not liking sushi. Everyone has their own tastes.

To continue your sushi analogy what you've made is a new sushi roll which is basically just white rice wrapped in seaweed, no seasoning. Quite a challenge you've got there! Congratulations you adventurer, you!.

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i would so love to setup and private server and play with my freinds who love to pve this game balls to all of you who just shoot others and again so what if they get ''all the good grear'' ive got good grear and i play on the main servers so i must be hording my dmr and starter back pack oh and that can of beans to you better come shoot me for it ffs

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To continue your sushi analogy what you've made is a new sushi roll which is basically just white rice wrapped in seaweed, no seasoning. Quite a challenge you've got there! Congratulations you adventurer, you!.

ugh can you imagine just eating seasoned rice and seaweed with no fish/filling in it?

doesn't sound too appetizing does it...

but i guess it sounds delicious to a very... very select few...

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To continue your sushi analogy what you've made is a new sushi roll which is basically just white rice wrapped in seaweed, no seasoning. Quite a challenge you've got there! Congratulations you adventurer, you!.

And to take your analogy even further, if you have someone that doesn't like Sushi at all, do you sit them down and feed them Octopus and Eel? No, you start them on the easy stuff like Avocado or California Rolls and let them work their way up. :)

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I would love for you to find that source because the one I have, the DayZ FAQ basically says "No. Get off the coast or go play another game."

I certainly didn't dream about an official source talking about PvE solutions and it was fairly recent source. Let's face it, it's a fairly logical step anyway. Besides that you'd be pretty naive to think that the inception of this mod wont' and indeed haven't swayed (for better or for worse) with it's massive popularity boost.

For example food/water reducing when offline - tweaked, limited servers - gone, forced server times - not a n issue any more because of server availability, pitch black darkness - gone... these are just off the top of my head things that were argued as "fundamental" to the gameplay and wouldn't be changed that have all been tweaked/removed due to the popular demand.

I'm still not convinced the entire project hasn't swayed from a labour of love to a money printing exercise yet as the inception talked about a very specific game and approach that cannot possibly work if the game goes retail, or even worse F2P.

Edited by Box

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I certainly didn't dream about an official source talking about PvE solutions and it was fairly recent source.

Then finding it should not be a problem? I spend an awful lot of time reading about DayZ. I think something like this would have registered on my radar.

Maybe not, granted. I might have missed it. I'll be happy to read or listen if you can find it.

Let's face it, it's a fairly logical step anyway.

No, it's really not. PvP is the primary threat mechanic in the game. DayZ without PvP is just as "logical" as DayZ without zombies.

Not to mention it is a completely unnecessary distraction for the team. The day they add PvE servers is the day the forums start crowding with people complaining that PvE isn't getting enough attention and the latest patch doesn't do enough for PvE and there needs to be more "end game" content for the PvE players and "favoritism" and "slap in the face" and a ton of ridiculous bullshit that they really don't need to hear.

Besides that you'd be pretty naive to think that the inception of this mod wont' and indeed haven't swayed (for better or for worse) with it's massive popularity boost.

They haven't so far and until you provide this source of yours I have no reason to believe they will.

For example food/water reducing when offline - tweaked, limited servers - gone, forced server times - not a n issue any more because of server availability, pitch black darkness - gone... these are just off the top of my head things that were argued as "fundamental" to the gameplay and wouldn't be changed that have all been tweaked/removed due to the popular demand.

None of those things were labeled as fundamental to game play? Also, pitch black darkness is certainly not gone and the only reason they aren't cracking down on servers right now is because they don't have the staff to police them and they're not going to devote resources to a system that they're about to abandon when DayZ goes stand-alone.

Have your fun now, but you can bet your ass when DayZ goes stand-alone they're not going to abide all these abusive admins and ridiculous bullshit like passworded clan servers or "banned for PvP" servers.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I enjoy private servers. I haven't set one up myself, but I play on a couple more often then normal servers now. Mainly because I don't have to worry about being ghosted or engagement disconnects. The servers are usually full or close to it so in my experience its hardly a " run around and collect shit" thing.

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I understand the OP's viewpoint. I started myself, playing solo on a very low populated server (3 players) and had a blast. When I was new, zombies were a huge challenge and I had trouble. Playing tthe game was very fun and scary. Then, I decided to team up with another guy and we both had the same playstyle (low pop servers easy difficulty). The game was no longer fun for either of us. It was too easy. After that we went to veteran servers. It was harder, but still no fun. Now we are playing on populated servers (40+ people) and having more fun than ever before. players are an all new challenge and make it an all new game. Even doing simple tasks are challenging.

TL;dr: game is fun to play low population servers at first, but eventually you will play on high pop servers no problem.

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Yea i would like PvE too.

And the "If you don't like, don't play ppl" should sit in the corner.

The game isn't even developed yet and the idea is brilliant, but is forced in one direction. So no sandox if you have to do pvp, forced by the game.

Also there is no other game that focuses on coop and pve like this.

Maybe it will end up in all hardcore pvp deathmatch nerds gonna play dayz and the pve ones play the war z? I would like to be able to have both experiences in one game and don't need 2 games if i want pve or pvp.

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