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Idea to improve player co-operation

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Just a quick idea to improve player co-operation in game, how about a protected camp or "survivours safe zone" that is guarded and policed. So you can meet others and trade items without risk of being killed or having your stuff stolen by another player. You could also have a NPC trading post and medic so you can stock up on ammo and supplys and get healed if need be.

Could also be useful if they want to introduce missions at a later stage.

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there is never going to be one

do you know why?

because the morons who think "trolling" is a higher form of comedy/entertainment outnumber those who aren't... well morons

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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Well, it is the zombie apocalypse. Is anywhere that's not a hardened fallout bunker really safe?

Having said that...

If you want this, I suggest making it yourself. I realize there isn't much in the way of building materials, but you could find a spot where no zeds spawn, sandbag it off, make a tent city, razorwire it, what have you. Then all you gotta do is find some muscle to protect your tradepost, and keep the peace. Much more fun and dynamic this way, rather than the game forcing a no kill zone.

Also NPCs that sell ammo/patch you up would require currency or some kind of barter system and an interface coded, not to mention are probably against the 'Spirit of DayZ'.

Bulletproof is right though, the rampant DayZ sociopaths will likely shit all over your attempt at rebuilding society, unless a.) your server has an awesome community willing to abide by the safe zone guidelines; b.) you have things said crazies want, protected by enough well armed dudes to make it cheaper to trade for than to fight over.

Edited by Oswald

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  On 7/30/2012 at 1:43 PM, Oswald said:

Well, it is the zombie apocalypse. Is anywhere that's not a hardened fallout bunker really safe?

Having said that...

If you want this, I suggest making it yourself. I realize there isn't much in the way of building materials, but you could find a spot where no zeds spawn, sandbag it off, make a tent city, razorwire it, what have you. Then all you gotta do is find some muscle to protect your tradepost, and keep the peace. Much more fun and dynamic this way, rather than the game forcing a no kill zone.

I agree that something that is grass roots would be better but unfortunantly the max server populations are just to low for this to happen by itself. 60 people on a massive map like this is just not dense enough.

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Just an idea to improve the forums.

Search before you post, so you can find out whether or not your idea has been posted a dozen times in the last 24 hours in threads filled with plenty of explanation as to why the idea is inappropriate for DayZ and never going to happen.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 1:53 PM, ZedsDeadBaby said:

Just an idea to improve the forums.

Search before you post, so you can find out whether or not your idea has been posted a dozen times in the last 24 hours in threads filled with plenty of explanation as to why the idea is inappropriate for DayZ and never going to happen.

Here's an idea re: improving the forum. If you don't want people to offer suggestions don't have a suggestions section in the forum, if you don't have the power to alter the forum(and you don't) then your just going to have to accept that people have ideas that differ from your own suggestion (which I noticed there is no shortage of). Also since you have no control over the future direction of this game there is very little point to you passing judgement on what you consider inappropriate since your opinions carry as much weight as anyone else on here.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 2:08 PM, schrapple said:

Here's an idea re: improving the forum. If you don't want people to offer suggestions don't have a suggestions section in the forum

Do you see the post at the top of the Suggestions forum titled "Please read BEFORE posting"?

Did you read it before posting?

Allow me to quote the relevant section: Before you post it PLEASE USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION at the top of the page to make sure it's original.

Also since you have no control over the future direction of this game there is very little point to you passing judgement on what you consider inappropriate since your opinions carry as much weight as anyone else on here.

It's not a matter of me having power over the direction of the game. It's that I have knowledge and experience enough on the forums and from reading what the designers have said about their plans for the game to know that a "no PvP safe zone" with NPCs is not going to happen. Ever. It's just not.

If such an area ever exists, it will be because players created it themselves and guard it themselves with tools rocket has given them to do so. He's not going to add NPCs to the game to do your work for you. That's not DayZ.

You will learn this yourself if you spend a little time on the forums and read some of what rocket has said which I highly suggest you do before posting any more suggestions.

I'm really not trying to be a dick, I'm just saving you time and effort coming up with these sorts of ideas before you have a clear grasp on what DayZ is and what it is likely to become.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Thanks for being mature enough to come out and say your not trying to be a dick, these things have a bad habit of spiraling out of control on forums and the original purpose of the post gets lost. I'm also man enough to admit that my reply wasn't real mature and was intended to dismiss someone who appeared to be out to cause trouble, which is not the case.

Just to clear a few things up, it's fine and well to say what will and won't ever be part of day-z but don't forget that things like day-z begin with someone having (or being given) a good idea. Ideas that don't work now might work later or even cause someone to mod a mod (isn't that a mind blowing idea) or even create something original.

The idea I put forward wasn't for a PVP free zone were the game is played as is just with no PVP, it's for a safe meeting place for the remnants for the human race. This doesn't have to fly in the face of what day-z is. What makes this game different is that it is hard, the scales are well and truly tipped against you and the only point is to stay alive which might cause you to behave differently than you normally would. The important thing is to maintain this balance in the game, so if you introduce a safe place you can offset it by making the rest of the world so much harder and unforgiving. The best example that comes to mind is guns, they are currently everywhere and finding one is not hard at all and I often discard a gun just because I run out of ammo and have found a new gun with ammo. If a trade point was introduce you could make guns extremely rare to find and when you found one you would hold onto it(you would never discard it because you are out of ammo) like it was worth more than life (which it is), the focus would then shift to scavenging things that are tradable for ammo to suit your gun. It would be a very basic sort of barter economy, people would begin to co-operate but only because it will help them to survive. This would still fit with the current game because surviving is basically what it is all about.

You also mentioned that the only way this will happen is if we do it ourselves and I agree that if it happened spontaneously it would be great (as i mentioned previously), but there are a few problems as I see it preventing this from ever happening. Firstly the density of players on a server makes this sort of thing impractical, secondly there is a lot of loot in the game so trading isn't really necessary at the moment. Which brings balance back to the table, if you could trade then the amount of loot in game could be reduced massively, the game would become easier and harder at the same time. Thirdly due to the inventory system it isn't really practical to trade, if a zone like this was to start the ability to trade would have to be improved big time first.

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