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A story of bandit failure.

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This is a true story of what happened to me over the weekend. It's kind of long so bear with me.

I had previously logged off in a barn north west of Cherno, and when I logged back in, I find myself staring at the face of another player. His name was Gimp. I didn't have a weapon or bandage. I had nothing. So, I ask the man, "Are you friendly?" He said , "Yes. I am meeting up with a friend FrooFroo to find a chopper." I'm thinking in my head that helicopters aren't in the game, but I am unsure so I say to him, "Great, I'll follow" So I follow him to meet his friend and we run East for quite a while. We end up at a little town of Vysota. (I can't be sure as I have no map).

So we run into town and notice a horde of zeds come out of the barn. I had found a Lee Enfield in the building before and start firing. I kill 3 but the noise brings more, so I run into a building and a zed glitches through the wall and knocks me out.

My new friends had the decency to bandage me up and wait for my KO timer to fade. I wake up and they warn me to only fire when I absolutely have to. So we run into the barn and stop to drink and I noticed them start to point their weapons at me. They both had shotguns. One shuts the door, and I start having a "spidey sense".

I take off running and as soon as I do, Gimp fires on me.

"Oh Shit!"

His shot grazes me but doesn't do substantial damage, no bleeding, no fracture.

I then run to the back of the barn, whip out my Lee Enfield and start firing in their direction. I killed Gimp, and my shots angered some zeds which broke through the door and attacked FrooFroo, He also died.

After the commotion, I just sat there for a second, realizing what had happened. "Did these fools really just turn on me?" I asked.

"No matter", I thought, "I now have their beans"

The End

P.s. --- If you are out there Gimp and FrooFroo. I am very sorry for having to kill you. You made me do it.

Edited by A.Wesker
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Thanks for the story, been in the same situation a few times - always worth the excitement!

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