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Noobs getting sniped in cherno/elektro is not as bad as some people think

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It is better to die a few times when you have nothing to lose and learn something from it, rather then die several days later, full of stuff because you have no idea what you are doing :)

just a thought ...

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Disagree and it's why me and my M249 like running up and down the tree line looking for any snipers.

Too bad 9 out of 10 of dc before I can hide the bodys and/or kill them.

Edited by CormacMcarty
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blahh.. i personally never shoot people who are running around with nothing, and hatchets or handguns only. i shoot people who look intimidating, and points guns towards my direction, or people i see kill other noobs/new spawns. i think people should get a chance to at least gather some supplies so they can fight back, and defend themselfs. killing people with no defense is just WEAK and pathetic.

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blahh.. i personally never shoot people who are running around with nothing, and hatchets or handguns only. i shoot people who look intimidating, and points guns towards my direction, or people i see kill other noobs/new spawns. i think people should get a chance to at least gather some supplies so they can fight back, and defend themselfs. killing people with no defense is just WEAK and pathetic.

yes, i agree and no i dont do it

but again, it is not as bad as some might think

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Well I shot about 20 People in Cherno for target practise with a scoped rifle, so its really not that bad :)

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yes, i agree and no i dont do it

but again, it is not as bad as some might think

it is still annoying for the player that gets shot, just so you can get your 5 murders up to 6, its just a number. its not like your going for his loots or anything.. i just think its dumb, and to to annoy people.

shooting people that can defend themself and fire upon you is something else. and its fine that bandits shoot people in the distance that they can see have weapons or something, but shooting someone on the coast with nothing, is just waste of a bullet - and to the annoyance of the newly respawned.

Edited by Tatakt

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To be honest, I run around Cherno and Elektro all the time, and have only gotten shot at by people with 10 meters of me. Bu then again, I've never seen a hacker either... so maybe I'm just lucky.

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blahh.. i personally never shoot people who are running around with nothing, and hatchets or handguns only. i shoot people who look intimidating, and points guns towards my direction, or people i see kill other noobs/new spawns. i think people should get a chance to at least gather some supplies so they can fight back, and defend themselfs. killing people with no defense is just WEAK and pathetic.

Came across a survivor the other day (actually, I almost stumbled over him). He was just standing there, so I guess he was fiddling with his gear. Would have shot him immediately, but he had a crowbar. So I said in voice chat "Run out in into the field and away from here. You leave, I let you go, we each go on our way. Pull a weapon and I kill you"

Nothing happens for about 10 seconds, then the guy pulls out a makarov. Bad move when someone has an enfield pointed at your head.

Edited by hoorah

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it is still annoying for the player that gets shot, just so you can get your 5 murders up to 6, its just a number. its not like your going for his loots or anything.. i just think its dumb, and to to annoy people.

shooting people that can defend themself and fire upon you is something else. and its fine that bandits shoot people in the distance that they can see have weapons or something, but shooting someone on the coast with nothing, is just waste of a bullet - and to the annoyance of the newly respawned.

Completely agree. The murders stat just encourages people to murder for the sake of it. Not to mention it's un-immersive to have access to this type of information. Who'd keep count IRL? Time alive should be the only stat, maybe zeds killed (they're the common enemy). PERHAPS bandits killed - that way folk know that if they become bandits then they themselves become legitimate targets for those losers who get off on collecting stats.

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Anyone know if there's a map with the known sniper hotspots?

If I got my hands on one, I know I would make it a personal mission to hunt and kill the bastards.

Someone should make one. ;)

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Well, if you look around you will find the sniper hotspots quite fast. They almost always are near the forest, as the ghillie suit only is suitable for that. Forest near the air strips, forest near Cherno... Think like a sniper and imagine where you would want to hide.

Came across a survivor the other day (actually, I almost stumbled over him). He was just standing there, so I guess he was fiddling with his gear. Would have shot him immediately, but he had a crowbar. So I said in voice chat "Run out in into the field and away from here. You leave, I let you go, we each go on our way. Pull a weapon and I kill you"

Nothing happens for about 10 seconds, then the guy pulls out a makarov. Bad move when someone has an enfield pointed at your head.

That's what I would do too.

Edited by Reggiostar

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Anyone know if there's a map with the known sniper hotspots?

If I got my hands on one, I know I would make it a personal mission to hunt and kill the bastards.

Someone should make one. ;)

Any major city with hills or tree lines. Also check rooftops for the noobs.

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I wouldn't call it much of a good situation, it just teaches the new guys that people are just out to kill them, regardless of whether they are a threat or not. There is a difference between shooting someone to preserve your own life, and sniping an unarmed player just for kicks. There is nothing good about the people who sit on the hillsides on the south coast, waiting to shoot someone just trying to pick up some starter gear and actually head out into the world. If you have that sort of equipment and are still near the coast, you are only there for one thing, to troll on people. Go out and start trying to shoot at people who can shoot back, go to the NW airfield and snipe, there are always people around that area, especially in a high pop server.

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Disagree and it's why me and my M249 like running up and down the tree line looking for any snipers.

Too bad 9 out of 10 of dc before I can hide the bodys and/or kill them.

Awww :3 The first way to reach a "no noobkilling", safe chernarus. lol

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I wouldn't call it much of a good situation, it just teaches the new guys that people are just out to kill them, regardless of whether they are a threat or not. There is a difference between shooting someone to preserve your own life, and sniping an unarmed player just for kicks. There is nothing good about the people who sit on the hillsides on the south coast, waiting to shoot someone just trying to pick up some starter gear and actually head out into the world. If you have that sort of equipment and are still near the coast, you are only there for one thing, to troll on people. Go out and start trying to shoot at people who can shoot back, go to the NW airfield and snipe, there are always people around that area, especially in a high pop server.

TBH though, I don't mind dying when I've got next to nothing. As has been said many times in the past - If you're running around in Elektro unarmed, expect to die, and I do. In fact NOT getting capped or Z-mauled is a massive win. If noob camping is going to happen as a sick hobby then it's only worth doing in high traffic areas. The more PKers with good gear in places which I already know to be dangerous, the fewer in the places where I'm likely to be, such as in farmland, small villages or wilderness. This basically improves my survival chances no end.

Edited by kander

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its survival.. you're supose to shoot/get shot ...

Personally for me survival is about doing what is going to keep me alive and safe and that's making survivor friends to watch my back, avoiding bandits (or shooting them if needed) and patching people up as I go along provided they don't kos me!

Your method appears to be more about dyeing then living? ;)

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TBH though, I don't mind dying when I've got next to nothing. As has been said many times in the past - If you're running around in Elektro unarmed, expect to die, and I do. In fact NOT getting capped or Z-mauled is a massive win. If noob camping is going to happen as a sick hobby then it's only worth doing in high traffic areas. The more PKers with good gear in places which I already know to be dangerous, the fewer in the places where I'm likely to be, such as in farmland, small villages or wilderness. This basically improves my survival chances no end.

Yeah, I don't disagree with that, I would rather die when I have nothing, but it doesn't mean I want some fucktard sitting on top of a hill shooting me because he somehow thinks it makes him super bad to snipe people that wouldn't give him a challenge even if they were 3 feet away from him. Like I said before, if you have all the gear you usually find on people that do this, then you shouldn't be anywhere near the coast anyway. It means you have actively travelled back across half the map just to kill newly spawned in players. Don't get me wrong, It's apart of the game, and if they want to do it, then they can, I just think it epitomises the very worst of the human mindset really.

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Snipers dc as soon as you locate their position anyways. I got shot once, figured out where he was and fired a few return shots with my ak74. He was far away, but that was enough to scare him off. I lawl'd

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I see people dc all of the time because o getting into a firefight or just because they have a few zombies around them in a building... Makes me wish there was a logout delay <_<

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As a relatively new player myself I have to somewhat disagree. It certainly teaches you to be more cautious but also invokes the Shoot on Sight syndrome which I believe is detrimental to a survival game like this. People began to value there loot far more than the experience of playing with other players. You then have new and veteran players alike looking for low population servers just so they don't have there head shot off for no reason what so ever.

Not to mention as others have stated here the snipers will DC as soon as there position is compromised. The whole attitude it brings to the game is a dreadful one not of survival but of taking out the other guy "because you can". This has ruined many a sandbox mmo hopefully DayZ doesn't follow the same path.

Killing for the sake of killing teaches nothing but for that person to do the same, which is a pitty.

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I never feel bad about getting killed in major cities. I know what I'm getting into, and if I need to make a run for morphine or transfusion bags, I do it with full knowledge of what I'm up against. PvP in DayZ, as in any other game that allows griefing and carebearing in equal measure, has a certain initial stigma. The first couple times you get offed for no reason, you get all worked up about it. You hate that guy, you hate his mom for raising him to be a douche, you are 100% sure that he was hacking and teleported to a spot where he had an unfair drop on you with his hacked-in supergun and his aimbot and his modded controller and his xray vision and he's probably a fat neckbeard who lives in his grandma's basement stroking his three-inch boner while drool and Mountain Dew Code Red pool on his bitch tits, the only boobs he'll ever see.

But really he is probably just a guy like you, playing the game and doing his best to get by. After you've played a few characters through their life cycle, you get a good idea of how the DayZ stories are told, and learn that sometimes you just get a short, sad vignette instead of a saga. I've shot dudes on sight, especially when I'm on overwatch for a buddy who's hitting up a hospital or military site. If I'm all alone with no good gear, I'll almost always try to introduce myself, but there have been times when I've just shot dudes because they were hiking too close to my tent or looked like they might be on the way to check a hangar or supermarket that I wanted to loot.

I found a CZ 550 on a corpse at the top of the Cherno fire station, the first scoped rifle I had seen in DayZ. I immediately started looking around with it, and saw a player running across a field being chased by a couple running zombies. I figured I'd play the hero and shoot them off his back, Natty Bumppo-style. I zeroed in, shot both runners, and the player whips out a scoped rifle of his own and fires back at me. He misses, and I put a round into him and go prone while the zombies his shot attracted finish him off. Ingrate. Moments later, another survivor crawls out there to loot him and I shoot that guy, too, just because I'm in a bad mood. I'm a lot more ethical within 50 meters than I am at 700.

Edited by Beez
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I never feel bad about getting killed in major cities. I know what I'm getting into, and if I need to make a run for morphine or transfusion bags, I do it with full knowledge of what I'm up against. PvP in DayZ, as in any other game that allows griefing and carebearing in equal measure, has a certain initial stigma. The first couple times you get offed for no reason, you get all worked up about it. You hate that guy, you hate his mom for raising him to be a douche, you are 100% sure that he was hacking and teleported to a spot where he had an unfair drop on you with his hacked-in supergun and his aimbot and his modded controller and his xray vision and he's probably a fat neckbeard who lives in his grandma's basement stroking his three-inch boner while drool and Mountain Dew Code Red pool on his bitch tits, the only boobs he'll ever see.

But really he is probably just a guy like you, playing the game and doing his best to get by. After you've played a few characters through their life cycle, you get a good idea of how the DayZ stories are told, and learn that sometimes you just get a short, sad vignette instead of a saga. I've shot dudes on sight, especially when I'm on overwatch for a buddy who's hitting up a hospital or military site. If I'm all alone with no good gear, I'll almost always try to introduce myself, but there have been times when I've just shot dudes because they were hiking too close to my tent or looked like they might be on the way to check a hangar or supermarket that I wanted to loot.

I found a CZ 550 on a corpse at the top of the Cherno fire station, the first scoped rifle I had seen in DayZ. I immediately started looking around with it, and saw a player running across a field being chased by a couple running zombies. I figured I'd play the hero and shoot them off his back, Natty Bumppo-style. I zeroed in, shot both runners, and the player whips out a scoped rifle of his own and fires back at me. He misses, and I put a round into him and go prone while the zombies his shot attracted finish him off. Ingrate. Moments later, another survivor crawls out there to loot him and I shoot that guy, too, just because I'm in a bad mood. I'm a lot more ethical within 50 meters than I am at 700.

Nicely written. You can haz my beanz

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I never feel bad about getting killed in major cities. I know what I'm getting into, and if I need to make a run for morphine or transfusion bags, I do it with full knowledge of what I'm up against. PvP in DayZ, as in any other game that allows griefing and carebearing in equal measure, has a certain initial stigma. The first couple times you get offed for no reason, you get all worked up about it. You hate that guy, you hate his mom for raising him to be a douche, you are 100% sure that he was hacking and teleported to a spot where he had an unfair drop on you with his hacked-in supergun and his aimbot and his modded controller and his xray vision and he's probably a fat neckbeard who lives in his grandma's basement stroking his three-inch boner while drool and Mountain Dew Code Red pool on his bitch tits, the only boobs he'll ever see.

But really he is probably just a guy like you, playing the game and doing his best to get by. After you've played a few characters through their life cycle, you get a good idea of how the DayZ stories are told, and learn that sometimes you just get a short, sad vignette instead of a saga. I've shot dudes on sight, especially when I'm on overwatch for a buddy who's hitting up a hospital or military site. If I'm all alone with no good gear, I'll almost always try to introduce myself, but there have been times when I've just shot dudes because they were hiking too close to my tent or looked like they might be on the way to check a hangar or supermarket that I wanted to loot.

I found a CZ 550 on a corpse at the top of the Cherno fire station, the first scoped rifle I had seen in DayZ. I immediately started looking around with it, and saw a player running across a field being chased by a couple running zombies. I figured I'd play the hero and shoot them off his back, Natty Bumppo-style. I zeroed in, shot both runners, and the player whips out a scoped rifle of his own and fires back at me. He misses, and I put a round into him and go prone while the zombies his shot attracted finish him off. Ingrate. Moments later, another survivor crawls out there to loot him and I shoot that guy, too, just because I'm in a bad mood. I'm a lot more ethical within 50 meters than I am at 700.

That's the "dilemma" all DayZ Players are in.

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