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"Session Lost" what does it really mean? Am I getting banned from the servers?

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So I was playing on a few different servers, sniping some people, and after 2-3 kills i got the "Session lost" error and kicked out of the server, then I was not able to find the same server again, so I switched, and started sniping on the next one, and as I got in the game, my previous "murders" and "bandit kills" were gone.

This didnt bother me too much though, so I started sniping again, killed two guys, then "Session lost" again, and this server disappeared as well.

Does this mean that the servers I was playing on, crashed like this as an coincidence, or am I being banned from the servers??


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They're restarting the server.

Edited by Alex Spider

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Server crash or server restart.

Server will usually show again after a few minutes.

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On normal server restarts, you get the connected link and then the "No message recieved for XX seconds" message.

This was not it, this was different.

and what about both servers, just as I killed people? weird coincidence?

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No message recieved for... is usually when a connection on either end times out.

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no message recived usually means the server restarts, what's really interesting about this is the reason why the server restarts.

me and my friends usually play on clan servers because its much more fun to mess with clans who stand a chance instead of the lone survivor, but from time to time when we get the drop on a few clan guys and kill everyone we suddenly get no message recived:)

last night my team was advancing towards a city from a forest in the hills, when we suddenly hear the pointman shouting "DOWN DOWN, car to the north west", so everyone gets into hiding, a few seconds later my spotter sees the car, it was a civil ural heading full speed towards the town when suddendly it was a huge explotion, my guess is that the driver didn't see the road blockade he hit.

so we stay in the hills for about 30seconds when we get no message recived and everyone dc'ed.

we got back asap to the server, because we suspected foul play and we where right. when we entered we could see the truck parked next to the roadblock with 1guy with ghillie suit killing zombies, i put 4 rounds into hes head and we see someone behind the truck entering and driving off the site and into the forest.

my guess is that the clan people thought they where alone in the area and restarted the server to save the civil ural:)

ofc i could be wrong about this, and the server-restart just matched their crash perfectly, its just that whenever we kill a server admin or lots of clan members this tends to happen :)

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