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I like the game and all.. But.

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I don't see much of a point to play with all the hacking going on. Pretty much every night that I play I am killed by a hacker. Most of the time it involved being teleported to a spot, Others it's invisible people shooting or teleporting around. I know the game is in alpha and all, but are these cheats able to be done in Arma 2 as well? cuz of so I don't think I am wanna continue to play the mod if the main game can't take care of the cheats.

/rant off!

and yes, i died to a hacker again.

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I'm curious as to where all these hackers are... Are most of them on the US server perhaps? I mean, me and my group have only encountered a few hacked vehicles and items, but nothing major really.

The only major thing I've seem was the Battle Camp thing in NW airfield... That was quite dodgy.

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They don't hack DayZ, they hack Arma. I doubt that Rocket can improve anti-cheat protection.

Let's hope the standalone DayZ version fixes the security holes and uses Punkbuster!

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I usually only play on American servers. And I try to report the stuff everytime it happens. It is just getting to the point that whenever I make progress I usually die to a hacker. I havn't seen any hacked items or vehicles yet. But I have been teleported and dropped to die, teleported and shot to death. nuked when i was in cherno. everyone in the server I was in earlier had their legs broken first. then shot. It is just irritating.

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Stop being a whiney bitch and get into a real server.

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Stop being a whiney bitch and get into a real server.

Can you explain how to identify a "real server"?

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i've been playing for a month now, i've died 2 times to hackers.

Jimmies aint even rustled.

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They don't hack DayZ, they hack Arma. I doubt that Rocket can improve anti-cheat protection.

Let's hope the standalone DayZ version fixes the security holes and uses Punkbuster!

you punk buster fan boys realize it is the shittiest anti cheat i think is still being used. not only are they slow on the uptake but they actually release notes on when they are updating and exactly what they are fixing before releasing it which means hack sites just alter the code or disable features untill they can test that it's safe...

in short, if Dayz as a stand alone used punk buster, hacking would not be any better.

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The problem is that ArmA engine is open for modding, it is part of the game, which makes cheating(hacking/scripting) easy to do, unless DayZ goes stand alone game, there is not much that can be done.

There are topics that names servers that are blacklisted or servers that are hacked so you can avoid those.

I hear servers that are hosted by pandemic legion are less prone to hacker attacks (I can not confirm this but you can always try them out)

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I've only had one hacker experience. He made everyone on the server start dancing. Later on that night he found us being swarmed in Berezino, picked us up in a big green truck, drove along the south coast picking up everyone he met, dropped us off in Stary and then flew a helicopter into a hill.

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Can you explain how to identify a "real server"?

Ignore that comment. All servers are compromised at this point. The Arma engine is just too trusting to prevent the stuff that is going on "for now". Unfortunately it will continue until a retail version is released, though battle eye is logging scripts and banning in waves. Just check the ban appeals thread after every ban wave for some QQ and lolz.

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Stop being a whiney bitch and get into a real server.

Real server, all these are real servers, you douche, GTFO kthnxbye

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I've never had an encounter with Hackers, guess I'm lucky...

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last night the server i was on got nuked.

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you punk buster fan boys realize it is the shittiest anti cheat i think is still being used. not only are they slow on the uptake but they actually release notes on when they are updating and exactly what they are fixing before releasing it which means hack sites just alter the code or disable features untill they can test that it's safe...

Obviously you have not the slightest idea what you're talking about. After Battlefield Bad Company 2 was released, I was running my own server which streamed to PBBans. I closely followed how PunkBuster kicked the asses of a lot of commercial cheat sites with delayed, silent detections.

Of course the parasites running the commercial hack sites try to detect PB updates. If any client running a cheat detects PB updating, it disables itself and reports it to the cheat's master server which then disables all the cheat clients until the PB updates have been analyzed by the cheat coder. So yes, this kind of behavior makes it hard for PB to detect them, but not impossible as history has shown. The cheat detects the PB updates by closely monitoring PB's activities - not because they're officialy announced. If you do know any AntiCheat system which does not suffer from this problem, tell me exactly how it does so, otherwise I call bullshit.

Edited by MrBrown

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Been playing since late April, never encountered a hacker. Feels good I guess. Closest hacked thing was a crashed jet on the countryside

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I don't see much of a point to play with all the hacking going on. Pretty much every night that I play I am killed by a hacker. Most of the time it involved being teleported to a spot, Others it's invisible people shooting or teleporting around. I know the game is in alpha and all, but are these cheats able to be done in Arma 2 as well? cuz of so I don't think I am wanna continue to play the mod if the main game can't take care of the cheats.

/rant off!

and yes, i died to a hacker again.

You know it's funny. If you goto the various cheat-sites that talk about dayz and arma hacks, you'll see a lot of people crying because battle-eye has been detecting their injections at a pretty quick rate. Only the exclusive, private, money costing hacks have been known to work and they are usually limited to an exclusive few by the developer. Hell, they won't even LINK to where to buy them on sights like MPC or unknown cheats.

Hacking is there, and it is present but battle-eye isn't doing as bad of a job as everyone says it is. It, combined with server admins on the ball, are lowering the amount of hackers on a daily basis little by little. There was one big wave of hackers when a private hack got leaked and everyone found out about it. It worked for a while, and battle-eye got updated to detect the script/injection, and now that doesn't work. So the people who are hacking now, will be caught soon enough. No matter what MP game you play, you're going to have to deal with hacking. No anti-cheat engine is unstoppable. The mind is a powerful thing and will win everytime over a piece of software if someone works hard enough.

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What region of servers are we talking about? been playing on SE server encountered just one hacker and he spawned a helicopter for us.

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Obviously you have not the slightest idea what you're talking about. After Battlefield Bad Company 2 was released, I was running my own server which streamed to PBBans. I closely followed how PunkBuster kicked the asses of a lot of commercial cheat sites with delayed, silent detections.

Of course the parasites running the commercial hack sites try to detect PB updates. If any client running a cheat detects PB updating, it disables itself and reports it to the cheat's master server which then disables all the cheat clients until the PB updates have been analyzed by the cheat coder. So yes, this kind of behavior makes it hard for PB to detect them, but not impossible as history has shown. The cheat detects the PB updates by closely monitoring PB's activities - not because they're officialy announced. If you do know any AntiCheat system which does not suffer from this problem, tell me exactly how it does so, otherwise I call bullshit.

There is no god send anti cheat, In fact the only game i have EVER seen get plague'd by hackers this bad and actually fight back and start winning is All points bulletin so w/e they are using i suppose.

And i do know what i am talking about i am and was a registered member with a large private hacking community 187ci for css, BF2 etc. They have literally had 0 bans because the information for what needs to be altered is fucking handed to them on a silver platter.

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There is no god send anti cheat

This is true - just as true as the statement: Just because it's not perfect doesn't mean it's useless!

In fact the only game i have EVER seen get plague'd by hackers this bad and actually fight back and start winning is All points bulletin so w/e they are using i suppose.

Yeah.... well... APB is using PunkBuster. So much for that...

And i do know what i am talking about i am and was a registered member with a large private hacking community 187ci for css, BF2 etc. They have literally had 0 bans because the information for what needs to be altered is fucking handed to them on a silver platter.

In the time before Battlefield Bad Company 2 was released, cheating was really bad in Battlefield 2. But that was because EA didn't pay PunkBuster much money any more, so PB just banned public cheats and didn't pro-actively hunt down commercial cheaters.

But when PunkBuster lost Activision as a customer with it's Call of Duty franchise, they knew they had to show some muscle. When Battlefield Bad Company 2 was released, a lot of those cocksuckers who buy cheats from such parasitic assholes like 187ci got banned. Good times (although I'm aware PB doesn't always have the upper hand, that's life).

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In comparison to other anti-cheat, Battleye is very good.

They will fix it. It's almost impossible to scan every piece of memory looking for hooks.

It will fix, eventually.

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This is true - just as true as the statement: Just because it's not perfect doesn't mean it's useless!

Yeah.... well... APB is using PunkBuster. So much for that...

In the time before Battlefield Bad Company 2 was released, cheating was really bad in Battlefield 2. But that was because EA didn't pay PunkBuster much money any more, so PB just banned public cheats and didn't pro-actively hunt down commercial cheaters.

But when PunkBuster lost Activision as a customer with it's Call of Duty franchise, they knew they had to show some muscle. When Battlefield Bad Company 2 was released, a lot of those cocksuckers who buy cheats from such parasitic assholes like 187ci got banned. Good times (although I'm aware PB doesn't always have the upper hand, that's life).

Well then if this is true i appologize to you and punk buster for my statement because it has been a long time since i bothered looking into this or that community and i am simply going based off the knowledge i had previously had and the patterns i had seen with punk buster over the years i used 187 for css.

And yes i used to hack, i played source for years played competitively and was young and bored.

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Twice now I've had invisible players run right up to me. One was trying to taunt me. As soon as I realized it I aborted in both cases. The only times I've done that. Not scared to die to a legit player but in those cases I'll do it every time.

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Well then if this is true i appologize to you and punk buster for my statement because it has been a long time since i bothered looking into this or that community and i am simply going based off the knowledge i had previously had and the patterns i had seen with punk buster over the years i used 187 for css.

Well I have to admit, I didn't expect this reaction after I went for full confrontation in my last post ^^ Kudos for staying calm to you. And I don't claim to have to ultimate knowledge on anti-cheat, just sayin'. Perhaps right now the commercial cheat sites have the upper hand on PB, I don't know. But that's not permanent, so much is for sure. As long as a cheat isn't really kept private in a very small group of people, it's never undetectable. Still the commercial cheats are a bigger problem than public cheats you can download from YouTube descriptions of course, because of their sophisticated mechanisms to evade detection. But if a mole successfully supplies samples of the cheat to PB, these can be detected too. Claims of undetectable cheats almost never fail to enrage me, because these claims might be the last straw which breaks the camel's back to make someone start looking into buying a cheat.

BTW, APB doesn't only use PunkBuster, but does also analyze the player statistics, like "40 kills but no death? That's suspicios!". But that's always a double-edged sword, sometimes it's very hard or even impossible to find cheaters using statistics without causing false positives.

About BattleEye I really know nothing, I only know PunkBuster and VAC and the rough differences between them, but BattleEye is totally new for me.

Edited by MrBrown

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Alright, a common problem with everyone on the forums complaining about hacking is that you can be killed by a sniper from a very long range, in that case the sound wont be heard by you, say if a guy with an AS50 shoots you at about 800 meters, you wont hear the gunshot, or atleast a loud one, you would just fall over dead. Then you would come onto the forums and say, "I was hacked!" but you weren't, too many people don't understand that that can happen.

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