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Highest Kill Count?

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Now I know that people are really butthurt whenever we (bandits) kill others, but really how many kills have you got?

Post pics if possible, I am at 53, and I have not died yet. Only on day 4, really surprised I have not been killed, so anyway how high?

(No QQ because Bandits kill for fun)


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sitting in cherno killing players adds no value to the growth of this mod...

you know this right?

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sitting in cherno killing players adds no value to the growth of this mod...

you know this right?

Stop crying.

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I had 150 at one point, no screenshot as I didn't realize you had to drop it into windowed mode or at least I haven't found out what button to press to screenshot yet however a hacker killed everyone in the server while I was on it.

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Highest and my overall total: 1. I murdered someone yesterday and feel really bad.

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I had 150 at one point, no screenshot as I didn't realize you had to drop it into windowed mode or at least I haven't found out what button to press to screenshot yet however a hacker killed everyone in the server while I was on it.

I used bandicam (FRAPS) to take the screenshot, and today I got ported to NW airfield and I ended up aborting fast enough to not get nuked, I have stopped playing since then.

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... oh yeah, let's take the e-peen comparison from the game to the forum :)

Did you finally realize that shooting (harmless) players pose you no satisfying reward ingame and do you need some claps for being a hero of the gun? ;)

You won't get them from me...

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... oh yeah, let's take the e-peen comparison from the game to the forum :)

Did you finally realize that shooting (harmless) players pose you no satisfying reward ingame and do you need some claps for being a hero of the gun? ;)

You won't get them from me...

QQ cry a little more and I might just stop.

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12 was my highest, I pretty much only shoot people who will shoot me though.

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12 was my highest, I pretty much only shoot people who will shoot me though.

Understandable, still pretty high for a defensive player.

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19. With a CZ-550 camping vysota and smiling at all the little birdies that come into cherno to loot :)

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Now I know that people are really butthurt whenever we (bandits) kill others, but really how many kills have you got?

Post pics if possible, I am at 53, and I have not died yet. Only on day 4, really surprised I have not been killed, so anyway how high?

(No QQ because Bandits kill for fun)


killing fresh spawns does not count.

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I've yet to kill a person. But as a person who has been murdered. I just know I can't wait. And once I get that first kill, i wont stop. :)

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Even tough i tend to hunt people, my highest has been something like ten or so. This is because we try to engage other clans/teams up in the north, not killing lonely survivors at the beach.

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QQ cry a little more and I might just stop.

Please use the term "QQ" in proper circumstances.

Apart from that, no game will ever make me cry (except from those rare tears I drop out of pity with some players) ;)

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I usually only get a few down before i get sniped, about 10 or so. But i dont kill fresh spawns, they usually dont have anything worth looting and i find any challenge to it. Each to his own...

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3 is my highest. Shooting fresh spawns is lame unless you are a fresh spawn. And I ain't never killed a man that dint deserve it. Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of...

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This isn't COD. Stop whipping your E-Peen out so you can wave it at other people. Nobody really cares about how many people you've sniped in Chernogorsk.

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This isn't COD. Stop whipping your E-Peen out so you can wave it at other people. Nobody really cares about how many people you've sniped in Chernogorsk.

I do.

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25 Days

1218 Zombie Kills

912 Headshots

0 Bandit Kills

19 Murders.

Memorable murders include:

Getting out of a bus (with 8 other people) to dispatch some people firing at us.

One of our squad goes down (we assume we trampled ontop of him).

I turn to look at the Balota deerstands and see a shadow of a man - Boom headshot.

The guy turned out to be a friend of a friend who contacted us via Twitter.

Sitting on Dobry hill and hearing a car; managed to snipe 3/4 of the occupants before they could react.

the fourth alt F4'd after taking his legs out with a DMR shot.

Uncounted memorable kills:

Some guy taking potshots at me from a firestation over 700 metres away - I follow up with some very close shots.

He panics and manages to tumble down the stairs and break his leg.

I investigate - he litterally croaks as I get to him.

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This isn't COD. Stop whipping your E-Peen out so you can wave it at other people. Nobody really cares about how many people you've sniped in Chernogorsk.

No shit this is not cod? damn i hate people like you, the game is about survival and to survive some decide to kill people to get food/gear. There is nothing wrong with that.

In a real apocaypse do you think people will walk around and share shit? no they would will for it just like we do in dayz.

Get out of here with your cod crap!!

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I've topped out at 7 before a bug removed all equipment from my character and I had to start over (only to be later killed again by a hacker who killed everyone on the server). People who move in groups of 3-4 need to learn not to stop to discuss plans in the middle of a field.

But then, I only hunt inland in areas like Stary or NW Airfield and won't shoot someone who doesn't have a weapon (unless they're trying to get into my backpack). Plus I prefer to work alone, so don't go into major firefights like most people on here probably do.

Edited by Professional N00b

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16. I feel kind of bad though.. they were all real easy snipes and a few of them against people with just hatchets etc.

At the same time about 5 were people on the air tower at the S AF trying to snipe other players.

I'm done with useless killing, and will head north to try and kill campers at stary or NWAF.

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