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Remove broken bone mechanic until...

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Just a thought, but removing the broken bone mechanic from the game until the literally horrible collision problems are fixed would go a long way toward lowering my blood pressure. I mean, belly-crawling through an open, unobstructed door and then getting a poor roll on the Wandering Damage Table, resulting in broken limbs, shock, and massive blood loss is badly scuffing the finish on my suspension of disbelief. :)

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But I think it's realistic. People only drink water, coke or pepsi and some lucky ones mountain dew, but have you seen anyone drinking milk lately?

Nah but all jokes aside, I know its frustrating at the moment but you'll have to be more careful. Just make sure to stand or crouch if you want to go through a door and don't crawl on rough terrain, especially if there are many rocks.

Edited by GFMs Nille

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Oh man was I grinding my teeth. Things were going so well, too. Then, trying to lure zombies in to finish me off, magically for the first time ever I was one-shotting everything. Argh! :P

Ah well, I can dream, can't I? :)

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