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About Qev

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  1. Man's best friend and all that, right? Train them to distract zombies, or fetch gear, or latch onto that dick bandit who's been constantly whizzing rounds past your ear. Also it'd be less lonely for us solo players. :)
  2. Qev

    Needed "Scare Factor"

    Something fast, dark, only spawns in forests on moonless nights, and travels in packs?
  3. Qev

    let me drink from lake/tap without a bottle

    pff, a good healthy parasitic infection will cut down on allergic reactions, it's fine
  4. Qev

    The Smellometer

    If your reek gets terribad, maybe players too close to you will start having their vision waver, similar to overexertion... ;)
  5. I dunno about you guys, but I'm pretty sure I can jog while still holding a flashlight on-target. Just sayin'. :)
  6. Er... you do realize that, IRL, 'fresh' meat purchased from a butcher has been hanging about dead and unrefrigerated for a goodly while (read: days) before it ever reaches a butcher or refrigerator? :)
  7. Qev

    Fix the easily broken bones

    Getting shot in the shoulder shouldn't shatter the bones in your legs either. :)
  8. How does "this is an alpha" imply "shut up you can't complain about broken features", exactly? The broken bones mechanic is... completely broken. ;) Belly-crawling through an open door level with the ground shouldn't snap both my legs, suck half the blood out of my body and leave me in shock (well okay, the first two happening would probably leave anyone in shock). Also, any game mechanic has to pass the 'fun' test. And I'm pretty sure as implemented this one completely fails that test. :)
  9. Well, it would be a server ban, not an entire-DayZ-ban. And 2 hours was just a number I pulled out of my butt (ew!). And I did say it would be annoying. :) I guess for anything like this to be workable, the rampant cheating would need to be stamped out first. Ah well. :)
  10. It's pretty simple, too! Not that I want to get rid of bandits, they add a huge amount of tension (and rage >:() to the game. BUT, seeing as how the game already has perma-death (which is effectively no penalty to someone who's got mates on the server to ferry his stuff/guard his body), why not make death ALSO be a 2(?) hour ban from the server you died on? I told you it'd be annoying. :)
  11. Oh man was I grinding my teeth. Things were going so well, too. Then, trying to lure zombies in to finish me off, magically for the first time ever I was one-shotting everything. Argh! :P Ah well, I can dream, can't I? :)
  12. Just a thought, but removing the broken bone mechanic from the game until the literally horrible collision problems are fixed would go a long way toward lowering my blood pressure. I mean, belly-crawling through an open, unobstructed door and then getting a poor roll on the Wandering Damage Table, resulting in broken limbs, shock, and massive blood loss is badly scuffing the finish on my suspension of disbelief. :)