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I know...allow me to poison my beans

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hell, Ive got it!...let me poison my cans of food somehow. So if you or others get murdered, there is possibility you can kill your killer. Wouldn't that be sweet?

Or let me booby trap my backpack or tent

(wasn't entirely serious...but let your imagination run wild)

Edited by Blackwater

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What for? A lot of murderers don't scavenge for resources. THey get a headshot on you and leave you there. Your beans will just rot in your pack anyways.

I'm being a bit exagerated. I like the idea of poisons. If we have GPS, Hellcopters and the like, poisons are very viable.

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Na this is stupid, you die you die.

No revenge

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*looting tent in the middle of the forest when you hear a voice behind you*

Mysterious man -"I suggest you put everything back into that tent and everything on you in there as well."

You - *looking around into the darkness*"And just why the hell should I be doing this?"

Mysterious man -"I see you ate the meat we had in there, that seems to be a mistake on your part."

You - *a bit flustered* "Why is that?"

Him -"Because now I have the only chance you have left of living, you see that meat was poisoned...As it would seem, I have the only antidote. However, since I am a fair man, I will give you this antidote as long as you leave everything you own in that tent right there."

*The mysterious man keeps talking, probably unaware that you've already been embraced by the warm blanket of death*

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Not a bad idea being able to "poison" your own beans, and if anyone loots your corpse they cop it... It would have to make the can unuseable even for yourself, but overall not a bad idea. :)

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i can imagine it now tho...getting so pissed off cus you ate the wrong can and you end up killing yourself

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Also it would be funny to make the mistake of eating your own poisoned beans. Lol


i can imagine it now tho...getting so pissed off cus you ate the wrong can and you end up killing yourself

Sir, you beat me to it by just a second. Well done.

Edited by necroslord

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Dumb idea. People vvill just go around poisoning all the beans in beginner spavvns, it vvould make even me ragequit if I just started.

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I could see some sort of russian roulette game from this. A whole czech vest full of beans. Only 1 is poisoned. All the survivors gather around. Whoever gets the bad beans looses until theres only 1 guy left. i like it.

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Just how are you going to get a sealed can open, put poison in it, and reseal it?

If not then wouldn't there be some mechanic that allows you to check the can for any holes and decide whether or not to consume it?

Modern cans are sealed using some pretty heavy duty machinery, I doubt any survivor would happen to find one of those or have one in their possession.

This isn't a canning machine for food, but the process is pretty similar:

Edited by Bukethead

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