shastadude17 2 Posted April 30, 2012 It has come to Glorious attention of most Glorious Mother Russia that small group of terrorist inside of Zone Chernarus, who go by name of Chernarus Paramilitary Rescue (+CPR+) take it upon self to rid Chernarus of Comrade Putin's most perfect biological weapon, and save uninfected subjects from most terrible, terrible fate. This is unaccept. The Federation has respond by deploying Most Elite of Spetsnaz, known simply as Hostile Intent Vanguard (HIV) to quell most silly uprising, and kill everything on island. As all must know by now, HIV simply can not be defeat by CPR.If you are associate with CPR, you will be shot on sight. If know traitorous individual who associate with CPR, do right thing. Report him to local Commissar Comrade Politic Officer immediately and receive reward of not being shot on sight. We will let run and shoot you in back first, then laugh and drink vodka.You have been warn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Thomas 1 Posted April 30, 2012 I agree with Glorious message.I see man other day, he say "give me bullet" I say "Fine, here bullet." I shoot him 3 time.Man fall down and I laugh and I defecate on body. Men simply no understand glorious message, we shoot the bullets and they fall, what difficult understand? They try to be dungeon dragon lawful good but they get shot because they no shoot first. I mock at these silly panty men. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shastadude17 2 Posted April 30, 2012 In case you are interest, this is Most Glorious Recruitment video fresh out of field training. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derranged 2 Posted April 30, 2012 Quote :huh:Don't worry RoaR, this guy is a troll "Most of the time at least".~Derranged Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
my_shortcoming 8 Posted April 30, 2012 I understand this is a pk group that likes to grief but isnt the accronym HIV a bit . . . Wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goatsenator 11 Posted April 30, 2012 What is 'grief'? We have job. We do. CHEEKI BREEKI! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shastadude17 2 Posted April 30, 2012 We are not troll. We are legitimate faction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Thomas 1 Posted April 30, 2012 Quote I understand this is a pk group that likes to grief but isnt the accronym HIV a bit . . . Wrong?No.Is first letter of every English word used, I check. Is correct, we professional. You join, yes? If join we will offer Glorious death for better of people instead of inglorious panty death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chief (DayZ) 4 Posted April 30, 2012 Да, я присоединюсь к ВИЧ, чтобы помочь дальнейшие намерения Путина с его новым оружиемдля матушки-России! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chaostactical 4 Posted May 1, 2012 ...if i see you or any of your people on my server, your going to be put under my KoS list, repeatedly killed, for 'MERIKA, and tbagged. that is all.Cheers, Soviet-Backwater-Failure-Vodka-Loving-Scum.Chaos.And all of Legion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shastadude17 2 Posted May 1, 2012 Mr. Legion Chaos panty man, this is fine. Why you ask? Because you never see our most Glorious of Spetsnaz ever. We are like ghost. How, as you America say, Yippy Ki-Yey...motherfucker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Thomas 1 Posted May 1, 2012 Quote Chaos' pid='6033' dateline='1335839469']...if i see you or any of your people on my server' date=' your going to be put under my KoS list, repeatedly killed, for 'MERIKA, and tbagged. that is all.Cheers, Soviet-Backwater-Failure-Vodka-Loving-Scum.Chaos.And all of Legion.[/quote']Look at this man, he think he fight ghost! But let ask this, if legion so strong, why they wear mothers own panties? The underwear of frilly is no mark of soldier!Cheeki breeki vy'ldamke! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 6 Posted May 1, 2012 Firstly, these two are obviously trolls, trying to be funny by "miss out word in sentence, is not spell good too", even though I'm not Russian, I find it highly insulting.Secondly, Chaos Quote Chaos' pid='6033' dateline='1335839469']Cheers' date=' Soviet-Backwater-Failure-Vodka-Loving-Scum.[/quote']That wasn't really necessary. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Suffocation Posted May 1, 2012 These threads are for getting people to join or help your group, not to brag about how great you think you are. So please shut up about your "133t r4mb01ng sk1illz" or this thread will be closed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 2 Posted May 1, 2012 I dunno maybe you should get a job guys, find a know get a life :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted May 1, 2012 me feel stupider reding dis bread.Locking thread.PM me or someone if you want it unlocked and used for recruiting/something useful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chief (DayZ) 4 Posted May 1, 2012 Quote I find it highly insulting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shastadude17 2 Posted May 1, 2012 I plead with Glorious, tight knit playerbase of DayZ...We are not troll. We are not try offend anyone with authentic-ultra Russian accent. We are simply role-play the part of bad guy, similar to Ukrainian soldier in STALKER series, with humorous undertone. I like thank representative from Legion who further develop storyline for HIV by telling us to avoid server if not want hostilities. We are want hostility. That is point of HIV, kill and be killed. We are extreme select of who join HIV, so if interest, please PM myself, or Goatsenator for information and set up formal interview. Business casual is accept pantywear. This is most to get name out, and other player ask question about HIV, and perhaps other player (similar to Legion representative) to further develop backplot story. This is not troll. Also, last one note, we are not to offend by simply stating Glorious HIV are best and win. It is simple role-play, so please, no take offense. Cheers, comrades. See you in zone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 6 Posted May 2, 2012 'Dr. PoopyPants said: I plead with Glorious' date=' tight knit playerbase of DayZ...We are not troll. We are not try offend anyone with authentic-ultra Russian accent. We are simply role-play the part of bad guy, similar to Ukrainian soldier in STALKER series, with humorous undertone. I like thank representative from Legion who further develop storyline for HIV by telling us to avoid server if not want hostilities. We are want hostility. That is point of HIV, kill and be killed. We are extreme select of who join HIV, so if interest, please PM myself, or Goatsenator for information and set up formal interview. Business casual is accept pantywear. This is most to get name out, and other player ask question about HIV, and perhaps other player (similar to Legion representative) to further develop backplot story. This is not troll. Also, last one note, we are not to offend by simply stating Glorious HIV are best and win. It is simple role-play, so please, no take offense. Cheers, comrades. See you in zone.[/quote']OK, I am thank you for clear up that. Pardon past frustrate post of me. Is good now.Приветствия Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vedicardi 7 Posted May 2, 2012 people got mad about this? wow haha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shastadude17 2 Posted May 2, 2012 'Anthony said: OK' date=' I am thank you for clear up that. Pardon past frustrate post of me. Is good now.Приветствия[/quote']I much glad we are come in agreement. It appear that burly biker man in signature of you is approve as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites