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To the hackers on US128

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Roger that, one of the guys was recording it but I'm not sure it'll show any names, since they don't show on the server. Will get it posted as soon we can.

Thanks, Ravin, btw. I realize this is probably even more frustrating for you than it is for us. We appreciate all you do.

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Ravin, Ander clearly stated when he announced that choppers were back in, that only ONE chopper will be added to each server. So that means only ONE chopper will spawn per server no matter what. There should never be more than one chopper at any given time on any server.

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Ravin, Ander clearly stated when he announced that choppers were back in, that only ONE chopper will be added to each server. So that means only ONE chopper will spawn per server no matter what. There should never be more than one chopper at any given time on any server.

Ander announced that it would NOW be only one chopper. As it was changed after the HIVE tweak. As I explained, if it continues to pop up either it is a bug or a hacker. The new replies are over something else completely different and related to the same guys.

Either way, The chopper bit is unprovable as lists alreayd posted above, but phreash and Lnxa know what to do now to help out in catching a hacker.

Roger that, one of the guys was recording it but I'm not sure it'll show any names, since they don't show on the server. Will get it posted as soon we can.

Thanks, Ravin, btw. I realize this is probably even more frustrating for you than it is for us. We appreciate all you do.

When you kill them it will give a name saying "They were killed." Lnxa told me one of you had frapped them hacking and had killed them during it. So I am waiting to see if you can show me this FRAPS and provide a name so I can push a ban and report a ticket to DayZ staff for a global ban.

It doesn't really frustrate me. I know hackers will be around, and if not for this whole Alpha Experience. I have had to accept this and find small workarounds to deal with them. Its just a game, no use getting frustrated about it. I admin because I enjoy hosting an environment for individuals.

If anything I am more sad that it is ruining your guys gameplay experience and I am unable to prevent it. Its noones fault really, its just due to the game stage we play in. I admined in Minecraft during its Alpha and Beta and dealt with hackers all the time. So... really DayZ is just a repeat of something I have done in a different game. This explains why I have a very positive/understanding attitude towards this Alpha Experience.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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Just a random update, We did ban two hackers as we had FRAPS and names which we will be putting into a support ticket once it is uploaded.

I will also after it is confirmed by DayZ staff posting their GUID for other hosts to ban them incase they try to go around a global ban.

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More trouble on US 128.

I rejoined after a server reset moments ago and found my inventory edited. I lost an mk. 48 and dmr that I'd just found in someone's camp and had it replaced with an AS50 TWS and several mags. I immediately logged out. I have no idea what to do with the gear and feel that screenshots of my inventory would be redundant. The only thing I did was take a shot of the server pool.

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I recently died on our server due to hackers.

We know its going on.

We just really cannot do anything.

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More trouble on US 128.

I rejoined after a server reset moments ago and found my inventory edited. I lost an mk. 48 and dmr that I'd just found in someone's camp and had it replaced with an AS50 TWS and several mags. I immediately logged out. I have no idea what to do with the gear and feel that screenshots of my inventory would be redundant. The only thing I did was take a shot of the server pool.

You might want to report this to DayZ staff under Support at the top and ask for an inventory wipe.

I do not think they will return your Mk48 however, but you don't want your name on the HIVE with hacked equipment. Best to cover your bases and not risk a battleye global ban for someone elses actions.

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I reported it and ditched the hacked weapon. Things have gotten so much more dramatic since this thread was started.

Next time you kill a hacker, Lnxa, you should tell them that they're awesome players and that you can't believe how lucky you were.

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I reported it and ditched the hacked weapon. Things have gotten so much more dramatic since this thread was started.

Next time you kill a hacker, Lnxa, you should tell them that they're awesome players and that you can't believe how lucky you were.

I am willing to bet its through a few forums posts I did about not legit servers closing down for loot and they saw my sig from there. By proxy.

Or maybe I pissed someone off by telling them they are an idiot. That can happen to.

Blame me for it :3. Its all gravy to me.

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Phew. Hackers being banned like a baws today. Two more to add to the report before sending it over to DayZ Staff.

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=[LM]= Mikesworth

Was the player list when I noticed my inventory was messed up. Any of those guys on your ban list?

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Dalton and Russian, Yes. They are on the chopping block. Spawning SUV's and Choppers.

One you missed was Tyrian. Who was using cloak and shooting at people.

youtube vid is going up, after reviewing it, (As it wasn't myself who did it.) If its sufficant enough, I will ban their GUID's and post a support ticket for their global ban.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin
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