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My reports as of latest patch.

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Well, feedback is golden in an alpha, so here it goes:

1.) Inability to pick up backpacks from the ground:

- When roaming in the world, when you encounter packs you don't receive any option to equip them when you mouse scroll anymore, nor does there appear to be any options available via inventory management to pick them up.

2.) Glitchy interface after prolonged use of Steam shit/tab:

- I lack enough experience with Arma 2 to know whether or not this is a bug with this particular mod or Arma 2 in general, but when you've been continually using the shift/tab to talk to a friend in steam, the indicator will start to flicker rapidly between menu options, not allowing you to accurately choose what you want.

3.) Disappearing Tents:

- I've saw that this issue was present prior to the update and has been resolved in a variety of ways. I play on DE5 and my tent has disappeared since the patch, had a lot of valuables inside but I've learned not to get too attached to anything in an alpha. Nothing that can't be relooted I guess.

4.) Inaccurate Thirst/Hunger levels:

- Whenever I'm playing, regardless of whether or not I've just eaten, if I relog for any reason my hunger and thirst are both flashing red with me losing health. This issue is particularly problematic for me as I have a somewhat unstable net connection and experience frequent drops - after each one of these my hunger/thirst is always back to flashing red.

5.) Massive fps/performance drops, somewhat randomly:

- Playing on my frequent server this isn't happening much, however whenever I reconnect to a server or join a different one it can tend to spark this off.

Basics of my rig:

AMD Phenom x6 1100t @ 4.0 GHz

2GB AMD Sapphire HD 6970

16GB Corsair Vengeance RAM

As you can see, my rig should be flooring this - I'm running the latest drivers along with the latest client for Arma 2, DayZ and Battleye. I've uninstalled each individually to do some troubleshooting but could find no single one as the cause of the fault. I've also found that the issue itself can be hard to replicate and happens somewhat randomly. As I stated before, however, I do reckon it's happening upon connection (could be an issue when initially receiving data from the server, idk?).

Anyways - Thanks if you read/respond to this with any help/reports of progress etc etc, I tried to put this forward in as helpful a manner as possible.

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1. you can puck up backpacks, but only by clearing any loot on the floor first.

for example if their is and alice pack next to some tin cans, pick up the trash and then use the scroll wheel and you will get the option to take it bro!1!!!!!!!!!

2. yes it's glitchy shift tab steam interface, nothing to be dont about man.

3. if you read, all tents wiped on update

4. i don't believe this to be a normal problem - are you alt f4 closing your game when in trouble - may cause effects that reverse your food hunger to a earlier state..

5. Random lag can be generated for a number of reason, fps fluctuations can be down to serverside problems, not you.



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2. yes it's glitchy shift tab steam interface' date=' nothing to be dont about man.


press tab once more after closing the overlay (the key gets stuck, this is the same effect as using the overlay to "auto walk").

I usually use the esc menu to check if tab got stuck after using the overlay, if focus is running wild then tab is stuck, press it once more and problem is solved.

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Those replying to this, please look at the date is was posted.

"As of latest patch" was five or six patches ago.

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