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The Ranger

Disbanded faction.

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The three individuals (Craze, TheUltraScum, sm00th0per4at0r) are accepted as rangers into the group. I apologize The Dayz Elite but you are denied due to modifying the fillout. You can try again any time. The three individuals are now recruits, have been added to the list. Please click the "follow this topic" button on the top of the thread.

I congratulate you on joining the group. I will try and give you the best experience within our clan. Don't make it waste. As for now, we will wait in three more days until the meeting.

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The individual above (RangerBe) has been accepted as a ranger in the group! Welcome to the group! You have been assigned a divison and group, you have been ranked as a recruit and have been listed in the members!

I congratulate you for being in the group. Welcome and enjoy your stay.

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DayZ name (your name in-game):Deppy

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use):Deppy

Country:England (UK)

Timezone: GMT +1:00


How long have you played ArmA II?:3 Days

How long have you played the DayZ mod?:3 Days

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): I would if I'm in a group , solo is too much of a hassle

Experience (1 paragraph or less): I've experienced what every other new player has , Running Across Cherno and getting sniped , i've learned alot from my mistakes and survive alot longer i know my ways around Chernarus ,Now i can easily run to Elektro / Cherno and get gear without any problems.I like to Ask before shooting unless they look like a threat

DayZ version: Which ever the latest version is

What division do you want to take part in?: Patrol Group


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We need to get a Teamspeak 3 server running, or how else can I communicate with you guys?

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We need to get a Teamspeak 3 server running, or how else can I communicate with you guys?


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I have made up my plan. Through many complications I have got with communicating a member. I have one option to only disband the faction. I apologize for wasting your time greatly because I have many things to do in reality and the virtual world. I don't have all the time to play DayZ just to host one single clan in order to bring all the members through. Hosting a server for 50 to 60 bucks for each month is also a waste of hard work for getting such a server, don't you agree? I will be disbanding the faction but I won't be removing you on my friends list. Together, we will work as friends but not teammates. We will still be survivors and will work together. Here are some reasons for what complications I have went through:

1. Servers

Servers are often paid to 50 to 60 bucks a month or yearly. I don't bother to waste hard work on these because I can use my money in reality for things that will last more than servers. I plan on getting the Halo 4 limited edition sometime soon and using it on other items aswell.

2. Communication

Communication with the members is a failure. You have pay for Teamspeak 3, go and download programs that I don't need and so forth. Half of my friends added me on their friendslist and I really can't afford to getting all these announcements up and running when I don't have a server to call "home" or to get a server that allows you to get shit that you really need.

3. War Z

War Z is upcoming, massively multiplayer zombie survival game that has no objectives. Just survivors and zombies. There are better features that bash in Day Z. A quote from PC Gamer. "

Can these guys really execute the tremendous list of features they’ve laid-out? 250-player capacity, PvE/PvP, unrestrictive-but-accessible gameplay, multiple open worlds that will rival or exceed the size of


’s, free content updates, player-owned servers, and stuff like bounties and vaccination?" So, that's my third reason. You can read about the video game here."


4. Reality and Virtuality

I have been surpressed with reality due to social life, family, playing video games and so forth that I cannot get to being with DayZ all the time. My favourite game is Garrysmod which I tend to play alot along with other games. My friends tend to play with me in DayZ which leaves my members behind. I have things to take care in reality such as going with my family to many places.

So you get it right? I apologize for losing your time but bare with me, you can play with me any time you want. Yes, many players will rage the fuck out of me but it has passed. There are many clans out there that overwhelm and beat my clan.

Once again.


Edited by The Ranger

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Bane

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): floatlikemax

Country: usa

Timezone: eastern


How long have you played ArmA II?: n/a

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: around a month

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): Yes i am a big fan of vehicles.

Experience (1 paragraph or less): Ive played for awhile now. I had a teamspeak and I recruited some guys and played with them for awhile but then i took a break and stopped playing with them.

DayZ version: latest

What division do you want to take part in?: Any division that needs filled but preferrably engineer squad.


Edited by maximus

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DayZ name (your name in-game):

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use):


Timezone:east coast


How long have you played ArmA II?:for about a month

How long have you played the DayZ mod?:for about a three weeks now but know all i need it know

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): yes if it is needed only

Experience (1 paragraph or less):My first day playing i was able to find a gun some food and then a better gun a akm, then i looked it up online, and found out that it is a powerful but loud gun but since it was my first good gun i wanted head out north to the airstrip. Once their i was able to do a successful raid and kill of any bandits that was shooting at me but my journey was ended fast when i went threw stary sober and got shot up like a fire cracker. I told myself i could do the just be more carfuly out their but didn't have any good luck so i went on the forums to look to some team mates i can trust and found some. Now im doing success full raids and is able to share with my friend that i now trust with my life but now one lost my trust so its only the two of us. I found a bus out at the airstrip, most of the cars and bikes but with bad luck from the servers they are now back to the spawn spot or was blown up from unknown causes (i have a lot of stories from playing dayz funny one's too).

DayZ version:

What division do you want to take part in?:Sniper (if needed you can never have to many)

Edited by Dayz Elite

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DayZ name: Hockeyjunkey

Steam name: Hockeyjunkey210

Country: US (west coast)

Timezone: Pacific

Age: 21

How long have you played ArmA II?: couple hours

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: about a month

Do you like obtaining things and using them: yes

Experience: I've been playing dayz for a little over three weeks now and have gotten a lot better from when I first started. I currently have a character that has roughly been alive for 24+ hours and have the majority of tools as well as an AS50, M4A1 CCO, M1911, camo outfit and a bunch of supplies. I do well on my own but I feel like I could do a lot more with a group.

DayZ version: current

What division do you want to take part in?: sniper or patrol

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DayZ name: Tavoz

Steam name: theisjacobi

Country: Germany

Timezone: GMT+1

Age: 15

How long have you played ArmA II?: not at all

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: 2 Months

Do you like obtaining things and using them: If necessary

Experience: I started playing Dayz with some of my friends, they taught me the game, since then ive been scavenging pretty much alone. I adapted to the game very quickly and im not a bad shot (sniperwise)

DayZ version: always up to date

What division do you want to take part in?: sniper, im flexible though

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