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The Ranger

Disbanded faction.

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I have made up my plan. Through many complications I have got with communicating a member. I have one option to only disband the faction. I apologize for wasting your time greatly because I have many things to do in reality and the virtual world. I don't have all the time to play DayZ just to host one single clan in order to bring all the members through. Hosting a server for 50 to 60 bucks for each month is also a waste of hard work for getting such a server, don't you agree? I will be disbanding the faction but I won't be removing you on my friends list. Together, we will work as friends but not teammates. We will still be survivors and will work together. Here are some reasons for what complications I have went through:

1. Servers

Servers are often paid to 50 to 60 bucks a month or yearly. I don't bother to waste hard work on these because I can use my money in reality for things that will last more than servers. I plan on getting the Halo 4 limited edition sometime soon and using it on other items aswell.

2. Communication

Communication with the members is a failure. You have pay for Teamspeak 3, go and download programs that I don't need and so forth. Half of my friends added me on their friendslist and I really can't afford to getting all these announcements up and running when I don't have a server to call "home" or to get a server that allows you to get shit that you really need.

3. War Z

War Z is upcoming, massively multiplayer zombie survival game that has no objectives. Just survivors and zombies. There are better features that bash in Day Z. A quote from PC Gamer. "

Can these guys really execute the tremendous list of features they’ve laid-out? 250-player capacity, PvE/PvP, unrestrictive-but-accessible gameplay, multiple open worlds that will rival or exceed the size of


’s, free content updates, player-owned servers, and stuff like bounties and vaccination?" So, that's my third reason. You can read about the video game here."


4. Reality and Virtuality

I have been surpressed with reality due to social life, family, playing video games and so forth that I cannot get to being with DayZ all the time. My favourite game is Garrysmod which I tend to play alot along with other games. My friends tend to play with me in DayZ which leaves my members behind. I have things to take care in reality such as going with my family to many places.

So you get it right? I apologize for losing your time but bare with me, you can play with me any time you want. Yes, many players will rage the fuck out of me but it has passed. There are many clans out there that overwhelm and beat my clan.

Once again.


Edited by The Ranger

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-Bumped thread-

Added a few things too and some more sections are going to be added to the thread such as ally and enemy groups, known bandits that need to be wanted (if killed, name will be removed), a ranking section and a division section. For example, a division will be added like medics, patrol groups, snipers, and so forth. Also a advanced member thread where a certain member reaches over a rank, he will be added to that list.

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Cian

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): ciands

Country: USA (For the time being, from Ireland)

Timezone: GMT -8 (GMT +0)

Age: 16

How long have you played ArmA II?: Two weeks

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: Two weeks

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): For the good of the group, of course. (Yes :P)

Experience (1 paragraph or less): Have killed two bandits (assholes), a couple of dozen Zeds. Well equiped atm, M4A1 CCO, Makarov, plenty of ammo, all tools (except toolbox and compass), medical supplies, food and water. My character has been alive for roughly 7-8 hours gameplay? Not too sure but around that.

DayZ version:

Notes: Would love to be part of the team :D

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Clerkius

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): Clerkius

Country: USA

Timezone: Pacific Standard Time / West Coast

Age: 18

How long have you played ArmA II?: Not even an hour.

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: Approximately five weeks.

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): Yes, and no, it depends on what is currently available to me, and / or if I'm determined to acquire anything in particular to have an adequate reason for picking any items in question.

Experience (1 paragraph or less): Playing by the three C's; "Cool, Calm, Collective", I've come to learn much about the world environment, and its interactions between zombies & players alike. You will find that I have extensive knowledge of DayZ as I pinpoint what buildings spawn what, navigate with a map, coordinates & GPS, and provide proficient over-watch protection or cover fire in close quarters fire fight. I'm as assertive, communicative and obedient as a member of a group as I am a leader. I've read the DayZ Wikipedia / Database as if it were a knowledgable bible at one point, so feel free to provide me with your curiosities or look it up yourself. We can easily attain equipment for one another as I can for myself, sniper rifles, clothing, provisions, you name it!

DayZ version: 9.62.95417

Notes: I prefer using Skype, my Skype Username is the same, Clerkius. Yes, I have a microphone and can communicate either way.

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Both users (Clerkius and CianDS) are accepted as rangers of the group. You are assigned a division in the upcoming days depending on what divison you want to choose, you are now ranked as Recruit, you are added to the roster. Welcome and enjoy your stay in the group! Please tell your friends about this clan if they want in.

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I guess I'll be standing idle until further notice.

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Survivor

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): Nimbo566

Country: United States

Timezone: EST (Maryland)

Age: 15

How long have you played ArmA II?: 35hours

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: 34 hours ;)

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): Yes, im very resourceful

Experience (1 paragraph or less): I have a coop experience with my friends and i. We get on every day for at least 5 hours. We are a highly skilled sniping and assault squadron. We love to have fun but plan our moves very carefully. Im currently looking for a group for the four of us. I have much experience with loot runs throughout various cities and spotting enemies from afar. I think this would be a great place for our squad.

DayZ version: Up to date with 6 launcher

Notes: Hope to see you in game!

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Individual user HopelessGenitial is accepted as rangers in the group. You are assigned a division in the upcoming days depending on what divison you want to choose, you are now ranked as Recruit, you are added to the roster. Welcome and enjoy your stay in the group! Please tell your friends about this clan if they want in.

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Tommorow, I will have the new updates on the thread and I will private message the users who didn't get a spot in the division, will atleast be informed about the ranking list, and will be added to the Roster. Also, please click the "follow this thread" button ontop of the page.

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Traveling Medic

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): [email protected] (just put it into friend search)

Country: USA

Timezone: Pacific Standard Time/ West Coast

Age: 17

How long have you played ArmA II?: A few months, not pro at some singeplayer aspects

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: two months

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): Hell yeah, never know what your gonna find.

Experience (1 paragraph or less): When i first started i picked up the proper idea pretty fast and went a really bandit route and killed quite alot of people. After a little while thou i learned of the greater joy of helping people especially those who are dying or in trouble. Soon after i changed my profile name to Traveling Medic and are helping people around the map ( gave out tents or mass carried med supplies to hand out when needed).

DayZ version: Latest as always

Notes: Would love to serve a medic/ pack mule kinda role in the group

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Individual Traveling Medic is now accepted as a ranger in the group. You are assigned a division depending on your division choice, will atleast be informed about the ranking list and, will be added to the roster. Also, please click the "follow this topic" button on top of the page for more recent updates.

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DayZ name (your name in-game):Loudpack123

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use):loudpack123


Timezone:Pacific/West Coast

Age:14 but very mature and have a lot of good dayz experience.

How long have you played ArmA II?:About a Month

How long have you played the DayZ mod?:About a Month

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e.

engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No):Yes i love to collect anything good that I can find.

Experience (1 paragraph or less):Me and my friend has like a little base where we keep all of our weapons we like to go bandit hunting (Killed about 9 bandits)and i am equipped with a m4a1 cco and a m1911 a alice pack ALOT of food and water got some medical supplies.

DayZ version:

Notes:It would be my honor to play with your group thank you for taking the time to read this.

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Albert Fish

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): Stinky

Country: England

Timezone: GMT +0


How long have you played ArmA II?: 2 Hours? Mainly play Domination though.

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: 1-2 Months

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): If I needed to or someone needed a Part I would go and collect it.

Experience (1 paragraph or less): I do play DayZ Quite a lot and used to be in a group but they disbanded and I started to play Solo, I was more of a Bandit and Gunner, scout or a spotter. I will shoot someone if they're a threat but if they need help or are friendly I will take caution then help/kill them.

DayZ version: Latest (Six Launcher wise)

Notes: Thanks for reading :D

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Both individuals loudpack123 and Stinky are accepted as ranger(s) in the group. You are now added to the roster, have been ranked as Recruit, and have been given a private message regarding divisions.

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Marcus123

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): N/A

Country: England

Timezone: GMT+0

Age: 13

How long have you played ArmA II?: Not at all really

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: About a month and a half

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): Well I would only do that if someone else or myself need them

Experience (1 paragraph or less): Played DayZ for a few weeks on my own and managed to die only once and that was the first day of me playing, after that I started searching around the forums for clans and managed to get into a few however I didn't like them much so I went back to Solo, managed to get alot of good equipment however I died yesterday and now wish to go back to a group again.

DayZ version: Latest one, I use SixLauncher

What division do you want to take part in?: Not too sure, I normally just do whatever someone would like me to do.

Notes: Love DayZ and would love to be a part of the group.

Edited by Marcus123
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DayZ name (your name in-game): Will Smith

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): sirilp

Country: Germany

Timezone: GMT + 1

Age: 14

How long have you played ArmA II?: About 2 weeks

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: About 3-4 months.

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): If me or somebody other needs it, yeah of course

Experience (1 paragraph or less): I play quite a lot, but lately i got shot and because of this my motivation decreased, (had a M107 and a AK-74 Cobra)

but give me a good sniper-rifle or a assault-rifle and i will not disapoint you.

DayZ version: Latest (ALL GLORY TO SIX-LAUNCHER)^^

What division do you want to take part in?: Mostly sniper or mercenary but i can play as patrol-individual too i like to play in groups very much!^^

Notes: Like Clerkius im prefering to use skype when im when I'm further away from the other team comrades for a better understanding.

Would be very cool if i get accepted. :-)

Edited by Will Smith
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DayZ name (your name in-game): Gosu

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): [AF] Hedgehog

Country: Norway

Timezone: CET

Age: 15

How long have you played ArmA II?: 2 hours

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: 1 month

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): Never found a vehicle. I can hoard vehicle stuff if needed

Experience (1 paragraph or less):been involved in a lot of raids with different players, not experienced with snipers though. Usually playing atleast 3+ hours a day. Co leading a dota 2 team if that helps

DayZ version:newest

What division do you want to take part in?: Would love to be either engineer or a medic

Notes: Would love to be accepted

Edited by Dallas131413
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DayZ name (your name in-game): Striker

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): Striker

Country: Canada

Timezone: EST ( eastern standard time )

Age: 22

How long have you played ArmA II?: along time.

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: couple weeks.

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): When needed I have no problem collecting. (Yes)

Experience (1 paragraph or less): played dayz for a couple weeks now, I did die alot when first starting out, started bandit hunting and got good gear from that, then I died recently and lost it all.. so now I have a bit of gear and am rebuilding what I lost, but for a experience stand point.. I can get in and out of a area without anyone knowing I was there, even if it's highly camped, I am a Very good shot with any gun. friendly and trustworthy player.

DayZ version: Always up to date.

What division do you want to take part in?: I am a sniper at heart so I would say team bravo, but I also like to be in firefights against other groups so team alpha what ever you think would be best fit for me.

Notes: Please read these notes before adding me on steam or messaging me.

I am looking for a very serious clan / group for this game < This is my main priority.

I am a hardcore team player.

I have been leading squads and massive clans for many many games in the past, my leadership skills are top notch in high stress situations.

I am looking for a clan that will use tactics, teamwork and must be mature there is nothing more that I hate then children screaming on mics because they are under fire

I was in the military for 3 years.

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Dave

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use):DBEST7879


Timezone: EST


How long have you played ArmA II?: Arma itself maybe a little more than an hour.

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: Week or so now.

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No):At the moment Im not collecting parts for the reason of I have nowhere to put them/use them. But if the goal of the group is to get items like car parts together I have no problem doing my part.

Experience (1 paragraph or less):Not much experience to be honest, just been playing solo for the time I have been playing and have never gotten a chance to get a feel for the full game for the reason of just dying to players right off the bat. Would like to see the other side of DayZ while you play in a group with friendly players.

DayZ version:Up to date.

What division do you want to take part in?: Either team alpha or bravo would be perfect for me.

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The five individuals above (Marcus 123, Will Smith, Dallas141314, Strikers, cubert7879) are accepted as rangers in the group. You have been ranked as a recruit, been given the selected division that suits you best and has been placed in teams that were selected depending on what division you picked!

Welcome to the rangers! I wish to congratulate you and I do want you to have a great time hence what I said in the first paragraph. I wish to give players the best experience. Also, I updated the thread so it wouldn't be cluttered together.

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DayZ name (your name in-game): Pauls

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): Chief Keef

Country: Canada

Timezone: EST

Age: 18

How long have you played ArmA II?:1 year

How long have you played the DayZ mod?:2 weeks

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): yes

Experience (1 paragraph or less):I have some experience, I played with my buddy yesterday we got up north to the airstrip and got a couple of rifles. I just want to be with friendly survivors who are there to help you.

DayZ version: Latest version

What division do you want to take part in?: alpha or bravo

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Location:maryland us

Timezone:east coast

Game Information


i dont have a steam i have a skype id: djordan_17

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us :I I been looking for i well kept team/ group that i can join and not worry about someone stealing out my bag. I like that the group have a place to hold down and you make purpose to the game by trying to surviving and not just saying you are. I really want to join a team (this team) because right now im with a four man group but i only trust three of them because one is weapon hungry, want everything we find, and he threw a bottle at me and i didn't know you could throw it. I just want to play in a group to make it seem real and fun at the same time and make it fun while doing it.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Its something about my player but he always have a habit of find good resources and weapons. I use every resource to this game to become a good player like using my tv as a computer screen, phone as a map, and ps3 head set for this game so i can be as elite as i can be.

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DayZ name (your name in-game):Bernie

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use):capt_america1992




How long have you played ArmA II?:10 minutes

How long have you played the DayZ mod?:3 weeks

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No):Everything and anythings :)

Experience (1 paragraph or less):A very chaotic 3 weeks for me. I have been in a lot of firefights and have had to save friends countless times from near death. Played about 6 hours a day ever since I got this game. Spent most of my time solo. I have decent gear, and I am very confident in my sneaking skills. As for supplies, I have a lot of food and drink, and enough medical supplies to save an army.

DayZ version:Always up to date

What division do you want to take part in?:Medic

Notes:Prefer skype chris.america.gasse

Edited by sm00th0per4t0r
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DayZ name (your name in-game): Ranger (Weird.. huh?)

Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): Ranger (Don't run arma through steam though)

Country: Belgium

Timezone: GMT+1/2 (depending on the season.)

Age: 18

How long have you played ArmA II?: Since about May 2010

How long have you played the DayZ mod?: May 2012

Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): When needed, yes. I usually don't go looking for vehicle parts. I search for survival tools, and medicine. I never go out without medicine, I'll always have atleast one of everything, including antibiotics.

Experience (1 paragraph or less):My experience so far is best described as the lone, well equipped ranger walking the plains, stalking people and looking for supplies.

DayZ version: Most recent one.

What division do you want to take part in?: Snipers or loners, what you seem fit.

Notes: I like to think of myself as a "Metro 2033 Ranger", going out alone, looking for supplies. And I don't trust anyone who hasn't willingly walked into my line of sight, or saved my life.

Edited by RangerBe
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