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Wounds: not realistic / serious enough?

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This is related to the "bandit problem" but I think is also realistic in general:

You should really want to avoid being shot. At all. You can't just put a band-aid over the spot where you got hit with a shotgun slug and expect to be all better.

I propose the following:

* Reduce all "shot" damage.

* Increase bleeding damage

* Bleeding stacks the more you get hit (not sure if this is already true)

* Bandages reduce bleeding by a set amount per bandage (1 bandage is not guaranteed to stop all bleeding)

* Bleeding reduces on its own at a set pace based on how hungry/thirsty you are

* Food no longer heals you. It provides regeneration. Cooked food can boost you to a higher regeneration rate than canned food.

* Wounds can lead to infection.

The net result is that you don't want to get shot.

Firefights with other players will be dangerous if there's any chance you might get shot. Even if you rack up a bunch of kills are are awesome, taking a few hits yourself may be deadly.

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You're aware that many weapons are a 1-2 shot kill to the chest, right..? You don't want to get shot.. Ever... Your suggestion is kinda pointless and un-needed.

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I'm sorry' date=' making it this complicated would kill the game for me.


That is the point, yes. Survival mod or action shooter? Right now it's more of an action shooter and will be even moreso once bandit skins are removed.

I have no qualms about killing other players because it doesn't matter if they shoot me as long as I kill them first. I can quickly bandage, eat some steaks and be back to full health in under a minute. Less if my friends are online to give me a blood transfusion.

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I agree, too complicated. You already die incredibly quickly to a few well placed shots.

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Well i do agree that its kinda funny how a character has to spend minutes to regenerate body temperature but regaining other stuff is done instantly.

Thought im not so sure things should get too complicated. Also don't agree about the damage from gun wounds. After all a AK-47 hit should put a guy down.

I do however like the infection idea if it takes long time for it to start kicking in. It makes more sense then the cold we seem to automatically get when we freeze now.... :/

Food regenerating also sounds good.

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One or two shots from any primary weapon will kill you already, this is completely unnecessary. It's as if players who are all about realism haven't even played the game (except maybe to salvage supplies against zombies, probably the simplest part of the game?)

"night isn't that dark just use flares/chemlights/flashlights and broadcast your location!"

"gunshots aren't lethal enough we should lower their damage" <- lol what?

"letting players transfer items across servers isn't realistic"

I have no love for the CoD types either, but you folk need to realize that reality has to be augmented to fit the medium of a computer game. The point is to invoke emotion, and that's extremely hard if the meta gets in the way, constantly telling you how stupid something is.

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As if being shot isn't already a major struggle already? I know the very last thing I want to do is be grazed by a makarov round, let alone anything bigger. I've never walked out in good condition from a firefight.

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