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Under the wrong impression (Temp)

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I know I may be one of the few who might be thinking this but myself, along with several of my friends, feel like this new temperature thing was presented to us in a totally different manner.

When I first heard about the idea I thought it was going to be implemented in a way in which a player would overheat if they sprinted for too long (causing them pain, dehydration, etc.). Also, I was under the impression that the fires would be used to warm a player up at night.... when it got colder.... when people would actually get cold.... not when its sunny and 10am.

I understand rocket likes the idea of the game working against you but I think I can speak for everyone that in a foresty area like Chernarus I could live outside, and not freeze or catch a cold, from about 6am - 8pm. I could however definitely overheat from running 2 1/2 km with a bunch of gear on.

TLDR ; you should get cold at night, not at 10am and NEED a fire. Overheating should be implemented so that players could not run from Cherno to NW airfield in 5 mins with a M107 (like I have done).

P.S. I am still not 100% sure with how this temperature stuff works, but I do think it is unfair for it to be sunny on a server and yet I need to watch my temp while sprinting for over 20 mins.

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Also combine the effect that not only is it sunny out at 10am, you're also in the middle of your full sprint while wearing all that gear...

You're going to be overheating, not catching a cold...

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I know I am not the best with my wording but yes that's exactly what I mean.

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Indeed, temperature shouldn't decrease during a sunny day at all. This whole temperature thing Im very not fond of. I dont mind minimal debuff such as shacky aim and coughing, but losing health or becoming sick? Nope.

Im a land surveyor. One day I had to work on top of a mountain (over 1 kilometers above sea level) it was rainning ice and yet I survived my 10 hours shift outside without the proper gear and no vehicule to warm me. I even ate under the icy rain. Yet, I did not catch a cold nor died, I simply took a warm hot bath with my girlfriend when I got home.

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I love the idea of the new temp system, but I agree it still needs work, also I believe Rocket and the rest of the team are more than aware of this and they are working on it, I think they are just testing the temp system right now and that is why it was included in the latest build.

I don't intend to be an ass or be repetitive but lets not forget this is an alpha

Anyways I agree with the op on how the temp mechanics should work

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