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Here is a video of a me getting banned after i have shot a guy by my atv after spawning in, I already gave there server a bad day after looting 4 camps, one of them being there main base so i guess they had enough, I would like this clan/group taking care of. I guess this is classed as admin abuse.

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Fully support the reporting of these admins for server abuse.

Myself and a few fellow clan members have had run-ins with these "POLICE" members and its always ended up in the server being rebooted if any of them die.

(See linked thread in previous post)

Such immature people should not be allowed to run a server..full stop

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Oh another thing about UK117 'mofo' (there's two 117's but this is related to the 'mofo' one), when I died and spawned there, I had an air-horn.. not as an item in inv., but if I cycled fire options with 'f' to go to throw, there was a horn.. and it was funny as hell to attact zombies.. but it shouldn't have been there, and there was no actual item to drop or pickup to get it...

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Me and a friend were on Uk 117, we accidentally found one of their camps on an island off the main coast. We both died becuase they shot us. Just before we got back we were subsequently kicked from the server. It sucked.

Something needs to be done, F*** the police!

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Me and a friend were on Uk 117, we accidentally found one of their camps on an island off the main coast. We both died becuase they shot us. Just before we got back we were subsequently kicked from the server. It sucked.

Something needs to be done, F*** the police!

Actually, I think you found our camp off the coast, that we interrupted their raid on.. we killed them, and then they reset the server 3 times to get their gear back.. nothing really in there.. but we did get some nice nvg's, a 50 cal and backpacks off their rotting corpses...

Edited by Skinman

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There wasn't a lot of subtlety in this O.o

There seems to be a lot of support and similar claims, if more people report this thread will gain more traction.

All you need is something like what Jason1 has!

Rolling through a bunch of bases sucks, but it's not banworthy, hopefully you get some answers :)

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yeah i hope to gain some more support, otherwise im assembling my A team to go onto there server and blow up ever last know base camp of theirs!

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Actually, I think you found our camp off the coast, that we interrupted their raid on.. we killed them, and then they reset the server 3 times to get their gear back.. nothing really in there.. but we did get some nice nvg's, a 50 cal and backpacks off their rotting corpses...

Yeah sounds like our camp. A helicopter had spawned earlier on that island too but turns out I'm not very good at landing helicopters :P Oh well, we've ditched that camp and that server now - so long and thanks for all the loot.

Good luck in your endeavour Jason1 :)

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The sound of the admins excuses are deafening in here...

/me watches the tumble weeds drift by...

Isn't it lucky that there's 3rd party websites that log server restarts?

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At least they have been forced to move the vehicles..make them work for their cheating :)

/edit good job :)

/edit I see on the youtube comments, the admin doesn't even deny or wonder why..a bit telling?

Although he is still only 17.. maybe he will wise up in a year or two..

Edited by Skinman

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At least they have been forced to move the vehicles..make them work for their cheating :)

/edit good job :)

/edit I see on the youtube comments, the admin doesn't even deny or wonder why..a bit telling?

Although he is still only 17.. maybe he will wise up in a year or two..

hopefully! who knows

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