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With all the rampant hacking going on... I think we should be able to P/W

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Until all this hacking stops I think server hosts should be able to protect their server with a password and request people ask for a p/w or invite players that they know are not hackers to their servers. I for one would play for one specific server until this mass hacking gets fixed.

BTW... anyone already doing this plz PM me ur server and password as Im tired of hackers on EVERY SINGLE SERVER I JOIN.

This way... you KNOW who has joined your server and exactly who is hacking.

(Hey... I just invited joe... an a nuke went off, byebye for life joe)

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We need better tools, logging, and documentation to assist with identifying hackers.

Anyone have any resources to help understanding log files and general ARMA2 administration?

Edited by Sna.ke

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I agree with this idea... we had guys teleporting stuff on our server... we kicked everyone.. locked it up so nobody could play for a while... an hour later we get a message that we might get blacklisted for locking our server....

this is unacceptable, i could see if we had people playing on it while it was locked... but we removed everyone,and locked it.

I guess we will just cancel our subscription, having no right to keep hackers out and being told to have the server up or be blacklisted is a joke.

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