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The word "Unbalanced" SUCKS

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I've seen so many threads where people are bitching about guns being "unbalanced." Well, here's what I say to that.


I HATE the word "unbalanced." THIS GAME SHOULD NOT BE BALANCED. This isn't some other FPS in which everyone should be on a level playing field. In this one, you use the correct tool for the job and if you don't have that tool you suffer. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. There wouldn't be a point of having "high class" loot otherwise. Besides, if you get the jump on someone, you can already rape them no matter what weapon you have. TACTICS are the name of the game. You're a lone wolf so you can't find the same good loot as grouped up bandits. THAT'S YOUR FAULT DUMBASS. YOU CHOOSE TO LONE WOLF SO YOU SUFFER. If you want the same good loot as a group of bandits, JOIN A GROUP OF FUCKING BANDITS. Why can't people connect the dots? This is supposed to be a simulation. IRL, there's no "balancing." You do what needs to be done or suffer for it. If you really want to suffer because you're not using all the advantages you could then that's your problem.



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