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Was 'Killed' vs 'Murdered'?

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I was just thinking about something. Would it be nice if the kill reel, the corner of your screen that was 'John was killed', was a tad more specific? Perhaps to combat the amount of people that seem to constantly get murdered by bandits (like me...), it could say 'Was killed' if zombies got them, or they fell to death, etc. But if another player kills them, it would just say 'was murdered'. Not by who or any additional details. Just so if you see 10 people die in a short amount of time, you know whether it was from zombies, or whether someone is on a murderous rampage and you can at least hide and be more cautious.

But I'm not even sure if I like this idea 100%. What do you guys think?

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Under normal circumstances, the responses to your post from the 'veterans' of this community will say:

50% "I'd rather that we get no alert messages at all".

30% "Man up already" post

20% that they'll say something normal for once.

*Yes I'm poking fun at you people, not the OP.

But for your post I'd contribute and say:

The 'was killed' feature is something based in Arma II from the start of the get-go, so I'm not even sure if DayZ can get into the hardcoded stuff and change that.

Edited by dra6o0n
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I don't want "Person is killed" to even be displayed. It's half the fun being paranoid having to approach a body not knowing.

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I don't want "Person is killed" to even be displayed. It's half the fun being paranoid having to approach a body not knowing.

Yeah that's why I'm kind of in the middle on this... I think it needs to go one way or the other. Either destinguish 'killed' and 'murdered' or not show up at all. But as it was stated, it very well could be hardcoded.

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on some servers there is a additon, telling "was killed by friendly fire" or even a name.

you might want to join those servers.

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It would be nice if people that were killed by zombies had more torn up bodies so that when you saw it you could tell it was a Zed kill. some might argue that its nice not knowing what happened but personaly i would feel more freaked out if i saw a body that i KNEW 100% was a player kill. cuz at the moment when i see a body the back of head is thinking that it could very easily just be a Zed kill and im not all that scared

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If I hear gunshots then see 'xxx was killed' then I worry, if I don't hear gunshots then it isn't an immediate problem.

It would be nice if people that were killed by zombies had more torn up bodies so that when you saw it you could tell it was a Zed kill. some might argue that its nice not knowing what happened but personaly i would feel more freaked out if i saw a body that i KNEW 100% was a player kill. cuz at the moment when i see a body the back of head is thinking that it could very easily just be a Zed kill and im not all that scared

I like this idea. ^^

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I want the was killed feature gone and the Murder count in the debug screen to register like 10-15 minutes after the kill, so you'll never know if he's playing dead or really dead

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It wouldn't matter to me. You should be able to tell how a person was killed by "inspecting" the body though. That would bring more depth and detail to the game.

Also, bodies should stay around a little longer after a player was killed. (slower de spawn)

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I would actually much prefer to not know if someone dies. I'm not omniscient. It would be better if the 'examine body' funcion was more descriptive, so instead of the game telling you how someone died, you need to find out yourself.

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I like the idea.. we def need to keep it vague though but murdered, killed fell off etc sounds good to me

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This is needed for the feign death or play dead suggestion, it makes survival tactics more survivable as you can pretend to be dead and they wouldn't know it (because they game didn't say they got killed).

Edited by dra6o0n

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I think it is better not knowing how someone died, or even if they died at all. Im all for realism in this mod and you wouldnt know if someone had died or was injured in real life.

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No kill feed/death messages, but couple this with the "play dead" suggestion and add more helpful "corpse" inspection.

I mean, you could do it graphically to show one corpse's face chewed up vs. a corpse with bullet holes in it, but to do it simply would be to provide a message only on close inspection. The more specific without giving names the better. Starts with "Appears to have died from..."

-"multiple large caliber bullet wounds."

-"a broken spine/neck from a fall."

-"bleeding out due to x, y, or z."

-"uncertain causes. There are no wounds/trauma, so possibly illness, thirst, starvation, or exposure." (also used for those playing dead unless they have been wounded)

-"exploded cranium syndrome."

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^ - This has been suggested but meh, +1, i like that idea more than this pussies original post..

Edited by Auzzii

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You can bitch all you want but this needs to be added until hackers can be dealt with, since such a feature would allow admins to better pick out hackers and report them so they can be banned.

Later on when the issue is solved of course take it away, but until than admins and others need more ways to report the people that ruin this game.

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I want the was killed feature gone and the Murder count in the debug screen to register like 10-15 minutes after the kill, so you'll never know if he's playing dead or really dead

Indeed but I say more like 1 hour instead of 10-15 minutes. I could easily wait 10 min before approaching a body anyway considering he might have friends with him.

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