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Suggestion: Play Dead

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Play Dead: DayZ Suggestion

My suggestion for DayZ is based off of a personal gameplay experience here it is:

I spawned in a fresh character on the outskirts of Cherno and decided to head into the city to gather some loot etc. I headed to the church first as I tend to do when I explore Cherno then to the firestation and finally to the supermarket. It was what happened in the supermarket which inspired me to create this thread. I entered through the back door of the supermarket and began to look around for various general loot when I heard automatic rifle fire from all around. I saw two players shooting at each other both entering from different sides of the supermarket. As i had nowhere to hide or no weapon to defend myself I went prone between the shelves in the hope that they wouldn't see me. They continued to fire at each other until one was dead and the other victorious. To my surprise neither player had noticed me during their firefight and the player who one even decided to look around and see if there was any loot to be found he even walked right past my prone body! It wasn't until after this ordeal that I thought that maybe they thought I was dead and seeing as though they both had good rifles (AK's, M4 etc not sure on a specific gun) decided not to bother looting me. This curious behavior of the other players encouraged me to try this tactics in other crossfire scenario's but unfortunately it never worked again to the same effect.

So now to my suggestion.

My suggestion is that if the dev's could implement a stance that replicates the position a player goes into when he/she are dead (face down in the ground, gun laying in one hand etc) then I believe that this could lead to some interesting new play styles as an unarmed player is not going to want to get into the middle of a firefight and a heavily armed bandit isn't going to bother looting a new player with nothing on him/her. I have no idea how this could be implemented or if it would only be possible in a standalone version but like the name of this post suggests its only a suggestion :P.

Please reply to this topic and let me know what you think of my suggestion. Thanks. :D

[EDIT] Other Features:

Another thing I had forgotten about was that if this was to be implemented to show the difference between dead body and alive player playing dead would be that there would be no flies buzzing around the body, the body could not be looted (only open backpack), You could possibly add a feint heartbeat like the current bandit system whilst looking over a body, No blood and Perhaps a feint breathing coming from the player playing dead. Again these are only suggestions if you can think of others please post them below as i'm interested to hear what others think

Edited by kilsalot
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But then people will be forced to waste their ammo and put a bullet in the head of every survivor on the ground. Not worth it. Nice idea but in the long run is bad.

The word you used there "forced" is not really true if they wanted to be cautious then they would have the "option" of putting a bullet in dead survivors which isn't really a bad thing

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The word you used there "forced" is not really true if they wanted to be cautious then they would have the "option" of putting a bullet in dead survivors which isn't really a bad thing

It's DayZ everyone is paranoid....

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Wouldn't all this be solved if you spawned with the a pistol and 16 rounds?

I like the FD ability, but at the sametime, I see it as a tactic to steal loot from people.

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Wouldn't all this be solved if you spawned with the a pistol and 16 rounds?

I like the FD ability, but at the sametime, I see it as a tactic to steal loot from people.

I guess you'r right in some ways but it would not just be a tool to steal loot but do give new players and combat-incapable players a second chance and for those who fear that they will be shot in the face at the first encounter with players.

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The crowbar is pretty useless, so make everyone spawn with one instead.

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The crowbar is pretty useless, so make everyone spawn with one instead.

Bit off topic but. Hey ho

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But then people will be forced to waste their ammo and put a bullet in the head of every survivor on the ground. Not worth it. Nice idea but in the long run is bad.

I already do that since you can pass out and other things and it's hard to tell if someone is dead. I've had too many people get back up on me, so I make sure they don't anymore.

I think a feign death thing would be great. Agree.

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The reason for a crowbar is as follow:

Makes them at least a 'bit' combat efficient, since a hatchet makes new players deadlier than they are suppose to be.

Teaches them how to make full use of their weapon and rely on stealth, since you can run at zombies with a hatchet.

Also, maybe improve crowbar damage so it has extra damage value versus objects too so you can break barbed wires and sandbags and such, since the intention of crowbar is the ability to 'break' into things.

Well if doors can be boarded up, hatchets and crowbars would be the best thing to break them down.

But yeah play dead would play a role with this too, if the player is lucky enough to survive while doing that.

Because being armed with a crowbar gives you a potential attacking ability to ambush someone after they pass your body... Or when they inspect your body out of curiosity and you get up and WHACK them!

Edited by dra6o0n

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I think there should be a feign death, and I also think that the people faking it should be lootable, because I mean, if someone comes over and they can't loot you, they may put a bullet or an axe into your head to try to get some loot.

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In the end there's two options, get killed, or submit to a "looting". Worth a try. But I'd also like to see a quick evasive left or right at the last minute to give the fainter another chance to get back at the attacker.

Situation one, runner gets hit with one bullet and decides to FD. He gets shot a couple more times and dies, body gets looted.

Situation two, runner gets hit with one bullet and FD. Shooter walks up carefully and loots body, runner decides not to move.

Situation three, runner gets hit, FD. Shooter tells the fallen to not move or they will be killed. Body looted.

Situation four, runner gets hit, FD, preps for evasive last minute ground move. Shooter is careless and walks up, Evasive maneuver works, and shooter is now bleeding or lucky shot to the head kills them.

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In the end there's two options, get killed, or submit to a "looting". Worth a try. But I'd also like to see a quick evasive left or right at the last minute to give the fainter another chance to get back at the attacker.

+1. OP and all of this.

As a survivor, I like any smart tactic to give me a chance. It shouldn't be about shootouts all the time as a survival game.

You should definitely be lootable, and thus make a choice to let them loot you or try to surprise them when they get close and drop their guard.

Couple this with a fix so ammo does not respawn in inventory, and this means the would-be killer has to make a decision whether to potentially waste another bullet or not. That's gameplay, making a decision. That's good.

Good tool against sniping bandits, too. Of course you need to add in/force no kill feed/death messages to make it work and to really make them nervous. Did I really drop that guy when I saw him fall behind that rock/bush or should I be expecting him to come around behind me since now he knows my position?

Good, good, good! Needs to be added!

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+1. OP and all of this.

As a survivor, I like any smart tactic to give me a chance. It shouldn't be about shootouts all the time as a survival game.

You should definitely be lootable, and thus make a choice to let them loot you or try to surprise them when they get close and drop their guard.

Couple this with a fix so ammo does not respawn in inventory, and this means the would-be killer has to make a decision whether to potentially waste another bullet or not. That's gameplay, making a decision. That's good.

Good tool against sniping bandits, too. Of course you need to add in/force no kill feed/death messages to make it work and to really make them nervous. Did I really drop that guy when I saw him fall behind that rock/bush or should I be expecting him to come around behind me since now he knows my position?

Good, good, good! Needs to be added!

Yeah feign death won't work most of the time until that gets implemented since if they intend to shoot you in the first place, they intend to kill you.

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Yeah feign death won't work most of the time until that gets implemented since if they intend to shoot you in the first place, they intend to kill you.

See: long distance shooting, where the intended target can fall out of view behind some cover

See: reduced ammo/no ammo respawn in inventory, making each shot count a bit more

See: mid-range engagement with multiple sides, so when you get shot and feign the shooter has someone else to worry about and overlooks you

See: misunderstanding between survivors shooting at each other, one feigns and the other is happy to be on his merry way rather than risk looting the body

It's simply another option, not guaranteed to work. Running around with a bigger gun is not guaranteed to work, either. It basically poitns a crosshair on you and forces you to be a better shot and/or have eyes in the back of your head capable of spotting a sniper 100 yards away, or dodging bullets.

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I think there should be a feign death, and I also think that the people faking it should be lootable, because I mean, if someone comes over and they can't loot you, they may put a bullet or an axe into your head to try to get some loot.

Good point. :D

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Last time I checked we were humans not dogs.

No one in a real life zombie apocalypse would "play dead".

It gives the player another choice. If you wanted to play dead in a real zombie apocalypse you could. So why not in game?

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