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klabautermann (DayZ)

g36c SD Camo

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i play dayz since 3 or 4 days and today i made my first kill. someone shoot at me and i responsed with my aks-cobra. i killed the guy who shoot at me and found his corpse. he had a "g36c SD Camo" and i picked it up because my guess was it were better than aks. now i was searching for the g36 on the dayz wiki but i cant find the weapon. do anyone know something about this weapon? it looks a bit overskilled to me :P

mfg klabautermann

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That weapon was hacked/scripted into the game. Congrats on killing a hacker (they're garbage scum, and suck dick at the game, hence why they hack), but I would do Chernarus a favor and put that gun on a zombie's corpse and then "Hide Body". Let's not get that weapon in the wrong hands again ay?

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It's not allowed in game. I wouldn't use it at all. Go to a safe place where nobody will pick it up and drop it.

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Just to be on the safe side here, actually DO drop the weapon and don't just say you'll drop it.

No one mentioned you WILL get banned if it's on your character.

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Yeah, your going to want to drop it. Even if it's a beautiful weapon. Look at the magazine, when you shoot the bullets inside it disappear as the mag empties!

But yeah, drop it. Being banned is not fun.

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don't worry. i already droped it like bunnyhillpro told me to do. i didn't know it was a cheater weapon so i picked it up - but i dont wan't to get banned...

thanks for the help

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And that's scary. What if you didn't know? And then you got banned for picking up a weapon off a random dead body. I mean seriously? Does this banning really happen?

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As many have pointed out, Battleye doesn't work in that way, you won't get banned from picking up hacked stuff, as long as you didnt hack it in yourself. At least that is the opinion of many fine folk. Better to be on the safe side though.

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Yes, definitely. BE doesn't ban people like that. But does Rocket have a separate system for banning people?

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That weapon was hacked/scripted into the game. Congrats on killing a hacker (they're garbage scum, and suck dick at the game, hence why they hack), but I would do Chernarus a favor and put that gun on a zombie's corpse and then "Hide Body". Let's not get that weapon in the wrong hands again ay?

That's cool that you do this. I do this with accidentally duped items. Gave a buddy the camo I found because I had a guillie, next time I logged in the camo was still in my inventory. So I burried it with a zed.

I have never found hacker gear, but I supposed you could also just burry the body you find it on.

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As many have pointed out, Battleye doesn't work in that way, you won't get banned from picking up hacked stuff, as long as you didnt hack it in yourself. At least that is the opinion of many fine folk. Better to be on the safe side though.

Someone linked me a source from rocket saying that you will NOT get banned for picking up a hacked gun. You can check my post history to find it. It's in a thread about dayz guides and I posted an link about your account getting flagged for having a hacked weapon in your inventory.

I'm on my phone so finding the post is a ton of work.

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I just had the same experience as OP. I killed a sniper on a hill and looted his corpse. He had the same G36C Camo SD on him, which I took. But as I didn't remember seeing this weapon on the weapon list, I came here to confirm it. Time to burry it. It's a shame since it is such a beautiful weapon.

Couldn't they include a normal non SD version of the G36 into DayZ? Maybe it's not very fitting with the locations though?

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We got a G36cSD off some guy named Crank today. Ended up dropping it after finding out that they are not supposed to be in the game.

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Just to be on the safe side here, actually DO drop the weapon and don't just say you'll drop it.

No one mentioned you WILL get banned if it's on your character.

You wont be banned for having it

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i just got ban because i killing a guy with it and second i picked it up i got ban instantly after :/

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