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A player had mentioned finding "a box" of this style of ammo a few days ago here on the forums.

I for the life of me cannot find it in the spawn menus on dayzdb. Was he just talking shit or are their boxes of 5.56 spawning some where?

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Boxes of STANAG ammo can spawn (quite rare) in the barracks. I've run across it before. I don't remember exact quantities, but I think it had 30 regular STANAG mags and 20 STANAG SD mags.

Edited by Astronomer

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Is the model for the ammo-box part of ArmA 2 CO vanilla or did Rocket add it into DayZ?

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They spawn at helicopter crash sites, and it's not always STANAG ammo. I found SVD ammo, DMR mags, and a few M107 mags as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're a rare spawn in barracks, too.

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So the boxes only spawn in the barracks. Any one else have good luck fining STANAG mags any where else then militart sites?

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A player had mentioned finding "a box" of this style of ammo a few days ago here on the forums.

I for the life of me cannot find it in the spawn menus on dayzdb. Was he just talking shit or are their boxes of 5.56 spawning some where?

My friend and I just found a box of STANAG SG in the town to the North of Elektro, starts with an M. The name escapes me off the top of my head. We are both pretty sure a hacker spawned it and we think we found the hacker that did it. We were making our way to the NW Airfield when we find a guy in a ghillie suit dead and he had 16~!~!~!~! clips of Stanag SD ammo on top of the firehouse. Well, needless to say my friend and I not both have M4A1's and enough ammo to last us a month. :)

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Small off topic question that I just became curious of, does STANAG SD clips effect damage and range?

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Hackers can spawn whatever the fuck they like.

These spawn at crashed heli sites and other military places [i think]; I found one at a heli yesterday.

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They also spawn at heli crash sites

this is it right here. the last heli crash site i went to had 3 boxes of STANAG ammo, and 1 gun (FN FAL AN/PVS-4). 2 boxes were normal, 1 box was STANAG-SD.

felt great to load that all into the truck and save it. well, felt great until the server restarted and the truck with my life in it disappeared.

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