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graphic, is there a trick

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Hi, i just wanted to know if there is a trick to make the game a bit less laggy. im playing on 800x600 with normal texture details and all shaders disabled. the game is not lagging for me. just when I get close to a big town with many loots, buildings and zombies my game starts to get very slow. now my question is, if there maybe is a trick, how i can improve my framerate, without buying a new computer or playing with very low graphic settings.

Edited by Sqad

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Hi, i just wanted to know if there is a trick to make the game a bit less laggy. im playing on 800x600 with normal texture details and all shaders disabled. the game is not lagging for me. just when I get close to a big town with many loots, buildings and zombies my game starts to get very slow. now my question is, if there maybe is a trick, how i can improve my framerate, without buying a new computer or playing with very low graphic settings.

whats the spec's of your pc cant help unless you tells what you got

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If you're playing on 800x600 and you're lagging, maybe you should upgrade from a toaster.

How old is your computer? Bought it back in '98?

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Hi, i just wanted to know if there is a trick to make the game a bit less laggy. im playing on 800x600 with normal texture details and all shaders disabled. the game is not lagging for me. just when I get close to a big town with many loots, buildings and zombies my game starts to get very slow. now my question is, if there maybe is a trick, how i can improve my framerate, without buying a new computer or playing with very low graphic settings.

Hello, welcome to DayZ/Arma

It becomes laggy when you get near big towns as the buildings in Arma take up quite a bit of CPU usage. Unfortunatly there is not much you can do other than turn Object and Terrain Detail down to it's lowest. The best advice is ignore those big towns and head out into the wilderness and attack farm yards, small towns and Deer stands. Out in these areas it is you GPU that is being used more heavily while the CPU gets a bit of a rest :) .

If you want more advice, post your PC specs and your Arma2oa.cfg (found in MyDocuments/Arma2/)

Edited by SeanOfTheDead

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no ^^ i bought it maybe 2-3 years ago. i'm realy not comfortable with all this hardware stuff, so i dont realy no what you need to know. all i know is, that is has 3 GB RAM, but thats all.

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You can gain a bit of performance by opening the task manager while ingame, find the arma process and right click on it. Select set priority and set it to high. It will warn of instability but it's that or nothing really.... Short of over clocking the shit out of it or just upgrading.

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@SeanOfTheDead im trying, but sometimes i just need something from the hospital or the supermarket.

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Click Start, find "Run" click it and type in dxdiag, tell us what it says next to Operating system and Processor. Click the "Display" tab at the top and tell us what it says next to "Name".

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Hi, i just wanted to know if there is a trick to make the game a bit less laggy. im playing on 800x600 with normal texture details and all shaders disabled. the game is not lagging for me. just when I get close to a big town with many loots, buildings and zombies my game starts to get very slow. now my question is, if there maybe is a trick, how i can improve my framerate, without buying a new computer or playing with very low graphic settings.

800x600 is smaller res than on my Ipod hahahahahaha

stop playing on a Pentium 1 with 1.1ghz and 256mb of ram.

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800x600 is smaller res than on my Ipod hahahahahaha

stop playing on a Pentium 1 with 1.1ghz and 256mb of ram.

Can you be any more moronic? Guy asks for help in a polite manner and you act like a child.

OP, without having to sound repetitive the only advise we can really give you is to upgrade. I don't think you have 3gig of ram though, probably 2gig or 4. You should go to the control panel then your system settings and tell us what you got.

Some things such as cleaning up the registry (CCleaner) and making sure you got no spyware and also enough free space on your HDD (the disk icon should be green not red) might speed it up a little, but at the end of the day, upgrading the computer would be the best bet. Arma 2's engine isn't really great tbh (and before a dumbass comes bragging that they get 120 FPS etc, if you really did then another games engine would be getting even more)

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Click Start, find "Run" click it and type in dxdiag, tell us what it says next to Operating system and Processor. Click the "Display" tab at the top and tell us what it says next to "Name".

Do this, it will help us in regards to telling you what you might need to upgrade or possible things to do to increase performance.

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