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Killed a player...server said by friendly fire..

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So as the topic states, I was laying beneath some bushes with the ol' thermal up practicing shots on zombies, when I see a player. They may have just logged in as I didn't see them arrive.

So I proceed to humanely put this person down with a single shot to the head, and the server reports "Snork has killed blahblah (friendly fire)"

I looked at my numbers and neither my murders nor bandit kills went up. I looted everything of value off this guy (unfortunately no primary weapon on him) but I nabbed a toolbox. So I know it was a player..

What's up with this?

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if u kill a player while hes loggin in u get friendlyfire msg without a kill, cuz he was still in loading screen

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Does he actually die? IE "wake up dead" when he logs in?

Or does it save you when you're logging in?

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yeah , you die and have to restart but sometimes it glitches and you spawn with all your old gear

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The only time I had this happen to me, I was in debug for a bit, but when I logged and relogged, I was back on the coast, in a random starting spawn with all of my gear.

You killed the poor guy before he was even loaded in the game. GG?

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I got that too once, on one who was moving around, playing... Killed him, FRIENDLY FIRE... Checked his body... no loot... nothing... no name... nothing... also his vehicles disappeared too...

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Bael, one, I didn't know he was loading.. I was in an area where loot spawns practicing my headshots on zombies at 300 yards when I turn my vision to a nearby building and see his glowing form standing there.

It didn't occur to me to wait and see if he moved before I killed him.

Two, even if I did know he was loading, I probably would have done it anyway. He logged off right outside the control tower at the airfield near Balota. not the best spot ;]

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It happened to me twice - killed a player using AS50 (one shot), got "friendly fire" message but he just dropped down with no corpse left.

And another time I killed the same guy three times in a row, he was just logging back nearby. I disconnected after 3rd time so he wouldn't get behind me by hopping servers. And only one of these shots hit him just after entering the game, So those were hackers I guess.

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