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Train... Hear me out

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I think a good addition to this game would be 1 train on the rail tracks on each server. It would be near impossible to destroy and goes about as fast as a car. clans could try to fight to own the train to move around the map quicker or even people going solo could try to reclaim the train. its only a suggestion so please dont flame :)

Just an idea.

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Idk about people being able to get on the train and drive it but i would like to see a train that just goes around the map and you can't really do anything with it.

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Train should be controlled by AI in my opinion.

Public train that people can jump on.

Stops at every train station to let people off.

Edited by Freezern
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I think its a great idea. Should have to be fixed up and ofc should be a death trap. Vulnerable to bandit attacks.

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........ i would like to see a train that just goes around the map and you can't really do anything with it.

lol why???

if you had that though you could have some kind of trap that ties people to the train lines, you could then force them to talk!

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Realistically I don't see how it would still be operational the world goes to shit.

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Realistically I don't see how it would still be operational the world goes to shit.

If you have to fix it up the same way as you do with cars then its the same concept

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Train should be controlled by AI in my opinion.

Public train that people can jump on.

Stops at every train station to let people off.

Yeah because that makes sense in a zombie apocalypse...

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First off.. if it worked like other cars it'd probably be broken 24/7 and easily camped as it goes on the same route.

Train should be controlled by AI in my opinion.

Public train that people can jump on.

Stops at every train station to let people off.

This would be so easily camped by snipers, or anyone really.

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It would be great for pvp. And because it's stuck to the rails you can't hide it when you go offline!

This. It would provide a slow vulnerable, yet fun form of transportation. Log off? Train's free for the taking. It would be a blast to drive it around, plowing through towns shooting at zombies and/or players as you do.

But it should only be added if it has a whistle that can be heard from miles away, to keep it realisitc, more vulnerable, and entertaining. (Hear a train in the distance, then a bunch of gunfire :P)

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I thought of it first! I made a thread about that a while ago! You have to believe me! And people said it was stupid!

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It would be cool to have a train the just runs somehow and stops in certain areas, so people can hop on and take it if they wanted. Or have it player ran as you've suggested!

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It would be cool to have a train the just runs somehow and stops in certain areas, so people can hop on and take it if they wanted. Or have it player ran as you've suggested!

Once again, it's asking to get camped by snipers.

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I have an Idea, What if the train had Guards on it that would kill you if you tried killing someone on it? As much as I love Banditry, I think that would be a good idea, because Hay, We all need to get somewhere.

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I have an Idea, What if the train had Guards on it that would kill you if you tried killing someone on it? As much as I love Banditry, I think that would be a good idea, because Hay, We all need to get somewhere.

And by guards, I mean AI guards.

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I don't like a train, I can see my legs breaking just for standing on it.

The idea is great and I can't deny that.

The track should be Electro to Berezino, stopping at all stations.

This would also fit in nicely with powered cities.

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I think a good addition to this game would be 1 train on the rail tracks on each server. It would be near impossible to destroy and goes about as fast as a car. clans could try to fight to own the train to move around the map quicker or even people going solo could try to reclaim the train. its only a suggestion so please dont flame :)

Just an idea.

+1 and also should have a few loot piles with the percentage of food and drink and tin cans and such...nothing to good

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Takes an assload to repair it, but could could take a long ass time to damage it to the point where it's immobile. Maybe runs through fuel super fast too, but has a big tank. Requires a lot of effort to get it moving, but when it does it's a good way for large amounts of people to travel relatively fast and safe. Uncontrollable train whistle could also help balance it.

Don't even try to complain about how it'd be a prime sniper target. That's like bitching about campers in any major area, i.e. Cherno/Elektro, NWAF, ect.. Snipers gon' snipe, that doesn't mean anything.

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Don't even try to complain about how it'd be a prime sniper target. That's like bitching about campers in any major area, i.e. Cherno/Elektro, NWAF, ect.. Snipers gon' snipe, that doesn't mean anything.

well said.

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