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I've murdered 110 people, I'm still alive, and i'm coming for your beans...

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All you need is patience if you're using a sniper rifle. That, and relogging for full ammo, ofcourse.

Now, if you were using normal rifles, shotguns, light machine guns - I'd be really impressed.

Curiously, though:

How many times have you combat logged?

BAM! excellent question, I am wondering this as well. :P

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See, anyone can sit there and snipe noobs, which you are clearly doing to get 110 kills. Go kill real people, the same gear as you or better, and you will probably die after 5 kills lol.

Not realy. Im hunting those guys for days now and most of them alt+f4 when i engage an kill one of there mates. Thats so sad :(

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Its very easy to see, that this guys is a noobbasher. He kills people without any good loot. He must kill them near the spawn. Because he just has 5 bandits kills. There you can see that hes killing innocent people, maybe noobs. People who are silly anyways, i dont care about them and im in the NW, no noob ever goes there, they love their coast and their firestations in cherno and elektro.

But who cares? Let him do what he wants, dont blame him for being a noobhunter.

Its Day Z, you need to deal with these guys.

If you dont want to meet such campers, dont go to camperspots (coastline). Its easy. I life since more than 40 days. Ive got 2 Bandit kills and just 9 murders. And im happy with my high end shit. Just the coast is like a mindless pvp zone, everything else is cool. So if you dont want to get killed by spawncamping bitches, dont camp around the spawnarea and team up, because if youre alone, youre an easy bait.

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You can be sure he wouldn't have that many if he had to go up against someone at close combat in a field.

Sitting in a bush or tower sniping noobs and login out at any sign of aggro isn't gaming dude (and yes im assuming).

I rarely get above 4 because we take people on face to face

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ITT: cyber badasses thinking their style of playing DayZ is superior to everyone else's.

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I dont mind being killed if somebody wants my good loot or if I am a danger to them. Thats fine.

I do hate those sons of bitches who keep camping in busy places just to kill for the kill, and nothing else. The same goes for this prick. Whoo-Fucking-Doo, you got 5 bandit kills. Thats great. For the rest you are probably sniping fresh spawns or survivors with just a hatchet which you wont even loot. No skills whatsoever.

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Someone will kill me eventually.... chill.

You know some of you take this far too seriously...

Oh well anyways, I'm uploading a very short video to youtube to show that my kill count is real as somebody requested it. I've only got the trial of fraps so there isn't a lot of customisation.

I dont mind being killed if somebody wants my good loot or if I am a danger to them. Thats fine.

I do hate those sons of bitches who keep camping in busy places just to kill for the kill, and nothing else. The same goes for this prick. Whoo-Fucking-Doo, you got 5 bandit kills. Thats great. For the rest you are probably sniping fresh spawns or survivors with just a hatchet which you wont even loot. No skills whatsoever.

I find it ironic that your name is "iLikeNoobies".... Just saying...

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I dont mind being killed if somebody wants my good loot or if I am a danger to them. Thats fine.

I do hate those sons of bitches who keep camping in busy places just to kill for the kill, and nothing else. The same goes for this prick. Whoo-Fucking-Doo, you got 5 bandit kills. Thats great. For the rest you are probably sniping fresh spawns or survivors with just a hatchet which you wont even loot. No skills whatsoever.


Someone will kill me eventually.... chill.

You know some of you take this far too seriously...

Oh well anyways, I'm uploading a very short video to youtube to show that my kill count is real as somebody requested it. I've only got the trial of fraps so there isn't a lot of customisation.

I find it ironic that your name is "iLikeNoobies".... Just saying...

You're scum and we're coming for you. And by we, I mean me. <3

Edited by Ceddya
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The name came from the time I was pwning noobies in other FPS's.

But seriously, let the survivors with hatchets or Makarov's who dont even see you walk. They dont oppose a threat to you so why kill them? The loot is prolly useless.

Like I said: I dont mind you killing people for the good loot or if they are a threat. But with 110 murders and only 5 bandits kills... Well... No way you looted them all or they were all shooting at you. Dont expect any respect from me. If you had 70+ Bandits killed, you are the man!

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no way you have over a hundred murders and only 5 bandit kills. There is no way to distinguish between survivors and bandits, and with everybody being trigger happy, EVERYBODY is a bandit. You count should be at least 50/50.

I smell Photoshop

Unless you sit on the coast and just snipe spawns.

Edited by vulfy

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You're scum and we're coming for you. And by we, I mean me. <3

lol, he gave you beans for this. shut up and take my beans!

also, me too. i'm coming for you, Xiroth!

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100 murders, and only 5 bandit kills? Sounds to me like some spawn camping.

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What do you want, a cookie? Is this what the cool kids are doing nowadays? I bet you smoke in the boy's room to, and tell all your friends how you "pwn n00bs cuz I iz ub3r l33t" I think I'll go find something that I care about more than this to look at....like the wall. Or the floor. Or my feet maybe.

i enjoy watching paint dry and grass grow its boring but furfilling in the end :rolleyes:

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lol, he gave you beans for this. shut up and take my beans!

also, me too. i'm coming for you, Xiroth!

It would be an honor to die by your bullet..... That is unless my bullet finds you first ;)

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Looks like some of the kills are from noob bashing, but still, that is a whole lot of solid work. You'll have my beans as soon as we get the video as proof ;)

Many of the good sniping spots on the coast can be pretty dangerous. Last time my crew went to grief in cherno/elektro, we got teleported behind 3-4 times and experienced one total party kill in the process. Did get to swarm back on the area in noob gear and get our stuff back with winchesters etc. but still, it can be fatal business even with experienced support and top notch gear.

Btw. OP, what kind of support do you run with usually? Spotters, cover team? Or do you go solo? Do you hunt coast or maybe Stay Sober, NW and Berezino?

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i hope you know killing people who just spawned and do not even have a hatchet or crow bar does not count.

as does finding a group of people then alt + F4ing to get around them and then ambushing them.

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Keep it up OP, get 200 and break my record.

currently im at 60 ish kills in 10 days, NOT camping chern/elektro.

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Looks like some of the kills are from noob bashing, but still, that is a whole lot of solid work. You'll have my beans as soon as we get the video as proof ;)

Many of the good sniping spots on the coast can be pretty dangerous. Last time my crew went to grief in cherno/elektro, we got teleported behind 3-4 times and experienced one total party kill in the process. Did get to swarm back on the area in noob gear and get our stuff back with winchesters etc. but still, it can be fatal business even with experienced support and top notch gear.

Btw. OP, what kind of support do you run with usually? Spotters, cover team? Or do you go solo? Do you hunt coast or maybe Stay Sober, NW and Berezino?

Thanks! You know considering i've been alive over 24 days now, that's roughly 5 murders a day on average... not exactly outrageous.

I agree many of the "good" known sniping spots on the coast are in fact extremely dangerous, which is why I never go to them... I try to think of spots people would least expect to be attacked from, and go there. Sometimes it's 800m away, other times is 100m away. That being said no particular spot is perfect and i've been shot at / shot numerous times, i've just been lucky in the sense that it hasn't been with a high enough calibre weapon and i've always had my buddys to back me up.

We usually run as a group of 4, if we need to split / cover each other its groups of 2 where each individual stays around 20-50m apart, and about 200m from other team. We are all pretty dynamic due to gear we've obtained over time and can fulfil a number of roles each when needed. However as a general rule one will wield a sniper rifle, the other a LMG / Assault rifle. the Assault takes on the role of spotter and range finds for the sniper, but the sniper is also carrying an assault rifle / LMG and can switch if enemies close by are spotted and the extra suppression / firepower.

As far as where? We're always mobile. One day we'll hit up Berezino & the NEAF, the next NWAF, Lopatino & Vybor, the day after Cherno & Elektro, then Stary / Novy Sobor etc etc.

Aaaanyways, If you want to know more i'll be happy to tell you if you shoot me a PM, or anyone for that matter. Not saying i'm the best player ever and we are the best crew or whatever, but it seems to be working for me / us so far.

Very short video coming soon.

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Thanks! You know considering i've been alive over 24 days now, that's roughly 5 murders a day on average... not exactly outrageous.


Aaaanyways, If you want to know more i'll be happy to tell you if you shoot me a PM, or anyone for that matter. Not saying i'm the best player ever and we are the best crew or whatever, but it seems to be working for me / us so far.

Was kinda curious, is all. What you are doing sounds a lot like what me and my crew have been doing. You just seem to do it better ;)

I've been having trouble finding prey even though I've been travelling near the hot spots. I'm happy if our squad gets a kill per hour, but it's often more like a kill per 2-3 hours. Could be related to different kind of server crowd or something. We don't do Cherno or Elektro that much though.

Also, I've been more of a squad leader, scout and spotter than the sniper, so my kill ratios are modest! I prefer to run L85A2 AWS thermal for most of my work, carry a rangefinder and usually have a Barret/AS50 in my backpack for "reaching out and touching someone". Sadly it is me calling out targets and ranges and confirming my squad mates' kills ;)

You didn't mention thermal in your messages, I think... Is your squad not carrying one?

EDIT: I only play on hardcore servers with no 3rd person, name tags or crosshairs!

Edited by Squirreli

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