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Being a bandit is sometimes fun :D

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So i was at the balota airfield, only had a makarov and 2 mags but was lucky enough to find an AKM and 3 mags for it in one of the hangars. Finally i went to the ATC tower and when i opened the door i was met with a barbedwire, i was thinking "Well, again some idiot was bored" so i went around and took the ladder. As i was climbing the ladder i noticed a survivor crouching in the tower but he didnt notice me. When i got up i started to crouch walk and to my surprise there was a 2nd guy lying on the floor and both were aiming at the staircase (apparently they heard my makarov shots while i was fighting off some zombies and didnt know that the main entrance was blocked. So i switched to my AKM, went to full auto and both got about 5 bullets to the head without the chance to react :)

The loot? M4 CCO SD (4 mags), M9SD (3mags), AK-74 Kobra (about 4 mags), and other goodies like a NVG, Rangefinder, GPS

Edited by Sathel
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enjoyed the loot a lot until i got spawn killed just when i logged in -_- well still raided cherno with my friends and got about 3 unlucky souls that showed up infront of my barrel

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