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Somebody come kill me please.

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Since somehow flying off of a watch tower and landing between some tank traps, I'm now stuck lying on the floor at Balota airfield in FR 60.

Literally just laid with no ability to move, reload, shoot, anything. There's a G17 and about 5 smoke grenades in it for you.

Just look for me laid down in the tank traps near the north west watch tower.

Also I can't respawn because rocket disabled it entirely lololol.

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Oh thats gotta suck, if nobody saves you... Your entire DayZ game is ruined...

It's more a highlight that the game is broken and we need the respawn button.

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Ouch unlucky :( I had a similer issue when i went over some rocks and got stuck but managed to crawl a bit then stand and crawl a bit until i was eventully free.

The respawn button should be back but with a time limit on how many times it can be used :)

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you poor thing just fire all your bullets into the sky you will get someone then unless you can't shoot

Don't mistake this for a genuine winge post. It's an alpha, there are bugs, I just wish the respawn button was changed, not eradicated.

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It's more a highlight that the game is broken and we need the respawn button.

Don't eat. Go on a hunger strike. It's the new respawn.

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maybe try another server?

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my pal had a similar experience yesterday, but instead of falling down, the toilet-door of doom broke his legs.

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just turn around while prone, you'll break your legs within 10 seconds :P

seriously - wtf is with the prone button? sometimes after pressing your character seems to poise and then spring off a swan dive about 2 metres forwards.

if you do this in a deer stand - you fly out of the window. it happened to me once, but luckily i didn't get injured somehow.

i don't remember mapping 'Z' to self-defenestration.

Edited by tarquinbb

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Good news guys, I got out! For some reason it decided to let me move.

So I climbed a ladder, found an AKM with two mags, went back down the ladder and as I tried to walk off again, my leg broke. So now I'm crawling to Cherno. Woo!

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I'm stuck at the same airstrip with an AKM and <1k blood, let's go on a suicide mission!

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I wanted to die earlier ingame, was completley lost. Tree upon tree as far as the eye could see. So in the end I died of dehydration which took feckin ages to make my health go down I was making breakfast whilst I died :D

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Fucking excellent! Just crawled to the north hospital in Cherno from Balota, with 2,000 blood - two G17 magazines and a full clip of AK ammo wouldn't smash the window. Zombies quickly knew where I was and came and battered me to death.

Thanks to the 'collapse and after three tries I'll wake up again' bug I couldn't fight back.

Marvellous! What a waste of time that was.

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Fucking excellent! Just crawled to the north hospital in Cherno from Balota, with 2,000 blood - two G17 magazines and a full clip of AK ammo wouldn't smash the window. Zombies quickly knew where I was and came and battered me to death.

Thanks to the 'collapse and after three tries I'll wake up again' bug I couldn't fight back.

Marvellous! What a waste of time that was.

get a tin can, its not like there are none lying around....

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get a tin can, its not like there are none lying around....

Not a problem, respawned 2 minutes away from my body, got my gear back and stocked up using the box on the roof. :D

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So less than 2 hours after you made this thread saying your stuck and we need a respawn you're fully geared from the hospital in cherno.

Good to know chicken little.

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Something worse happened to me. I was on the rooftop of the Electro school when server crashed. After relog i found myself trapped between the walls, two floors down in a room that's not accessible. I've reported it in the troubelshooting section but I guess that there is only one guy that can help me and he's been offline now for some time. I agree with you guys - its an alpha version so removing the respawn button was a big mistake. One one hand developers keep repeating "its an alpha so dont complain" but they also want to make a "realistic zombie apocalypse symulator" by removing respawn option. Something doesn't match here.

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Change server, move out onto the airfield, stand up and it will only be a matter of time before someone comes and kills you

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