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Looking for an extra teammember [mic-only]

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Hey guys, [CLOSED]

We are looking for a new member for in our squad, but there are some things you should know before posting. We only want mature people in this squad, this also means that we are not playing all day like most people do (we got jobs and a life as well). We are with 3 peepz now, but we are experienced and we like some good organised attacks. Further information, we look for mic-users and mostly europeans.

Post your skype-name, age and country down below so i can add you to our mainchat.

TheFudge ;D

Edited by TheFudge

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Hey there. I'm looking for practically anyone to play with. I'm 18 year old boy from Slovakia, spidey222 is my skype :)

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Skype: "Xpletive_"

Could you also tell in wich timezone you are? sometimes it's possible.

For the other 2, i send an invite.

Edited by TheFudge

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