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Looking for plays in Japan or around about area

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Ok just checked. I usually hit the top couple of servers with the best ping. So KR Pusan. Doesn't seem to find me any Japanese servers.

What servers you usually on?

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Im in Tokyo - usually hit SG #500 (I like having 3DP) but I'd be happy to do KR Pusan. I just got whacked actually by a wookie sniper camping the furtherest possible deer stand on the map so I'm starting new... what's your steam ID?

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Im an Austrian guy living in Seoul right now. I usually join the servers with best ping too (SG 500, KR Pusan,..). Would like to team up with you. I could probably get us a TS3 channel. Just PM me :)

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Hey! I've been playing for a week now. Went full retard with this game. I live in Tokyo. Please PM me with you want to team up.

nickname: ShigZ

skype: ShigueS

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