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Night time doesn't serve a purpose

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and that would be exploiting

How is using the game's built in settings 'exploiting'? That's easily the stupidest thing I've read today, good job little buddy.

And I quite like night time for raiding as long as my blood's nice and high. Full brightness, gamma 1.2 and a fresh spawn's set to loot Cherno dry while everyone's busy with the NW airfield or somewhere similar.

Edited by mZLY
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Since when am I afraid of change?

Bitching here isnt going to make it better though. Rockets going to do what he wants to do. Maybe hell add things you like, maybe he wont, either way bitching and complaining isnt going to change anything. If you dont like the game now, dont fucking play it. Come back some other time, and maybe you will like it.

Blowing Rocket on the forums isn't going to get you a date with him either.

If you don't agree with the OP say so and gtfo of the thread. You are just trolling now.

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You are a dumbass and its people like you that will drive this game into the ground. You're just one of those people within every niche mod that seems to think everything about it is divine. If you honestly think that it isn't a problem that people all simultaneously leave a server when it goes night, then you are a a dipshit. If you think that people who go on a day server to get NVGs and then go to a night server to take advantage of that loophole, then you are a dipshit. Basically, you do believe these things, so in fact you are a massive dipshit.

Well i must admit that was a nice attempt at insulting my comment but you failed and missed some important details. This thread is not about removing the exploits of night, its about removing night all together. You fail to realize this is a simulator. It simulates an Apocalyptic scenario. In an apocalypse there is gonna be a night no? Now im saying we should remove said exploits and not which makes this game realistic. But you failed to realize this and jumped the gun. As i said earlier no one is forcing you to play in a nighttime server. If you don't like nighttime or simulation games you can either move on to a different server, Stop playing this game, Or move on to CoD because it seems you would fit there much better.

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Well i must admit that was a nice attempt at insulting my comment but you failed and missed some important details. This thread is not about removing the exploits of night, its about removing night all together. You fail to realize this is a simulator. It simulates an Apocalyptic scenario. In an apocalypse there is gonna be a night no? Now im saying we should remove said exploits and not which makes this game realistic. But you failed to realize this and jumped the gun. As i said earlier no one is forcing you to play in a nighttime server. If you don't like nighttime or simulation games you can either move on to a different server, Stop playing this game, Or move on to CoD because it seems you would fit there much better.

You are a fucking idiot.

You realize Call of Duty is a completely different game right? I mean you could have said Skyrim maybe. Or Stalker. But no Call of Duty.

In fact, at least in Call of Duty the guns actually hit people and you don't get killed by snipers every time you die.

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The day night cycle is fine. I still think NVG and Thermal being a server option might encourage players to play at night more. Playing at night is a lot of fun but it comes at a huge cost.

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myself and the clan I play with LOVE night time.

why? scavenging for loot is easier. we all have night vision, and it makes picking off any noobs running round with chemlights or flares a piece of cake. and generally while it's in night phase there's less players who hack... dunno why, just appears they stick to the daylight servers for some reason.

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Look the game's fun, but it has its problems and they need to be addressed if they're going to be fixed. You people that bash those who want to give constructive feedback and/or suggestions are hurting the game, not helping it.

The thing is, Rocket doesnt give a shit. Maybe its a bad thing, maybe its a good thing. In the end, hes going to create the game he wants to create. That might mean everyone but him hates it, but if thats what happens, thats what happens.

Hes not really reading the forums to see what people like, and what people hate. Read the "Rocket says" thread, he goes into good detail that hes trying to make an "anti-game". In the end, maybe DayZ will be the worst piece of shit ever created, who knows. Doesnt really matter I suppose, as another game just like DayZ is coming out soon. Go look up "WarZ", if Rocket ruins DayZ, there will always be that.

Blowing Rocket on the forums isn't going to get you a date with him either.

If you don't agree with the OP say so and gtfo of the thread. You are just trolling now.

I dont give a shit if Rocket personally makes an announcement to the forums that he wants me dead. Im not "blowing" him, Im relaying the shit he said to fuckasses like you cant spend a few minutes to see why your requests wont be a reality.

Also, you need to learn the definition of trolling. Pointing out why night isnt going to change isnt trolling.

In fact, at least in Call of Duty the guns actually hit people and you don't get killed by snipers every time you die.

Guns hit people in ARMA2/DayZ. Learn how to use bullet drop. And whats that talk about not getting killed by snipers every time you die? Half the fucking user base uses snipers exclusively for quick scoping montages. If anything, youre more likely to die by a sniper playing CoD.

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You are a fucking idiot.

You realize Call of Duty is a completely different game right? I mean you could have said Skyrim maybe. Or Stalker. But no Call of Duty.

In fact, at least in Call of Duty the guns actually hit people and you don't get killed by snipers every time you die.

Sounds like you're just bad and crying about guns being realistic, you being bad, and snipers owning you.

Edited by Blindingsun

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You are a fucking idiot.

You realize Call of Duty is a completely different game right? I mean you could have said Skyrim maybe. Or Stalker. But no Call of Duty.

In fact, at least in Call of Duty the guns actually hit people and you don't get killed by snipers every time you die.

Oh im the idiot. Once again you failed to read what i said. I mentioned call of duty because that game is not a realistic simulator. And since you oppose to realistic simulators like this game. I suggested CoD because people like you would fit in that community much better. Please examine people statements before making a completely irrelevant one. /thread

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Well i must admit that was a nice attempt at insulting my comment but you failed and missed some important details. This thread is not about removing the exploits of night, its about removing night all together. You fail to realize this is a simulator. It simulates an Apocalyptic scenario. In an apocalypse there is gonna be a night no? Now im saying we should remove said exploits and not which makes this game realistic. But you failed to realize this and jumped the gun. As i said earlier no one is forcing you to play in a nighttime server. If you don't like nighttime or simulation games you can either move on to a different server, Stop playing this game, Or move on to CoD because it seems you would fit there much better.

This thread is about removing night all together? How big of a dipshit are you exactly? I made this thread and I'm fairly certain it was about adjusting the night cycle to IMPROVE upon it. Pretty sure I know what the OP said because I'm the one who said it? DING DING DING HERE COMES THE CLUEMOBILE, looks like they missed your stop! You failed to realize that by YOU not reading my entire post, you may be the one who jumped the gun. Wow you are very ignorant.

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i always go to night servers when i'm hitting a big loot spawn. reduces the chance of getting killed greatly, as noobs can't camp on hills with their lee enfield, because you can't see. only hackers/experienced players with NVGs can see at night.

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I prefer night time servers over day time. Zombies are much much harder to agro, and you're harder to be seen by other players. Plus it add to the immersion. Night time servers are freakier.

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Not true . Night time is a special and totally diffrent game play. Who takes the time to play it like it should will get a very intensive game experience. I think its great to have the real life day and night cycle on the servers!

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Yes, unfortunately when people find themselves on a night time server, they often disconnect. However, for the people who stay, it's almost an advantage. When I find myself on a night time server, its much easier to scavenge the larger cities due to lack of players and its easier to avoid both players and zombies. Night time servers are often less populated, but saying night time serves no purpose is ridiculous. Night time servers still usually have a reasonable amount (20-30) and sometimes more. And you spawn with a goddam flashlight its not that hard to see.

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Yes, unfortunately when people find themselves on a night time server, they often disconnect. However, for the people who stay, it's almost an advantage. When I find myself on a night time server, its much easier to scavenge the larger cities due to lack of players and its easier to avoid both players and zombies. Night time servers are often less populated, but saying night time serves no purpose is ridiculous. Night time servers still usually have a reasonable amount (20-30) and sometimes more. And you spawn with a goddam flashlight its not that hard to see.

Using it is securing a quick death however.

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Oh you're smart, what a clever reply. You've completely debunked my whole statement with that one sentence, gosh don't I feel dumb? Silly me I should have realized such a simpe solution. It's not like they're one of the rarest items in the game, which means if you are lucky enough to get them you'll probably be dead before you can use them. Hah infact it's so strange that all servers on during the night are always depopulated with such a simple fix! Thanks professor dipshit where would I be without you!

turn up gamma, brightness and put HDR up to very high you can now see at night.

also night servers are not always depopulated. its not unusual to find night servers with 15 or 20 players.

But that's really not the point. If it gets dark on the server your on, and your panties aren't night time rated, go to another server. fixed. done.

DayZ isn't Burgerking. You don't get to have it your way because you're not used to dealing with adversity

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turn up gamma, brightness and put HDR up to very high you can now see at night.

Your soup has a fly in it? Learn to like the taste of flies or don't eat your soup! Problem solved! Except, not really, is it?

I don't like that the day-night cycle is so long. I think 90 minutes of day and 30 minutes of night would be a nice cycle. It would help the game be more dynamic and not be so forceful so that people could just learn to adapt to it instead of avoiding it.

I'm only stating an opinion so no need to tell me what Rocket can and can't do with the Arma engine.

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Your soup has a fly in it? Learn to like the taste of flies or don't eat your soup! Problem solved! Except, not really, is it?

I don't like that the day-night cycle is so long. I think 90 minutes of day and 30 minutes of night would be a nice cycle. It would help the game be more dynamic and not be so forceful so that people could just learn to adapt to it instead of avoiding it.

I'm only stating an opinion so no need to tell me what Rocket can and can't do with the Arma engine.

Cool, pretty much everyone agrees that day and night would be better if it wasnt matched in real time. Doesnt change the fact that its not going to happen in the mod. Maybe when its stand alone, or maybe WarZ will do it, but its a pretty moot opinion right now.

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Yeas, please do! It is so hard to see a person with a flare in his hands. And don't forget to make fireplace at the middle of the field too, just to be sure you are safe

Yes, as anyone that has played Day Z for more than a few hours, would do that,,

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This thread is bad.

1. I live in the middle of nowhere. There's is a good sized forest and corn fields in my backyard. And I am a 15 minute drive from the nearest town. And even on the cloudiest winter night, it is nowhere near as dark as this games night time.

2. Night time has a purpose and once your character is tied to a server and you can't server hop to another one, you will start seeing it's purpose.

3. Saying rocket is like Notch is laughable. Notch built minecraft using Java, because he had no idea how to program any other way. Rocket works for Bohemia as a programmer. Chances are he is much better at programming then Notch.

4. Stop getting butthurt at people telling you your ideas are stupid. Your ideas are stupid. Sorry.

5. Stop bringing up CoD. The only thing these two games have in common is they both involve shooting things.

Edited by bassist05

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Night time is great. I can sprint around due to there only being 3-5 people in the server, zombies are even more stupid (even with this patch they can see well in the dark though) and it's great to loot dangerous places. All of this x100 when you have NVG.

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Here's another new guy bitching about night time.

Yes night is very dark but it also allows for you to be sneakier seeing as how zeds can't see at night also you can't be spotted by snipers as easily.

Night serves a purpose if you're not very sneaky and you want easy loot.

night servers are the best to scavenge on, zombies dont see you!

Yeah, zombies can't see you.

BUT they still aggro and seek/destroy you if you make more than 1 bar of noise.

This game has made me rage because of this. I've turned the gamma all the way up, so I could see blobs and movement, and there were no zombies around (I was on the coast, away from any cities) when I started to crouch-jog, and low and behold a zed flies out of nowhere and freaks on me.

I figure, no problem I"ll just sneak away quietly and he will lose me, right?


He manages to find me even while I'm prone and stationary behind a tree after booking it out of his LoS.

I don't mind most stuff in this game, but this aggro issue has to be the worst I've come across.

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Yeah, zombies can't see you.

BUT they still aggro and seek/destroy you if you make more than 1 bar of noise.

This game has made me rage because of this. I've turned the gamma all the way up, so I could see blobs and movement, and there were no zombies around (I was on the coast, away from any cities) when I started to crouch-jog, and low and behold a zed flies out of nowhere and freaks on me.

I figure, no problem I"ll just sneak away quietly and he will lose me, right?


He manages to find me even while I'm prone and stationary behind a tree after booking it out of his LoS.

I don't mind most stuff in this game, but this aggro issue has to be the worst I've come across.

Yeah there hearing turns supersonic at night. I was crouch running in the woods and some zombie was about 30-40 meters behind me and aggroed. I had 1 bar of noise. -_-

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Be reminded that realism should not detract from gameplay.

Be reminded? By who? The BF/COD proletariat? We have surely lots to learn from them. Realism should directly deduct from "gameplay" and be realistic. That's what the audience who buy this kind of product want. I find that night servers have about 10 or so ppl on normally. I also don't play them because I am lucky to survive long enough to get an AK nevermind NV goggles. But there's no reason to come on here and slate the awesome real-time system in Arma. Some people actually seem to be enjoying it anyway so let em i say

Besides, its not "realistic" that a stick of morphine will somehow heal a broken leg and allow you to continue your 10 kilometer trek across hilly forest terrain, but it does in this game because otherwise it'd be stupid.

It beats a chucking med packs over and and over at people who just stand there holding down fire? It beats dropping to the ground and zapping someone with paddles who just got shot, then getting back up all within 1 second? It's relatively realistic, so it is therefore realistic. There are multiple kinds of injury and multiple kinds of treatment - the complexity is the realism. The patience required is the realism.

Edit: If you are just getting mad every time a character eventually loads and it is on a server at night time i can understand that is annoying. You should use DayZ Commander, which has a Day Time only server setting. No more griefs..

Edited by Clatterbridge

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Be reminded? By who? The BF/COD proletariat? We have surely lots to learn from them. Realism should directly deduct from "gameplay" and be realistic. That's what the audience who buy this kind of product want. I find that night servers have about 10 or so ppl on normally. I also don't play them because I am lucky to survive long enough to get an AK nevermind NV goggles. But there's no reason to come on here and slate the awesome real-time system in Arma. Some people actually seem to be enjoying it anyway so let em i say

It beats a chucking med packs over and and over at people who just stand there holding down fire? It beats dropping to the ground and zapping someone with paddles who just got shot, then getting back up all within 1 second? It's relatively realistic, so it is therefore realistic. There are multiple kinds of injury and multiple kinds of treatment - the complexity is the realism. The patience required is the realism.

Hey goof, a game can be as realistic as it wants to be but if it's not fun then who gives a fuck. Yes using morphine to magically heal bones is "relatively" realistic to say, healing over time for no reason. NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Way to miss the point. My point was if you can heal bones with morphine, and that's fine and dandy, then what would be SO TERRIBLE about having shorter day/night cycles to make people want to play during the night? Instead they server hop and thats OK with you? It's not a matter of patience, its a matter of no one playing on night servers. Sure people say they do and its fairly common, yet somehow I have YET to find one server with more than 2-3 people on them. Hmmm I think someone might be lying and/or full of shit?

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